TNR Happenings August 31, 2020

TNR Happenings 8.31

Head-to-Heads are in demand!

Imagine you’re living on a planet that is in upheaval and the people cannot see they brought it on themselves. Like the emperor; does the guy have clothes on or is he naked? It depends upon your resonation and awareness. Society sees the pollution all around but conveniently forgets it was us who caused the pollution. Imagine having endangered animals and people not understanding (or wanting to understand) it was us who hunted them into extinction (buffalo/tigers/etc.) and stole their habitat. We have been mandated to wear masks which is like putting up chain link fencing to stop the spread of mosquitoes. Yet so many people don't question the logic. People aren’t ready to receive the truth any more than when Socrates was killed for telling the truth. Because all of this craziness is going on, I have had lots of inquires about Head-to-Heads  Get them while they are hot. There has never been a time that will challenge all you know to be true. It is so easy to lose your resonation by the overall weight of negativity, passivism, and skepticism. If you want insulation in an insane world, have a Head-to-Head and then another, then another. I was also asked if I would do a Head-to-Head with a spouse of a TNR member. The answer is yes. Don’t be so naïve to think a pandemic doesn't put stress on your relationships, no matter how great you believe them to be. Spouses need the broad strokes of TNR principles to make sense out of a senseless world.


Practice tip of the week

Stop attempting to help people who put conditions on you helping them. In a state that doesn’t mandate wearing a mask, a new patient asked, “Would you wear a mask for me?" Right then and there, the rubber meets the road. It seems like such a benign request, doesn’t it? After all, it’s all about the practice member, right? WRONG! You are entering the zone of the slippery slope. Don’t answer the question and instead tell them the truth, "I don’t know if I can help you." Isn’t it the same when a person asks you how much does an adjustment cost? It’s simply the wrong question, it’s out of sequence, and it’s being rude although they don’t realize it. Instead say, "I will meet you in person and have a consult to see if your health goals and commitment levels match up with mine. If I believe I can help you, I will accept the case and outline your care, fees, levels of commitment, etc." Don’t mistake kindness for a lack of leadership. If a practice member sets conditions for you to care for them, next it’s religion, medical procedures, politics, etc. Stay in your lane.


Guest article by TNR member

Here is a member who has their pulse on the new normal that is stalking all alphas and leaders who think for themselves and dare to speak a view that is based on truth and not a political party. Dissenting views to the largest hoax in history are treated as heretics. They face board reviews, license revocation, Facebook videos being taken down, etc. Isn't that’s kind of like being burned at the stake for today’s beta society?

Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for insisting the earth revolves around the sun, not the other way around. Galileo caved and recanted his views to save his ass and only suffered house arrest. Socrates was made to drink poison after he was given a chance to be banished and save his life but he refused. However, one of his students, Plato, emerged and made it his life’s work to see that his teacher's views (Socrates') served the world and were not buried or censored. Prosperity and having a dissenting view have now become an enemy of the people. Aside from the cute title of this insightful article which is a play on words from the Green Book, The Bigness of the Fellow Within, there is a profound seriousness to what’s at stake in the new order: you will be asked or forced to participate in smallness and do what you’re told. Everything you now participate in will be restricted or taken away if you don’t comply with the mass hysteria. Prosperity is one of the targeted concepts. After all, without wealth, you are dependent on your new parents and bosses. Kids entering school will join the smallness party. The restrictions and messages you are sending them are criminal. If driving a car you will join the smallness party or you won’t have a license. Air travel will consist of all of the comrade restrictions. New chemical solutions are being produced that have biomarkers for you to be tracked for the rest of your life. If receiving medical care you will join the smallness party. If you receive elective or emergency care you must be tested and enter the system, exactly like entering the system as a criminal. Two traits that signal this changing of the guard are superficiality and sentimentality. Never give your all to anything and don't reminisce about the ‘good ole’ days. Quitting is encouraged and sympathy is offered to all who don’t measure up. There is nothing good about the past or the present, it’s what you make of it. Not being initiated into the world of adulthood to become an Alpha ultra-success, with no leadership and not thinking for oneself, makes you a part of the smallness party. In every political movement in the past, from the Nazis to socialism, communism, etc., the doctors, artists, and educated were the first to be rounded up. Their freedom was seized unless they joined the smallness party and complied with the orders and mandates of the state. They are the only ones with dissident voices, the rank and file sheep will do as they are told.


The Smallness of the Fellow Without

Going through chiropractic school it's so easy to get caught up in the consciousness of seminar groups and mindsets of limitation and lack. Cultures where the wounds are glorified and the box on the wall is encouraged. This “minimalist” movement is actually more of a “smallness” movement in order to avoid responsibility and dealing with our own shit. In the past, there used to be a measuring of dicks for who made more money and saw more people. Now it's about competing to see who has the worst wounds, the most tragic stories in order to win the biggest award for self-pity.

A kid I worked with quite a bit in chiropractic school, one who attended an underground TNR dog and pony show, recently posted on social media about how he had sold nearly all of his belongings with the exceptions of a portable adjusting table, some clothes, and a few random objects. He said he got rid of everything that wasn’t necessary for him and he was packing up in his van for a journey towards the west coast in order to “find himself”. This man is a Doctor of Chiropractic and took the same oath as I and so many others did to serve to our highest capacity. His post was overwhelmed with congratulatory compliments and support from enablers around the country. Thus, encouraging that somehow smallness serves humanity, but who does it really serve?

Have you ever spent much time around young children? Mostly infants as they begin to walk and develop more motor control. Do they ever play small? Do they ever only play with one toy at a time in one small area of a larger room? No. Children always fill the space of the room no matter what size. Whether it is a cardboard box or a large family room, my nephew drags out all of his toys and disperses them almost evenly over the entire floor. And the best part is, he doesn’t think twice about it. All children are born relentless but taught to relent. Being small is a learned concept. Have you ever seen a child give up in their pursuit to learn how to crawl, walk, or talk? No. It's not until the petty doubts and limitations get foisted on their true potential reminding them to play it safe, not reach too far, and for the love of God don’t stand out or make a scene.

I, like so many others, have fallen into this trap of smallness. How many times have we heard the rags to riches stories about the person who was homeless, sleeping on park benches, and eating out of trash cans become a successful millionaire? Don’t get me wrong, they are tremendous stories of relentless effort, struggle, and courage, but somewhere the wound has gotten more glorified than the journey to success. I felt almost as if I was unworthy of success because I wasn’t homeless or the product of some tragic childhood circumstance. Smallness is a lie, a lack of truth. Much like dis-ease is the absence of health, smallness is the absence of being who you really are.

It’s so easy to get seduced by “just getting by”. As if there’s pride in mediocrity. I remember my parents (and many others) always telling stories about how poor they were first starting out and could only afford mac’n cheese and hot dogs. They made it sound like the good ole days. Like being poor is something to be proud of. Now, finding a way to persevere in challenging circumstances is something to be grateful for, but the message has gotten lost in the inter-generational game of telephone. Being small is not greater than being successful and filling the size of the room. Being small doesn’t serve anybody. It is the bigness of serving humanity to the best of your ability that is meaningful. Being successful benefits everyone. Playing small only validates your story of victimhood and self-pity. Have the courage to stand up and be who you are. Its time to let it rip. Be relentless.

Love Has No Color News

Will have the dates for Christmas on the Reservation in the next couple of weeks. Residents of the Reservation were thrilled with our efforts a few weeks ago. It is so hard for us as DCs to appreciate just how incredible food is to starving people. Kenny Smoker and the Tribal Council are still receiving kind words. I am so proud of all of our members, their practice members, staff, families, and donors. It looked like we wouldn't be able to help these people languishing in third world conditions, but we found a way to accomplish what we set out to do.


DCME confidential


Question 1: I have been asked to call a lawyer of the family of a potential DCME to plead my case. He is the one who will decide if it is worthy of the trust fund established for the  10-year-old, multi-handicapped kid. Should I call the lawyer?

Answer: DON’T DO IT! Deal with the parents only. An offshoot of this is a parent asking you to call their spouse who you’ve never talked to and convince them.

Question 2: What do you do when a practice member refuses the second tier of recommendations when you know it’s their only choice?

Answer: Human nature is what it is. People think they know what they want but they don’t. Many choose entirely on price. If you feel that strongly about it, only offer the second tier.


From the Mind of Miyagi


Why do we get sucked into the dramas of our practice members? As if helping the kid or adult isn’t challenging enough, now we are going to add all of these distracting factors to it? We get held hostage because we really want to help, sometimes more than the person we are helping. Remember, the conditions have to be right or there will be no miracle or clinical results. Being paid and the necessary commitment shown are part of the conditions needed for a miracle to happen. Stop listening to all the baloney about money, parents are not living together, lost jobs, too busy, or them saying it’s not that bad. Health is the number one priority, regardless of what low resonating people think.

Imagine you own an outdoor pool company and a woman wants you to build a pool in her backyard. You go there armed with your brochures and laptop. Then you are met by an attractive mother who goes on to tell you about her handicapped kid, how she has no job, and her husband ran out on her. She tells you that she already purchased some lounge chairs. She says the pool would be therapeutic for her challenged son. Would you be tempted to install the pool? It won't happen. You would close your laptop, take back your brochures, and get back into your truck. You will leave for your next appointment.

Why do Chiropractors get attracted to such conflict? Part of the equation is that you can adjust and you don’t need to buy materials like you do with a pool. But that’s not really true, you’ve purchased $250,000 of' materials called student loans and a work crew. Do you really think you can change the social and emotional dynamics of families through the reduction of fees, cutting corners, or letting people walk all over you? You can’t and you won’t. You’re adding to the problem.

Going through this debacle should teach each and every one of us is about how precious life, our families, and the freedom to practice something above and beyond cracking backs are. Stand up for yourself and claim your freedom. It’s a high price to pay, but it's not impossible.