TNR Happenings December 7, 2020

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Christmas on the Reservation is this week!

We will be traveling to the Reservation to distribute the gifts in balmy mid-thirty temps and I have a new Canada Weather Gear snow hat I want to try out in sub-zero temps. A special thanks to all TNR offices, staff, family, and friends who made this year so incredible. These kids are all but forgotten as the world groans from the political lockdown. The hope and love these gifts represent goes a lot further than merely gifts. Doing more than is expected is the code of honor demonstrated in TNR. Being humanitarian is placing people before profit, which is almost extinct in our present-day world. Job well done! I will be out of the office from Wednesday through the end of the week. If you have any questions, fires to put out, referrals to TNR, or DCMEs, call the boss, Dr. Julie, at headquarters or on her trusty cell phone.

Christmas on the Reservation

Practice tip of the week

Stand your ground in a quiet, firm kind of way. Stand tall when a family member, friend, neighborhood medical advocate, or online nurse attempts to shame you into being a good comrade and telling you for the good of the herd you need to stop growing and limit your care or other forms of nonsense. What do you say to your parent who growls that you put them at risk of the flu by being there for Thanksgiving? There are no simple solutions to complex problems; however, don’t be bullied or shamed. You are not going to change people’s minds; however, you do more good with each adjustment than all the chatter on social media by ignorant people. Don’t be browbeaten by the masses of medical adherents who all so dutifully comply with anything they are told to do, no matter how ridiculous. Look at all the people wearing masks while driving. Are you going to be influenced by such ridiculous behavior? This is your business and lifetime investment; outsiders don’t give you marching orders. Comply with mandates up to a point; serving people is a higher calling. Don’t ever forget that. Be willing to stand before your people in truth, not attempt to entertain, convince, or amuse close-minded people.


From the Mind of Miyagi


Everyone has a story to tell

You all know the scenario: you are so excited about getting that new practice member that you’ve been hearing about for quite some time.  It feels like their appointment is never going to arrive. And then it happens. Only one problem: when they finally arrive in your office, you are overwhelmed by a vague sense of anxiety and dread in the pit of your stomach. You couldn’t wait for them to come in, but when they finally get there, you have mixed emotions. You’ve seen plenty of new patients and they are all the same, right? WRONG! It’s not simply fear; it goes so much deeper and borders on despair.

The hallmark of the amateur when they happen upon a difficult case is to ‘pop and pray’; to go for the atlas, the coccyx, or other sacred centers of the nerve system in an effort to cure, placate, or eliminate the symptoms. Isn’t that what we do? Aren’t we just another alternative, natural practitioner who will give it a go? Look at your case histories and see how many doctors they have been to before your office. And you want to recommend the same as a person with a crick or a sprain? The reason they have not responded to care up until now is not only the physical, it’s emotional and mental, too.

Until you enter their worlds with their inner beliefs and values and hear and feel their unwritten and unspoken story, your help will be temporary at best. You have to hold space for them without judging or condemning. Without uncovering their often forgotten about story, your practice member will continue to join the ranks of the mask-wearing while driving, quarantining society that goes through life sleepwalking. They all obediently wait for the chemical cure as a savior, the vehicle to get to the holy land. For quite some time now science has been the altar that most kneel at and faith in any other form of concepts or health care is violently opposed or degraded  Research, double-blind studies, and the such are enforcers of the old way of thinking and keeps people in the status quo even at the cost of life and freedom. You have a choice: join the ignorant and stop thinking for yourself so everyone will accept you or be a once-in-a-lifetime doctor.

When you hold space or witness their story, the non-linear or spiritual begins to imbue a shared interest and common purpose between two people. It’s so powerful, precise, and predictable and it creates the conditions for a miracle. It does not care about your class rank, technique, religion, or skin color, only if you can call upon it or access it. You join with all healers of the past, present, and future and refuse to get tangled in a second-hand world of technology only, analysis, classification, and one direction of thought with science as its enforcer. It’s easy to sell out and join the majority but it takes thermal amounts of courage to stay in your lane.


Do your family and friends get Chiropractic?

Most only get what Chiropractic is a little bit. They see it as symptomatic care and little things here or there, but as a connection to the infinite…forget about it! They can’t embrace such a concept because their low resonation won’t allow them to, especially in the Covid era which demands unity of thought and behavior against the invisible, man-made tool of mass destruction. Do you sometimes ask: who are these people, these parents or siblings who resent and diminish us constantly? Who are these elected officials who put our very lives on the line to participate in mass hysteria? Do you feel like an outsider sometimes? All too often our efforts leave us feeling vaguely empty or worse: frustrated, lonely, and like life failures. I come from such a family where tradition, convention, and unity of thought are valued and recognized galaxies ahead of new thought and changes from the norm. This is from one of my DCME patient's file: "My mother was cold and distant to me but was less cold to her favorites, the ones who would agree with anything and everything she said. In time I learned that she was envious of me. She would never understand or value my beliefs or dreams. She regarded my uniqueness with disdain and would go out of her way to discourage anything I liked."

If we give up our dreams and higher resonating ideas, especially about health, in order to be accepted by the masses, a piece of us groans and dies and remains dormant inside us. If we keep our dreams, we will be in never-ending losing conflicts with ignorant people, not dumb but low resonating. They will attack us and attempt to get us to join the herd. Stay in your lane, open your mouth, and speak your truth. Don’t participate in the recession for any reason. Serve people’s highest good in spite of what is broadcast on the news and the internet. Don’t look for consensus, popularity, or applause; do it because it’s the right thing to do.


DCME confidential


Question 1: I have a 25-year-old that was all in at the beginning and now is missing appointments, losing clinical gains, etc. What gives?

Answer: They are losing altitude. Sometimes there are no explanations and usually, it is not reparable. Do the best you can even though they can bail at any time.

Question 2: I am not getting lots of DCMEs. You have mentioned that I am afraid of entering personal relationships. Is this what’s going on?

Answer: DCMEs reveal more about ourselves than any other practice member. DCMEs can expose the feelings of extreme rejection, failure to produce results, illumination of silent shadows, etc. These are not good feelings so most avoid DCMEs because of this reason.