TNR Happenings September 21, 2020

TNR Happenings 9.21

Christmas on the Reservation is underway!

Crazy, but true! We really need to start early and finish strong this year. December 10th and 11th are the distribution dates. It would be great to see all of you on the Reservation. You can collect toys and send them to the Reservation as we have traditionally done in the past or you can raise cash to purchase the toys, gifts, and sporting goods on Amazon with Prime so the shipping will be free. Having a kiosk in the office really helps. Kenny Smoker will be providing us with a master list with the number of kids in each grade, broken down by gender so we can match it up with precision. We are aiming to help outlying areas as well like Fort Kipp for the first time. I can’t tell you what it means to the kids to have Love Has No Color stand by them. Many groups and organizations that have done things for the Reservation have discontinued or withheld their support because of the mass hysteria. This is all the more reason to show our muscle. We could sure use some help from people in a position to donate largely!


Practice tip of the week

Set an example in your community. If you have a free-standing building, put flowers or silk arrangements outside. Beautify Chiropractic in your community. Spruce up your landscaping. Use sandwich boards on the sidewalk with messages of hope and inviting people to participate in your office. Disease practitioners have no qualms about offering free flu shots, etc. (check box store pharmacies), why would you not invite people to get healthy? Be bold, not inflammatory, as it doesn’t help. Have a blown-up picture of the Baseline Assessment in your windows. Let people sense your confidence and certainty in these less than certain times.


From the Mind of Miyagi


Looking for truth in all the wrong places.

Have you noticed whenever you or loved ones are pulled into the circuses of public institutions (like hospitals), you invariably are disappointed and jaded by the process? For example, when a loved one was suffering a deadly illness and you took them to a vaunted, ivory tower institution, were the results what you thought they were going to be? You are not going to find health in a hospital. The previous programming from all of your life didn’t line up with the reality you faced. A terrible example of this is our treatment of returning wounded warriors. Talk about cut and dried cases, yet they are treated as inconvenient truths, are stalled, lied to, and denied care. The whisper is if you want results you are going to have to find them and pay for them yourself. Sounds like empty words and broken promises to warriors before and after they serve. This is eerily similar to the treatment of America’s First People.

You will see this upfront and center with high trapeze legal matters. If you are assaulted, going through a divorce, being sued, etc., you will not believe what awaits you. You will be entering the underworld of the dragon and you will be on your own, provided you have enough cash. Justice, rights, or doing the right thing are only to be used in media cases or people of interest. Over the years of coaching TNR members, I have seen legendary legal maneuvers to discriminate against the wrong type of doctors, like Chiropractors, Naturopaths, etc. The crimes they are accused of: saving lives but belonging to a different and opposing belief or tribe. This will not be tolerated, especially in the current political fundamentalism. The court system is the neutered, modern way of burning witches (anyone who has different beliefs) at the stake a little at a time. Slam dunk legal issues notwithstanding, you will be in for one of the most expensive rides of your life. All your life you have been programmed via tv shows, lawyers, and the media that the legal system will deliver you justice. Nothing could be further from the truth.

It’s hard to imagine being a doctor and living in a society where your voice is not even considered, even though you have a solution to the problem. Your own brothers and sisters in the profession will actually oppose you and turn on you. What kind of a society is this? There is too much major popularity and focus on Facebook likes with professional sports (oops, they are spiraling downward), pop stars, and celebrities (who are they when they need names under their faces to identify them?). And the ultimate sedentary pursuit is computer gazing and commenting on what everyone else is doing. Don’t you think the public may be interested in what actually raises CD4 counts without chemical invasion and future untoward genetic consequences? Don’t expect politicians to care about something so trivial as people’s health, freedom, and economics, especially from a profession that is largely considered as an afterthought. Or is this too deep for the intellectually lazy, uninterested, 'wants it done for them' mass consciousness?

In societies of antiquity (remember the US is a newcomer), scholars were revered and elders were the most important part. They were a part of the fabric of society. Today, it's only the right kind of intellectuals, the card-carrying members willing to look the other way when untruths are unleashed via mass media. It’s a new type of non-disclosure agreement so popular today. Elders are corralled into warehouses with cute names of assisted living, residential homes, or villages, not to be heard from again. How will the wisdom be transmitted to the next generation? It is becoming increasingly rare to see individuals that have the once-in-a-lifetime grandparent influence.

Pick your heads up. Grow as you have never grown before. Are you going to play small just because the rank and file of mask wearers don’t recognize your value and worth? Serve as you have never served before. Help your family navigate through this mass hysteria. Remember, most of our members married a nondoctor and as much as they pretend it doesn’t bother them, it does. The guilt and shame meter is off the register. This goes for your kids too. If you (DC/ND) were magically kidnapped by aliens, you would not believe how your household would be run when you are not around. It would look like a CVS store. Simple solutions to complex problems are what run a world that is too bothered to find out about health. Health is the new disease to be targeted in the land of disease.


DCME confidential


We will take a break from our traditional Q and A format and ask you questions. What really stops members cold in the caring of DCME people? Personal power and past history. Personal power regulates the quality of your life. It invisibly directs what you can and can’t do. It also has to do with your past history of programming by society and parents, etc. Chiropractors with low personal power have extreme difficulty attracting new patients. Hence the attraction to have someone do it for you. BSO’s change every day. They all are supposed to do something that you are supposed to do, but you can’t. Get high-quality new patients sustainably. Expensive social media and are the same things as days gone, like full-page yellow page advertising.

Personal power is so hard a thing to describe. When you allow the new normal to impact you mentally and emotionally, you are burning personal power. Arguing, commenting on the news, and getting frustrated about how stupid people are burns PP big time. Making fun of Chiropractors that have jumped ship doesn’t make it any easier. The lower the PP, the lower the patient visit average, and the lower quality of the new patients. DCME is like post-graduate training, above and beyond being held hostage by the inability to procure low quality new patients that stay for a few insurance-based visits. It’s reclaiming your freedom to be paid decidedly outside the system for your care.

When you have DCMEs, there is a certain spring in your step…face it! You put an extra layer on with the mascara wand, you feel bolder, more confident, and alive. Compared to the customary low back or neck crick or sprain, you are in heaven. At the beginning, you may spend way too much time with them; or you will be thinking up new and novel things to do with the person when they only want to spend time with you; or you will be wondering when the turning point is going to be. You will see 10 to 15 non-DCME patients and then a DCME walks in and your physiology changes. They are on your mind even outside of your office. You are truly connected.

Look deeper than the presenting complaints with your practice members. When you are doing your ROF, give 2 options and don’t take the decision for level 2 care away from people. Have the courage to share and ask which level best fits their needs. You’d be surprised how little economics has to do with level 2 care. It’s so easy to unconsciously drift back into $2,000, 3 months, symptomatic reduction. Offer 2 levels of care to all people with the obvious exceptions of babies or Medicare. Create deep levels of trust and connection with DCME care to your people!