TNR Happenings November 16, 2020

TNR Happenings

Gifts for the Reservation need to be shipped by Friday

If there was ever a time to dig down deep, it’s now! Many of our members have done just that and continue to do so. Even members that tithe on a monthly basis are doubling down and raising additional funds or gifts. This kind of spirit is what the world needs now. These kids could really use all the help we can muster. I spoke with Kenny on Friday and he is ecstatic about our efforts in the midst of the mass hysteria. He plans on helping us personally with the gift-giving.

Christmas on the Reservation

New patients will do anything to find your office!

Last Wednesday, Dr. Christy and Dr. Cliff were in the middle of their afternoon shift and carrying on like they normally do. Then they were startled by a HUGE BOOM as a new patient returning for her Report of Findings crashed into their building with her car! Thank goodness their dogs, Roscoe and Copper, were not in their usual places and escaped injury. The window was shattered and the wall was pushed in. The pictures flew off the wall except for one. Look at the picture that remained. (Dr. Cliff's DCME "I am a Specialist" poster.)

Dr. Cliff poster

Practice tip of the week

Put the welcome mat out to kids in your community. They need to be under care, no excuses accepted. It’s the solution to the Predicament of the Species. Working on adults only will not do the job. It’s simply too late. There needs to be more emphasis on kids' care in your office. They are the demographic that is most overlooked and ignored. They are taking it on the chin because they don’t have the experience or know-how to call upon to understand it.

While you are at it, check in with your own kids. On the surface level, they will probably tell you they are all right. Initiate an open dialogue with them, not a lecture. Ask them what the pandemic means to them and listen. They are attempting to make sense out of something that was created to kill humans on a mass scale and to cause fear. If they dare to not wear a mask, your child will be bullied by the enforcers of majority opinion.

Public officials don’t understand the pandemic either as it is way beyond their understanding. They are simply pushing the panic button by creating laws that restrict freedom, liberty, and shut things down. You can offer so much to your community but you have to be willing to put up with lots of closed minds, rejection, and rolling eyes. It’s worth it!


From the Mind of Miyagi


My mentor, Dr. Joe, had me read book after book about mass programming of the mind during my training. These were all kinds of books by non-mainstream authors who would speak of conspiracy theories, governments throughout history that practiced mind control on its citizens, cults, fascist regimes, cover-up stories, etc. Some of it was just too far out for me to understand and comprehend at the time. I agreed with some of it like the obvious examples of religion (killing others with differing beliefs) and vaccine manufacturers who couldn’t be sued for damage or wrongful death. But after that, I thought it was a bit of a stretch. Besides, it doesn’t affect me, right? That only happens in other countries with Communism, fascist regimes, Gestapo like enforcement of policies, and the ‘silencing’ of the voices of any dissenting parties. Our country wouldn’t put profit or power ahead of the well being of its citizens.

Or, would it?

I have had 2 separate conversations with former TNR members who had voluntarily shut their offices down, let their CAs go, hid in their basements, and turned to the government for stimulus money. I felt like a religious figure and almost told them to say three hail Mary’s for their de facto confessions. It isn’t what they thought it was and they will never see the lost profit from closing their office. They got bamboozled. You could hear it in their voices, a smugness about how what they were doing was right and just. In the process, they had ruined their offices. "The new vaccine is supposed to be 90% effective Dr. Kevin, not even you can argue with science." There currently is not an AIDS vaccine and the most rushed and monetarily subsidized vaccine development in history is pushing out a prototype. Below the Line thinkers believe the problem has been solved. Not being a part of TNR, they caved, gave in to public opinion, and started watching the news on TV or their devices. They lost their power to make decisions for themselves, act contrarian when necessary, and now act like laypeople. It was sad to see just how far former members can fall when not flying in formation with other like-minded, courageous Chiropractors.

One of these former members told me that he even tested positive for Covid, as did his family members. I inquired if he knew about the false positives with this test. I asked him if he was sick and he said no. "How could you get the disease if you have been quarantining for months?" I asked him why would he test for a disease that there isn’t any treatment for and has a 99% survival rate? He spoke of his civic duty and responsibility to others and how he had done the right thing. He was setting a good example of leading by following the herd. He also spoke of social tracing. He didn’t speak of saving lives and increasing immunity.

One of them doesn’t adjust children any longer. They both got exposed by their lack of belief in Chiropractic and their courage failed them in the line of fire. I get that it is a different time now but I wonder how many people would seek relief from mass hysteria or would have the curiosity of being tested for the bubonic plague? If you had it, you’re dead. There are no cures and you know it if you’re sick: you don’t have to have a test to tell you you’re sick. It is kind of like being pregnant: you’ll find out soon enough.

It’s plain to see the devastating effects of mind control or mass hysteria today. It’s everywhere! Once principled Chiropractors are recanting and renouncing their strong beliefs about Chiropractic. They are encouraging brother and sister Samurai’s to do the same: to hand in their swords that have been in their families for centuries to be destroyed by the powers to be. Our members are faced with the exact same challenges with government, communities, and family members, yet somehow they have found a way to grow and help more people. They have the same degree but markedly different beliefs, behaviors, and courage levels.

Don’t get distracted away from your practices. Yes, nuisances will have to be overcome, from squealers to people in your building shutting off your heat. Stay the course. Don’t proselytize and attempt to convince and prove to terrified people who are afraid to come out of their houses. Reward the brave with improving their immunity and quality of life. Be the certainty in these uncertain times.


Thanksgiving is on!

With the holiday rapidly descending upon us, it’s a special time to celebrate with family and friends. Don’t be dissuaded by negative news stories about the dangers, etc. This is a time for people to start thinking for themselves and stop sacrificing their liberty, freedom, and economics. Your family needs you to be strong for them. Be easy on older people as they may or may not understand. Don’t shove your opinions on people. They aren’t going to change their minds. More important is showing up together and keeping your family ties intact in the throws of mass hysteria.


DCME confidential


Question 1: Recently a potential DCME practice member asked, "What about people who can’t afford Level 2 care?"

Answer: What about them? Is this person a spokesperson for them? Perhaps she wants to be a financial agent for them. What about all the starving people in this or that country? You can only help those people who are willing and able. Be strong, be brave, and don’t allow others' opinions to faze you.

Question 2: I recently had a miracle happen with a DCME case on the 67th adjustment. They had a question about it that I couldn’t answer. They asked, "Why didn't it happen earlier?"

Answer: The Concentric Circle diagram will shed light on this. The illness becomes apparent after receiving years of physical, emotional, and chemical insult (known and unknown) to the point of the threshold. Removing layers of interference isn’t linear, formulaic, or easy. It's like chipping away a stone to reach the precious minerals inside.