TNR Happenings October 12, 2020

Happs 10.12

Christmas on the Reservation

All hands on deck! We interrupt the mass hysteria in your lives and transport you to the lives of kids living on the Reservation that are enduring unprecedented hardships. Many aren't attending school (and you know the limitations of remote learning), are experiencing food shortages, and can’t get any needed services live (only on Zoom). As if they don’t feel isolated enough on the reservation, now they are encouraged not to visit with each other. Remember, the elders recall hearing about something similar happening with smallpox approximately a hundred and fifty years ago, even though smallpox was more deadly than a flu with a 99% survivor rate. Christmas is not on the radar for these kids.   

Dig deep and think outside the box so we can exceed their needs in this critical time. For many of these kids, it is just so painful to face another loss. Like in our offices, if there was a time to shine, it’s now or never! A TNR member made a large donation recently and said, "It’s the least I can do for the kids." Let's make this year's Christmas on the Reservation really special and bring plenty of joy to these kids.    

Christmas on the Reservation

Sneak peek into a DCME

Members who schedule Head-to-Heads before Thanksgiving are in for a special opportunity. You could get a glimpse of the DCME world as I am currently working with a DCME patient. You would be able to participate in a workout session, sit in on the training, and observe the adjustment. If you are even remotely interested in doing DCMEs, this is a must. We have had special DCME guest appearances at a couple of our  DCME trainings and some of you had the opportunity to adjust a DCME I was working with earlier this year. Don’t miss your chance to observe Miyagi in action.


Practice tip of the week

Move away from the outdated recommendations of 3 times a week for 12 weeks. Since the mass hysteria, it has become ever so apparent that people are further and further away from knowing what health is or how to achieve it. Imagine laypeople dictating to Chiropractors their newfound beliefs about disease, shaming them for mask violations, laughing at their recommendations, and hiding behind insurance limitations. It’s time to step up. Maybe they require 4 or 6 months of 3 times a week in your office.  The real question we must ask ourselves is: is the goal removing symptoms and mere pain relief or removing interference from the body’s internal guidance system? The allopathic model is all about removing symptoms and then waiting for sickness to appear again, totally reactive. Principled based Chiropractic is all about removing interferences on a continual basis for health not experienced in the general population. There will not be any evolutions among mankind until there is a resonation change. You will experience bone marrow deep fear by increasing your recommendations. It’s okay, do it anyway.


From the Mind of Miyagi


There has never been a more important time in our history to step up in a big way! Society is lost in the sea of disease and we are witness to the most severe scare tactics seen thus far: One of our members was informed of the immediate necessity to close their office or face a fine or 10 years in jail; practice members receiving care squealing on their Chiropractors; one of our members was thrown under the bus only after the initial care was over; a board of health that is made up of lay members expressing their authority to close down a Chiropractic office for health violations; an ex-practice member who forcefully banged her shopping cart into one of our members, then shouting at her for not having a mask on in public and saying she should be ashamed of herself. These are typical examples of the antelope urinating on the lion.

TNR is ushering in a new dimension. DCME was created, introduced, and fine-tuned in the pre-Corona era. You were prepared in TNR for anything from Covid and beyond. We are experiencing the weak link in society (absolute ignorance about health) first hand. Are we to sit on our thumbs and continue to restrict our efforts on mostly cricks and sprains when we have the ability and compassion for people to turn things around in a big way? When it comes to health, most people know next to nothing. Disease orientation is the most distinguishing feature of our modern world. People don’t have any confidence in health. They dodge and run away from disease, only to be held hostage for the next wave.

Don’t you have an obligation to educate each and every one of your patients about having a true choice about health rather than be part of the disease culture? Changing consumer behavior about anything is time consuming, frustrating, and expensive. In the fitness industry, weight loss is where the money is, not with keeping fit. Without education, you are paying attention to what they think the problem is, "My back", "my symptoms", "I’d be healthy if my neck didn’t hurt." One of the things you learn in TNR is people don’t know what they truly want. How could you know about health if you’ve never learned about it? Think about how primitive and disease-based health classes in high school were if you even had any. The teacher was usually overweight, negative, and uniformed. This one class was supposed to last you a lifetime? Now that we are experiencing Covid, what is more important than health? Money, war, education, sports, and entertainment all take a back seat. No wonder society members who are ignorant about health look to authorities that lack wisdom to give them direction and to be told what to do.

It's time for TNR members who go above and beyond for their patients to increase their own recognition, income, and place in society. The sacredness of Chiropractic is wasted on people who only wish to have their back’s popped or put on machines. Chiropractic can help all people, but will not have widespread appeal due to close-mindedness and people’s unwillingness to participate. Why should you continue to beg, prove, or convince others of our value? Stick with people in the Sweet Spot and become the specialist you always wanted to be. Most Chiropractors play cover music for the #1 disease group, Coming to Get You. Playing and writing your own music (health) does not appeal to many, especially at the beginning. Stop giving away your ability to help people with Chiropractic and do the right thing.


DCME confidential


Question 1: I’ve developed a skin rash ever since I started doing DCMEs. Is this my ego at work protecting my fee structure and recommendations? 

Answer: Snatch the pebble from my hand, when you can take the pebble, it will be time to leave. From Kung Fu a long time ago. 

Question 2: Is it my imagination that DCMEs don’t appear in regular sequence? I seem to go a while with none and then a few will come in. 

Answer: Your focus on DCME waxes and wanes. Remember, it’s a new belief system for you and at the beginning it’s weak and you will only get glimpses of it. When it’s strong, you will have DCMEs every week!


Pamela was in the house!

Our sacred co-teacher of the Sacred Relationship Experience (whenever it arrives!) performed a ceremony and a sweat ritual this weekend for one of my DCMEs. She was so incredible, it defies a written or oral description. Several members have experienced ceremonies and Miyagi trainings with Pamela. She gave a wreath to me and it adorned the Mayan Ruin Sweat Lodge.