TNR Happenings October 27, 2020

TNR Happenings 10.27

Christmas on the Reservation

I was invited by Kenny Smoker to be on a Zoom call between school officials and HPDP last week. If you think the confusion, terror, and fear of the unknown is high where you are, I assure you it’s not in the same zip code as on the Reservation. They had enough on their plate prior to Covid with all the cultural biases, disease, lack of literacy, etc. The schools must obey the state rules and yet attempt to remain in the best interest of Native Americans. It is a very slippery slope that Kenny attempts to balance every day of his life. I got to see Kenny in action on the Zoom call. He is a statesman, cool, always encouraging, and certain in what he and his group can provide amidst a group of administrators that are floundering with no compass or rudder, just attempting to keep the ship from bringing on water.

Because of what's happening on the Reservation, this year's Christmas on the Reservation will be our most challenging. This is where we will shine; we will not cancel our aid because of fearful external challenges. Whatever you raised or donated last year, think of multiplying that double or triple this year. In the Christmas on the Reservation packet that you received, there are many examples of how to go above and beyond. If for whatever reason you are not feeling the cheer because of Covid Scroogeness, write a personal check from your office or family. We can’t lose momentum with these kids. We see the surge in mental and emotional (including suicide) challenges facing people in this pandemic off the Reservation; the needs of our kids on the reservation are astronomical.

We will be checking out airline tickets to the Reservation this week. We will check to see if Williston is open or if we will need to travel to Minot again. We will let you know. If you are planning to participate, please be ready for anything. Winter clothing, boots, gloves, and hats are strongly suggested. It has already been minus 2 with snow on the Reservation. We may be going door-to-door delivering presents so we need to be prepared. It’s a great opportunity for LHNC to stand tall.

Christmas on the Reservation

Practice tip of the week

Eliminate early drop out with new patients. Creating ‘stickiness’ or being memorable is an art form that is all but lost today. Everyone has an impression or expectation of Chiropractic, and it’s usually low, low, low. Even if the experience in your office is great, it’s not enough to cancel low expectations. You must work on the expectations before they enter your office. Our offices do all kinds of TNR-fueled, expectation repositioning including sending your Big Vision Writing or your regular bio, FAQs, testimonials, or short videos. These patient education procedures polarize people before they get to your office, even though some may not read or view the materials. They are either going to love you and really look forward to meeting you or they will opt-out, usually without telling you they aren’t going to show. You weren’t going to win over these types of people once you get them into your office anyway; you’ve done it this way for years and it doesn’t work.

Seeing your patient education materials repositions them to view you as a specialist, rather than a generalist. Being viewed as a generalist is the kiss of death and you will live or die by their rules, including the non-ability to participate in anything outside of insurance coverage. This is where the problem begins if you don't provide a solution to prevent it. Many of your patients may deceive you and say they aren’t getting better or don’t see any progress, when in fact they realized there is no coverage for Chiropractic. It is far better to have a person decide not to participate prior to entering your office than have yet another disgruntled practice member who exits in the first month or two who will justify at a deep subconscious level of their need to exit. Their justifications could be no insurance coverage, it's too far a distance to drive, it's too expensive, they didn’t like the hairstyles of your CAs, you didn’t spend enough time with them, it was like a factory with people coming in and out, etc. Most reading this should have HUGE grins on your faces as one of the most annoying and persistent problems in your office has been solved once and for all.


Email for patient

This is an email that Dr. Tyler Torkelson wrote and sent to his patients.

What’s Your Story?

I grew up in a family, like so many others, that involved family Christmas, Thanksgiving dinners, and cherished Birthday celebrations. Sure, there’s always good food and games to be played, but many of my greatest memories come after the big event or dinner when everyone would sit around and tell stories. This pastime has been around for centuries. It was a way of connecting with others and investing in the next generation. So whether it was my father, cousins, uncles, or grandparents, many of the stories that were told during those times are still with me today. Stories about hunting, fishing, sports, and wild adventures about both the good times and the tough times. I noticed that at the root of every great story was one common thing: unexpected circumstances.

Today, unexpected circumstances are an understatement, to say the least. Words like challenge and adversity have become the norm over the past several months. These times have affected us all, the choice now is about how to respond. What story do you want to tell? In a few months or years do you want to look back and say that you locked yourself inside and hoped for the best? That you turned on others in favor of self-gain? Or, do you want to tell your family, your kids, and the future generations about how you stepped up and took action? Do you want to tell them about how you rose to the occasion and not only did you help yourself, but you chose to help others out along the way? What’s your story going to be?

Renegade Chiropractic is about community and choosing to take action towards a solution. At the end of the day, Renegade is not for everyone. Renegade is only for those who are willing to take action and be a part of the solution. Renegade is for those who choose to make a difference, not just for themselves, but for others as well. Are you Renegade?

See you soon!

Dr. Tyler


From the Mind of Miyagi


A couple of days ago I received a nice card from a private DCME case. To see how well this previously maligned young man is doing is heartwarming. A whole new world has opened up to him. The heavy lifting (the Initial Care portion of 92 days, 7 days a week) of his care had been completed previously, but the benefits of care stay with him no matter where he chooses to travel. He has a person in his corner whom he respects and is willing to work for his respect. In the process, he develops a respect for self as well as others instead of wanting to cause harm to himself and others. So much of the world is about amelioration and not resolution. It doesn’t matter what others said, this young man stopped his life, kept an open mind, and reclaimed his life. He had been told nothing or nobody could help him. Amelioration is all about studying, managing, and classifying the problem and the solution is way back in the background. With resolution, it’s a way of life and a way of seeing the world. If you’ve done your best and the person you helped felt you did your best, then from that point on, the trajectory of their lives will have changed.

In marital relationships or intimate relationships, arguments are usually ameliorated and not resolved. Want to know the proof? When you argue, sometimes the old stuff resurfaces when previous events, decisions, etc. are thrown back into your face. You moved on, but you never got over it. Like a truce in a war, it’s not peace, far from it. Another example is being cured of a disease means you survive a certain number of years; YOU ARE NOT HEALTHY by any stretch of the imagination. You are always looking over your shoulder every time you are re-examined. Or being against something (disease) is not being for something you do want (health). It is completely different.  Millions of dollars are raised fighting against people, politics, religion, war, disease, pollution, etc.

Society is full of negative, herd programming and resultant low resonation, just get by, pay the bills, etc. and is not interested in resolution. They want someone to tell them how to think and behave, someone to pay for it, and someone to tell them what is best for their families. They hop from amelioration to amelioration. A tutor does not solve the problem of lack of attention or not enough commitment to learning. As a result, the student will not pick up the habit or adult learning, no more than adult fitness. Just because you were or were not taught resolution by your parents, teach it to your kids and your practice members. They don’t want to go to your HAS? Turn the other cheek, say it’s not that important, and treat their symptoms. You have added another patient who is interested only in amelioration and not resolution. Congratulations comrade. You will never see their best in anything because they only know of the substitution and imitation of amelioration. Being a Beta is a way of life.

Resolution is a way of life for the few, discerning people who hear the calling of healthier people create a healthier planet.


DCME confidential


Question 1: What do I have to do to convince people they need Level 2 care?

Answer: Stop listening to what people are telling you. They don’t have a vote. They don’t know what they need. From diseased people to at-risk people and out of shape people, everyone thinks they know what they need but they don’t. They can vote to participate in Level 1, not tell you they don’t need Level 2.

Question 2: I have a DCME person who swears they don’t have a computer and can’t do their 21-Day DCME Video Program. They have me stopped dead in my tracks. Is this possible?

Answer: Have them do it on your CAs computer or have a laptop in your office for patients to use. Don’t let patients try to get out of doing what you need them to do.


Dr. Aaron & Tita's Christmas trees at the office and in their home: