TNR Happenings October 5, 2020

Tnr Happenings 10.5

Symptoms of training withdrawal

There hasn't been an official TNR training session since January 18th, other than Head-to-Heads and an excursion to the Reservation, so many members have been experiencing the following withdrawal symptoms: starting to stand up less for truth and being more tolerant of the ‘new normal’ truth; yielding to societal pressures from family, friends, and organizations that agree with politicalized science; putting growth in their office on hold; becoming irritable and restless; the almost complete absence of fun; shortness of temper; noticing sheep’s hair in the shower drain because they are slowly becoming a sheeple; blindly obeying the mandates of mass hysteria; and an aversion to Level Two recommendations.   

The mantra in TNR is: FIND A WAY! We have an enterprising member from the great white north that is threatening to find her way to a Head-to-Head in MA in a logging truck! Some members have even asked if I would consider having a virtual Head-to-Head or a Zoom Head-to-Head. The answer is NO! My mentor, Dr. Joe Flesia, along with other indigenous leaders of the past, are spinning in their graves. They understood the true meaning of entering into a traditional oral, person to person ritual between an elder with wisdom and the student. This ritual is experiential, not observational, which increases resonation, lessens fear and doubt, and helps the student gain confidence to continue to produce clinical results. This has always been the goal, regardless of the external factors. Today this is unheard of because computers and artificial intelligence have replaced wisdom with information, facts, and analytics. While the world beats a path to the popular, convenient substitutes and imitations of the day, there is a small group in every society that knows the truth: there are no substitutes and imitations. You don’t get to be a once-in-a-lifetime DC because you’d like to be; you can only earn it by overcoming obstacles that prevent you from becoming one. Freedom to create your life and live on your terms is expensive in terms of effort, time, and resources, but is not impossible to achieve, even in the midst of a pandemic.


Practice tip of the week

Isn’t it about time to reinstate or start your Health Awareness Seminar? Talk about timing! Invite your whole practice to it and have them bring guests. Do it each week. Have a sign-up sheet on the front desk and on your website. Don’t talk directly about one disease only; rather, speak about immunity, growth, and development. Explain the idea about how the body has a natural intelligence that gets compromised by the lives we lead. Share the idea of Chiropractic and how it is so miraculous. Don’t rail against medicine and other types of ‘healthcare’, etc. Before the mass hysteria, you always stuck to Chiropractic and stayed in your lane now. During the mass hysteria, continue to stay in your lane as well. Talking about medical practices in a panic-stricken society will not end well for you. You have nothing to do with it.


From the Mind of Miyagi


I am writing a fiction book about a world gone mad. There is a group of aliens hell-bent on testing all humans for subluxations and compromise to their nerve systems. When the communication link between the infinite and earthlings is damaged, there is a butterfly wings effect from Africa to Mars. There are so many people on earth that are testing positive but feel okay. They don’t believe this is a problem. Instead of man-made health laws that enforce a mob mentality over people (like prevailing medical care or you get punished or fined), these guys know how to do things right: they shoot you with a ray gun that temporarily suspends your 'earth mind’ from working. Then they take all the people who tested positive to special Chiropractors who actually remove these interferences over months to years or even a lifetime. There are no one-hit wonders or miracles. (Hey, it’s my book!) Funny things begin to happen. Mass hysteria just ceases to be. Health is reinstated as a fundamental right of all humans. Doctors stop putting profit over people. Pollution finally stops both to our environments and bodies. Oppression of all types vanishes. Violence, crime, and addiction are gone. Wars stop. Medicine is still around for those who the extraterrestrial aliens have not yet rounded up.

The Predicament of the Species has lost its relevance to the next generation that is also hell-bent on thinking technology will cure all of earth’s woes. It can't and won't. The Predicament of the Species encompasses all of the unwanted things our world produces en mass. Because of its limitations, science attempts to break things down and attack each problem individually. It’s so overwhelming and futile to attack each of the problems individually. All unwanted problems stem from faulty resonations, mindsets, orientations, self-importances, and profit over people. There are no simple solutions to complex problems.


Christmas on the Reservation

I spoke with Kenny Smoker last week and the schools are really having a difficult time. With dwindling attendance, remote learning has been reduced to a joke and a general malaise has enveloped the Reservation. Learning is in exile. This year it is so important that we raise the funds and the gifts to blanket the Reservation. It’s uncertain how we will deliver the gifts this year, but they will be delivered. We won’t let something that is out of our hands deter us from our responsibility to the kids. Gifts coming to them in the middle of the mass hysteria will take on a much greater meaning. They are counting on us. We need to make more of an impact than any of the previous years. This is no time for us to let up or make excuses. Find a way.

Christmas on the Reservation

Whatever happened to the kid who couldn’t tie his shoes?

In all demographics and societies, there is a gradient of talent across the board in academics, looks, and aptitude. In days gone by, tying one’s shoes was an indicator of how the child would face future challenges and get along. There were kids in kindergarten who had shoes that were always coming off and were never tied, so society built a safety net to absorb kids like these as best as it could. Then came along Velcro and these kids were exonerated. Or were they? Learning disabilities increased and then came the advent of Ritalin. Forward progress or backward regression, you be the judge. The research and link to criminality and addiction are quite clear. Then there were driving tests. Some kids flunked multiple times, over and over. Eventually, they were passed and given a driver's license. More poor drivers added to the public ways. Years ago teachers would keep kids back a grade or two to get the parents' attention, basically saying, ‘Hey, your kid needs to wake up, apply themselves more, or there is a serious problem." Today, this is solved by having tutors.           

Most problems in society don’t get solved, they get ameliorated. Pretend solutions are like no safety belts on school busses. Where do these types of people go? They find places that will accept them as they are. No improvement needed, all of their choices are limited, they are told what to do and how to behave, and their occupations all take less than their best effort. When they come into your office, they only want the minimum because they just don’t feel they are worth it. It’s not that adults can’t change, it’s just that after decades of having their shoes tied, being moved on to the next grade, and having things made easier, the energy and discipline required is just not there and they accept things as they are. Care for everyone like they have a child inside of them that never was allowed to express themselves. They may or may not want to improve their quality of life, but it’s still in there ready to be tapped into.


DCME confidential


Question 1: I just evaluated a 14-year old with a bone marrow problem. He has unsuccessfully endured all the treatments including a marrow transplant. They are going to lose him. Somehow, 6 months doesn’t seem enough for my recommendations. What do you think?

Answer: It’s not. When you are caring for a life or death case, recommend at least one year. Don’t make wellness a choice, make it part of your care plan. There are no guarantees with these type of cases. Do your best and watch the miracle of Chiropractic unfold. 

Question 2: What happens when I don’t think I can handle a case? 

Answer: Over the past few years, DCME patients with extenuating circumstances have been referred to me from members. The distant DCMEs were willing to stop their lives and relocate for 90 days. For most other cases, I will guide you through the process. It takes courage and you will expose all of your shadow personally. There are big reasons why 99% of DCs steer clear from these cases.