TNR Happenings, January 11, 2021

TNR Happenings 1.11.21

Here we go for 2021

Stop waiting for true leaders to emerge in this world, get off the bench, stop griping and immediately help the world with health so there will be a whole lot less suffering. Remember when you were a teenager or young adult and you went against your parents’ wishes? They sure made you feel guilty for your new choices. Maybe it was a college you were set on attending or maybe it was an occupation that didn’t line up with their outdated beliefs. If you had someone in your corner, someone encouraging you to follow your dreams, you didn’t go to hell. In fact, you were welcomed into heaven: a new way of doing things where the objective was being successful, not a martyr doing something to be different and just get by. Or what about going along with your parents’ thinking and becoming a medipractor? Half MD and half DC, like in Greek mythology: half man and half horse. Many times the inertia of going against our parents’ thinking still keeps success just out of our reach. Most of our parents will receive an adjustment from us, but pay for them or receive them from someone else if we aren’t around? Isn’t going to happen! Stop worrying about what others will think and don’t look back when it comes to helping people with Chiropractic. Just because most of the world doesn’t know about Chiropractic (they think they know), don’t let this affect your ability to help people. Personal bests and record numbers await all members in 2021.


Head-to-Heads are heating up!

Two Head-to-Heads are scheduled this week to start the New Year off right. There were three originally but one will be rescheduled. At the beginning of your training, most Head-to-Heads have a theme and a problem to be solved. When you reach a higher level of resonation, there is less of a theme. You become a better version of yourself and you solve your problems as well. Not all problems are in your office. Just a hint!


The TNR events schedule will be released in the next few days!

Yes, TNR training will resume as early as next month. You will receive a schedule this week. Snow, travel restrictions, and quarantines are all legitimate factors; however, the show will go on. There is a price to pay for when our training lapses or completely ends. We have noticed the subtle and not so subtle trickledown effect. Maybe you have seen the leadership in your household start to erode in your very families. You are not going to win against the news or the internet! Maybe your spouse or older kids have voiced their belief in the hoax, especially with the online, remote learning, the fear of the teachers, etc. Or you start to get worn down by your parents’ or in-laws’ behaviors and opinions, etc. TNR events will look different in only one way: smaller numbers. There will be a handful of members giving their batteries a much-needed charge. They will be very experiential and there will be nowhere to hide. If you don’t think all of this silliness wears on you, you are wrong. Training is the solution. What does the average person do when faced with overwhelming odds? They succumb and become docile comrades and start squealing on anyone who dares to think or act differently.


Love Has No Color news

Dr. Lizzie is at it again with her creativity. She is having themed Health Awareness Seminars and is using Love Has No Color t-shirt swag as incentives for people to attend and bring guests! Many people know of her athletic ability, strength, smarts, and year-round Florida bronze, but they may not know she is so creative. She doesn’t use creativity for its own sake; rather, she blends it into practicality and keeping existing and new people inspired to get healthy and stay that way. She also does lots and lots of DCMEs! Great job!

Dr. Lizzie t-shirts

From the Mind of Miyagi


Giving your best effort means something different to all of us, but deep down, it means only one thing. The mass hysteria that is in full bloom illuminates what was already there, it does not create anything. Giving your best effort has been discouraged to the point of being extinct. In its place are reasons for not doing your best. Everything is blamed on the global hoax. In reality, people love being told what to do and stay in ignorance rather than awakening to what health is. Like a light in a darkened room that is turned on, it doesn’t put things in the room, it illuminates what was already there. People are painfully handicapped in their ability to separate truth from falsehood. It transcends all sectors of our population from seniors (don’t let their kids visit them),  to parents (scared out of their minds driving with masks and wearing masks inside) and shutting down schools or making a mockery out of learning with the advent of yet another way not to give your best effort: remote learning. It makes me wonder: does this mean the chances are remote your kid will ever learn anything?

People are encouraged and now mandated, to have minimum contact with other people. To further isolate, they want everyone to be in this for themselves, instead of being connected to all. And most people will do the bare minimum as long as they get paid for it or receive a government stimulus check. Isn’t this a disguised or veiled form of entitlement, welfare, or universal income? True leaders find a way to truly solve the problem, rather than the low resonating answer of quarantining healthy and sick people alike in the false hopes of waiting out the monster. There is a new referendum being discussed on Congress that will issue a bucketful of sand to every American household so you can put your head in it.

Zoom-based teaching instead of face-to-face, experiential teaching is a glaring example of upside-down thinking that people who don’t know truth from falsehood can’t see. In a world filled with the concept of tenure (can’t get fired), this is a supreme example of not giving our best effort to kids. The digital game of Wii is not exercise, it’s a form of entertainment for sedentary people. You can’t go back and do a do-over for these kids. This becomes the foundation for not only the individual but all of society as the collective. This is their new normal. As if ignorance is not enough of a problem, now kids aren’t even taught with a best effort. Is this the best we can do for our greatest assets?   How will they, in turn, give their best effort in their chosen endeavors in life? They will become as they have been taught. Think of the Cats in a Cradle a song from yesteryear that echoes the point.

Giving your best effort is an orientation of life that is sacred. It sure puts a smile on your face when you receive it from someone else. The truth is: it also puts a smile on your face giving it. It’s in everybody, but it is not popular, it is difficult to maintain, and it is not recognized as something of value in our declining freedom world. That is until you need someone’s best effort. I was speaking with a dog trainer and was reminded how the parallels of dog training to parenting and giving your best effort were striking. The trainer gave example after example of owners thinking it was the dog’s fault for their misbehavior. It wasn’t and it isn’t, it’s the owners. They get exposed but will not take responsibility and must blame it on someone other than themselves. The biggest point that he stressed was how owners just won’t continue to reinforce and train on a regular basis. It’s not complicated, but we make it that way by not giving our best effort and attempting to get away with a lesser effort with things that matter. Only after a biting, a dog killing another dog, or a legal threat will the owner attempt to do what they should have been doing all the time: giving their best effort. Was he speaking about working out, teaching, marriage, parenting, or Chiropractic?

As counterintuitive as it sounds, we must withhold our judgment and opinions when others refuse to give their best effort. We don’t need to mandate, make laws, or punish people who think differently. They, too, could give their best effort, but it’s up to them. We see good people who suffer and find themselves being less than their best selves. Just because someone gives less than their best effort, doesn’t make them incapable of giving their best effort. As TNR members and Love Has No Color advocates, we demonstrate and remind people of what a best effort looks like, not to demean, make fun of, or punish people who don’t measure up. We demonstrate, not foist our ways and beliefs on others. Sure, we guide and inspire, but we fall way short of being dogmatic and respect people’s right to stay ignorant, sick, and scarcity-minded.

There is no victim card to be played here. Start giving your best effort in all areas of your life. Where do you need to clean up your act? Don’t wait for applause or financial advancement, these sometimes come, and sometimes they don’t. You can’t be mandated to give your best effort; rather, do it because it’s the right thing to do.


Profiles in courage


“To return us to what matters when we forget”

 Is this your story?

 “I want to thank you for being my coach and mentor. I am writing this to you, not as a TNR member, but as a woman who has been deeply touched. I have been able to look back on past and reoccurring events in my life at a whole new level and have finally received discipline and consequences from you that are helping me to change and move forward.”

 With all of the current mass hysteria blinding us to what really matters, along with our past personal baggage that we insist on dragging around with us, it’s easy to retreat into our pasts and stay there.

While imprisoned in your past, you can’t grow and certainly can’t navigate the curve balls life will throw your way.

There’s no future in doing the same things over and over and expecting things to improve.

My practice is just average, I’ve tried quite a few things; I guess that’s just the way it is.  Besides, I’ve got kids to take care of.

 My marriage is just okay. I mean I don’t get abused, I’m dutiful, but I’m not loved. I serve a role, am a workhorse, and see to the needs of everyone else, but my needs are completely ignored as if they don’t matter.

 My relationship with others is tentative and defensive. I’ve always been this way. I don’t like people that much but I need new patients to make a living. They always seem like they want something from me and when they get it, they dine and dash, and then they’re gone.  

With more and more distractions, isolation, outlawing of joining with others, and being punished (from censoring on social media to having the board of health shut your office down) for thinking on your own, we are adrift in what doesn’t matter.

 Doctors are being told what to do and how to care for practice members by laypeople and politicians. What has happened to our principles?

It’s like an invisible slime has descended upon our earth and covered our eyes to goodness and doing what’s right. It has also infected our hearts and now praises isolation, squealing on each other, and homogenizing our thoughts, income, and beliefs. Much like countries still burdened with socialism.

For the first time in 20 years, I have seen young practitioners that simply don’t want to practice. Instead, they want to sit on the sidelines and do research, have sophisticated software systems, play on social media, or have electronic billing systems that take their attention away from caring for practice members. They seem to be interested in anything except the Chiropractic adjustment. They also love to work for someone because they don’t have the skills or character to start an office from scratch or to grow an existing one.

 They don’t have the connection, love, or compassion to help people and put their own fears and interests above them. Doing DOT physicals and Covid testing are socially accepted ways of retreating from having a practice of meaning and purpose.

Today, playing small is a way of life for far too many Chiropractors.

 As much as underperforming Chiropractors want to believe you can’t ‘knock it out of the park today’, the reality is YOU CAN!


The patient doesn’t tell you what to do

Having the first conversation with a Chiropractor who is interested in becoming a member of TNR is always an exciting event. It’s also interesting to know what they have been told. Just like with a new patient. This particular young Chiropractor was blunt, used an economy of words, and does not trust easily. “So how can you help Chiropractors if you don’t tell them what to do? Dr. X says you never tell your members what to do.” In this age of instant solutions where people are mandated to do things that aren’t true, aren’t in their best interest, and can cause permanent damage to their health (and generations to come), easy is the new currency. “Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it”, he said. He smugly proclaimed that he was a quick learner. He even asked if my service was available online. He sounded just like a new patient.

Not so fast I told him. If it was as easy as you think it was, you’d be doing it. If you want to lose weight, you just lose weight. If you want to stop smoking, it’s the same thing. To become successful, you just do this, and POW, you’re there. I explained how I put the ingredients or the solution into a story or metaphor and the individual figures it out, embraces it, displays courage, and can now claim the sought-after results. You will forget most of the things that you study for, like all the board tests you took. Learning through story, dialogue, and conversation is forever. Not only does it serve you in the short term, but it is also there to use for a lifetime.

When practice members are looking for easy answers to the health (disease) questions they are asking, don’t fall into the trap. If things go right at the time, as with most disease procedures, you will be considered wise. And what about all the hidden side effects of drugs and get healthy fast schemes? If things don’t turn outright, you will wear the goat’s horns. Look at how the temporal cause-effect gets lost with birth trauma. If they survive, it’s years later that a neurological impairment is discovered and never attributed to the birth process. How about the long-term effects of drugs on the body? Guide them and let them do their reading. They may mimic other people who are supposed experts on the internet or what they see on the news but let them make the choice. Stop unwittingly telling people there are simple solutions to complex problems.

Should I use fertility drugs because we cannot have a baby? I can’t lose this baby weight and am considering liposuction; is it safe? My daughter has been placed on birth control pills for a skin condition, is it safe? Should I use steroids? Should I allow E.C.T (electro-convulsive-therapy) to be used on my depressed teen? What type of treatment is best when it comes to cancer, Alzheimer’s, etc.?

Stay in your lane and stop telling people what to do. The solution to everything is health, isn’t it? It’s just not fast enough, convenient enough, and commitment disabled enough to ring true for a digital society. Instead, next time say, “We’ve got lots of work to do. Let’s get at it.” Stop giving advice for drugs, procedures, and operations that we don’t do. Have them ask the people who do it, not you. Don’t add your impotent voice to all the amateurs they have asked before you. Stay in your lane.