TNR Happenings November 2, 2020

TNR Happenings 11.2

Christmas on the Reservation

It’s November already and we are in dire need of monetary donations, gifts, toys, clothing, etc. I understand how inconvenient, difficult, and untimely it is right now, but we need to help these kids who are living in third-world conditions. This is our time to shine! There is no plan B for these kids. Have the courage and conviction to ask a wealthy VIP for a large donation. These kids have had their present and future lives snatched from them in the blink of an eye. The mass hysteria has been magnified on the Reservation where ignorance, poverty, and helplessness reign supreme. Some kids are not even in school yet and will not be for the foreseeable future. True leadership in these times is exchanged for dutifully obeying the rules and dictates of people who won’t admit they don’t know. Learning sadly takes a back seat to politics.

Christmas on the Reservation

Practice tip of the week

Have a championship mentality when it comes to growth. Everyone around you will think that this is not the time to grow. Society tells you it’s the time to hang on with white knuckles, gnashing of the teeth, wailing, to put away the hands of a Chiropractor that are like the wings of angels with their healing ability, and to give people only what they can accept and understand. Sorry, no can do. All genres of humanity have shining examples of the best of the best. They are not ordained better; rather, they refused to give up in the face of overwhelming odds. They grew and prospered when others ran for cover. Make it your business to welcome in 1,2,3 or more new patients each and every week. Stop attempting to spin straw into gold by looking for ways of digitally corralling 10 high-quality new patients in one fell swoop. Smaller numbers of quality new patients over time will reward you with a sustainable economic advantage while others around you are looking for government assistance and attempting to talk down the ambitious. Be one of the few Chiropractors remaining who actually believe healthier people create a healthier world, especially now during this mass hysteria and the ‘new normal’.  


Notice for Seals traveling to the Reservation

As some of you already know, our tickets are being changed or canceled. Hang in there. Check with Dr. Julie if you have any questions about the flights of our members. Be flexible as we have no idea what awaits us on the Reservation. We may find ourselves going door-to-door delivering toys and gifts to the kids. We will find our way in the land of confusion, which isn't limited to the Reservation. It's also in our own towns and our offices: we are looking to share our gifts of health and everybody appears hidden and not receptive. Kenny Smoker always comments on how our struggles mirror those of Native Americans. Hmmmm. 


From the Mind of Miyagi


The freedom of choice. Where has it gone? When you were younger, you listened to people of authority and believed everything they said. This included parents, teachers, religious teachers, and other people of authority. That’s how you got to know the lay of the land. When you grew up, you realized that many of the tales you were told were not only wrong, they were dangerous: from disease practices to being rewarded for being sick (health insurance), being jealous, suspicious and hostile to wealthy people, having no safety belts for kids on school busses, wars that have no end, treatment of undesirables, violence, criminality, addiction, and the list goes on and on. We’ll give Santa, the Easter bunny, and the tooth fairy a free pass.

Do you think there are smiles under people’s masks that are dutifully participating in a ritual that is mandated by low resonating, politically-charged people who insist on enslaving people in the wake of their ignorance? These people actually think they are doing something good and beneficial while being obedient little children. They are teaching their children to lead by following. The smile under the mask is the effect of being told what to do and doing it with no thought process, not daring to think for themselves or to question authority. By choosing supposed security and safety that was foisted on them, they are giving up their liberty and their freedom of choice.

This man-made tool of bioterrorism has a 99% survival rate so where are the true leaders hiding? With trillions of dollars at their disposal, the best science, medical, and pharmaceutical care can come up with is hiding in your basements, shutting down schools, wearing masks, and social distancing! In case you haven’t heard, lots and lots of states are mandating flu shots before you can enter school. Wait until the fatally flawed new vaccine is unleashed on a fearful, terrorized society all too willing to roll up their sleeves to be protected against the flu. You want to tangle with a real killer, try out the Bubonic Plague. 25 million people KILLED, not cases. There was no testing, no false positives, no POLITICS, no power struggles, or no religions that took priority over people’s health. How can anyone put their political beliefs in front of health for all people? Of note, it was the clergy, nobility, and medical people who exited first and ran away to save their own skins during the Bubonic Plague.           


How can we as TNR Chiropractors take the lead from people who don’t know what health is? It goes way beyond politics. How can we sit on our hands obediently obeying the rules and mandates of our own regulatory boards who are reeling in Chiropractors who care for kids, people with disease, difficult cases, and wellness? Today you can’t even speak of immunity and Chiropractic. Where did the freedom of choice vanish to? There is a new enemy emerging in the increasingly socialistic society: it’s the wealthy and accomplished. Political leaders are promising to extract wealth from the wealthy (higher tax rates) and redistribute it to the poor and needy. Don’t people know that the person that is promoting these socialistic leanings is a multi-millionaire?

Will you recant your freedom of choice and only confine your work to pain and aches on adults? Will you turn away the difficult cases, the really sick with their backs against the wall? Will you be dictated to by the capricious mandates of insurance companies that put profit before people? I had a member refer a potential member to TNR, or at least I thought I did. When I asked the potential member, "How do you know our member?", the Chiropractor said he follows him on social media and does not actually know him. Whaaat? This Chiropractor is analytical, timid, and just opened his office back up after voluntarily closing it due to the mass hysteria. He wanted help to know what type of mask to wear, what disinfectants to use, how to do teleadjustments, and how can he legally test for Covid and be compensated in his office. Why would he call me? A beta male to be sure. His freedom of choice ticket had been canceled a long time ago.

Janis Joplin famously coined, "Freedom is just another word for nothing else to lose." Be the Chiropractor you always wanted to be. Don’t let supposed authorities impose their reality on you. Be smart, don’t proselytize on Facebook, and serve people to your fullest.


Losing a parent

Members who have already lost a parent know the feeling all too well. Nobody asks to be a member of this group. The feeling is different depending upon if it is a son losing a mother or father or a daughter losing a mother or father. It’s never something you escape; but with time and grieving, the wound scabs over. Certain times of the year, like birthdays and holidays, remind you of the fond memories and how these primal entities shaped your life. When the wind blows just right, you almost can feel their essence. No words of wisdom can relieve the pain and the sense of loss. Even though they are no longer with you in the present, they are still with you in your mind to guide you. If you have felt Dr. Julie's kindness and how she can make you feel, then you know her mother. She was gentle and kind, yet fierce in her protection of her children. Enjoy your parents as much as you are able to while they are still living. Honor them, release the grievances, and care for them the best you can.


DCME confidential


Question 1: My $8,000 prepaid DCME just informed me via text that he has filed a worker's compensation claim. HELP! What do I do?

Answer: You’ve been hoodwinked. Deception rules supreme. By state law, you have to comply with the WC claim. Don’t get cute with this one as these get tricky. If they want a refund, hand it over.

Question 2: I am spending way too much time with one of my DCMEs. What should I do? 

Answer: More time does not always equate with better results. Some of our DCMEs get to us emotionally or mentally as we feel sorry for them. Short bursts of intense one-on-one attention will create an emotional connection. You’ve got a family to care for and you will have multiple DCMEs at one time. Just like spending too much time with the exam or report of findings, stop it and watch the results grow.