TNR Happenings December 14, 2020

TNR Happenings

Oh, the smiles coming from their eyes!

“We didn’t know you were coming this year!”  We heard this over and over from teachers and principles as our Seal team of Love Has No Color elves delivered gift after gift to kids who needed some hope and joy, especially in these times. We delivered to Fort Kipp, Frontier, and other locations we never had been to previously since the need was so high. Kenny Smoker was very happy!

A big thank you to all who journeyed to the Reservation and to all of our members and their offices for making this year such a hit! Everyone in our group stepped up in a big way to go over the top for the kids. The gifts and donations were fabulous. One of the highlights of the trip was going door-to-door (like we do giving out food) giving out gifts in Fort Kipp. I wish you could have seen the looks of amazement in the kids’ and parents’ eyes.  They kept saying to us that this never happens!

Posters that were seen on our trip:

Practice tip of the week

Stay in your lane and avoid conversing about the new chemical cure to the plague, especially if you are in a heavily regulated area. Nowhere is it stated that it prevents you from getting the disease. Getting the vaccination promises that when you get the disease (if you get it!) the symptoms will be less (compared to what?) The people who opt for the vaccine still have to wear masks. You can’t talk about masks not working. You can’t talk about flattening the curve over the next couple of weeks - it’s been 10 months with no stop in sight. Watch out for people asking you leading questions like what would you do? They aren’t the least bit interested in confrontation, thinking on their own, or objective advice, just conformation of their flying in formation with the herd. They live in a second-hand world: told what to do, what to think, and who to be. Steer the conversation away from this temporary subject and move toward health through Chiropractic. Keep up with this mantra: if you get the vaccine, you need to be adjusted. If you don’t get the vaccine, you need to be adjusted.


From the Mind of Miyagi

Franklin Reality Model

“If you ignore the science, you cannot treat the problems.” So says a professor connecting the parallels among climate, conservation, and Covid in a Princeton alumni magazine. There are so many people with scientific credentials or political stature attempting to understand complex problems and offer simple, unfounded solutions that need to be mandated and forced upon people because they don’t make sense. Being safe now is synonymous with thinking along party lines. Understanding the mass hysteria is difficult at times, but this will help.

Let’s look at the Franklin Reality Model. Once an opinion, an experience, or something you heard from authorities reaches the subconscious, you stop thinking and your behavior and speech are completely on autopilot. Beliefs control your life, your behaviors, and limit your critical thinking. They dictate what you can do and what is and isn’t possible for you. From high levels of achievement to weight loss, it’s controlled by your beliefs, not rational thought or critical thinking.

The concept of disease (called health by most people) is completely on autopilot in this country. Covid did not invent people’s complete and utter ignorance about health. It illuminated what was already there. If concepts don’t agree with your beliefs, you will dismiss them, make fun of them, or get violent or angry. You actually fight for these invisible beliefs without thinking. There is no morality to beliefs; no right or wrong. You have been bombarded by thousands of hours of paid-for propaganda for drugs, surgery, and how there is only one way to solve all problems. It’s invisible, familiar, and comfortable to you and it’s permanent for most people. Think about how your parents, spouse, and even your kids view things. Once it’s a part of your beliefs, you don’t think anymore, you simply react. It’s almost like invisible puppet strings make your lips say things you don’t think about. You sound like you know what you’re talking about, but you don’t. You have an intellectual, narcissistic arrogance that knows no end. Logic, sense, and critical thinking goes out the window with beliefs. You will go to your grave defending your beliefs, no matter how silly they are.

Remember how many people offered you advice on starting your own practice, even when they had never done it before. When you didn’t take their advice or acknowledge their total ignorance in the matter, they would get angry, shun you, or attack you on social media. I saw a girl on the plane reading her social media on her computer and there was a banner proclaiming POSITIVE TEST. There were lots of comments below this, probably from her followers who were congratulating her on her achievement. She was not sick, she just tested positive for a disease with 99% survivability. What kind of society celebrates being sick? How about being sick, dumb, or being broke? Are these the nation’s next treasures to be adored?

Don’t take a back seat to anything or anyone. Chiropractic has yet to be recognized and may never be. You still have a responsibility to tell your truth, stop caving, and care for people who have lost their minds. Like a rescue dog, we treat owners with respect and give them our best when they aren’t likely to show us their best.


DCME confidential


I’m so proud of our group for welcoming in a DCME of mine who literally just finished her care. Just seeing her fit in with our group on the Reservation brought tears to my eyes. She felt loved and recognized and was given support and encouragement by all in the group. She is an outstanding artist and was asked to do a mural this summer! It was just what she needed as she acclimates to her new life. She finds it amazing that there are doctors like us dedicated to helping people. Before meeting us, she had given up hope in people and especially doctors.