TNR Happenings, February 22, 2021

TNR Happenings

It’s finally here!

This is our first training in over a year! The training will be live this Saturday. There will, of course, be no masks allowed, no exceptions. A special guest will be available to answer all of your behind-the-scenes questions about high-level DCME cases. There will be an emphasis on the practical nature of DCMEs and you will have to learn on the fly, with no excuses, do-over’s, or ‘I’m not ready.’ The thing about DCMEs is they don’t care about your readiness or not. Can you remove the sword from the stone or not. Remember, you will not be the first doctor consulted by a long shot. Thank you all for your effort in being there. You will never forget this training!


Practice tip of the week

Don’t believe what you hear. Listen to the Gin Blossoms hit, “Don’t take advice from fools”. When you are giving recommendations, stop looking for approval or acceptance. They are coming to you for solutions, not the other way around. If they agree, fantastic. If they don’t agree, that’s okay too. Move on. Don’t argue or answer their rhetorical questions. Close their Important Patient Records Folder. By the way, they are not questions they are asking you. They are validating and stating their beliefs as to why they can’t commit to the process. It’s like your kids when they were young when the questions were more of a stalling tactic. Check under the bed for monsters. Check the closet for monsters. Can you get my sippy cup? They’ve got you on the run. We like the yeses, but we hate the sting of rejection. It's part of the process, stop reacting to it. So many doctors are secretly not ready for entering relationships. They actually are relieved when they hear all the excuses of why the practice member can’t participate. They sound logical and feel sorry for people in turmoil with no solutions at hand. It sounds terrible, but there was comfort in failure for lots of people when they were growing up. You may have thought it served a purpose when you were growing up but it doesn’t serve you now. Leave behind old beliefs, expectations, and behaviors that don’t serve you. Those of you who are attending this weekend will almost want to get a tattoo to mark your liberation from this lifetime habit of struggle.


Profiles in Courage

Letting go of things that no longer serve us

Let it go

Does this sound like you?

What an honor and privilege it was to spend a couple of days with you!  I’m having difficulty finding the right words for the experience.  I feel like a completely different person.  Almost as if my life has been metaphorically saved.  The beneficiaries of which not only include me, but also my wife, future child, practice members, and humanity in general!  I feel you showed me who I truly am in this world and how to share it with all I come into contact with.  Thank you for sharing your gift with me!!

 We have all experienced the need to let things go that no longer serve us, in our practices as well as our lives, and one thing we know for sure, it’s not easy.  Like quitting smoking, losing weight, etc you know what you should do, but doing it remains elusive.

The change is always accompanied by a cost.  An exit fee if you will.  When you give anything up that at one point guided or served you, it feels like you lose a part of yourself.

 It can feel like you’ve lost your way.

You will also have to ‘face up’ to your newfound beliefs and behaviors to people who have the ‘old expectations and behaviors of your firmly in place.

This is where the rubber hits the road.

Most just won’t let it go unless they hit rock bottom or step on a landmine.  Others just won’t pay the ‘exit fee’ for having a choice in their lives instead of letting others control them with their expectations and opinions of what a DC should be.

With the current plandemic still in play, it has exposed the need of all DCs to step up and not become part of the problem, rather be a part of the solution.

The solution before, during, and after the mass hysteria is health, not the never-ending pursuit and fascination of disease.

We have a mantra in TNR; Chiropractic, health for life.

Let go of the need to play small and practice the same way you did pre-Covid.

There is a whole new world that awaits you!


From the Mind of Miyagi 


In an effort to communicate to a low resonating society so many things have been watered down: abbreviated, handicapped, limited to 154 characters, etc. There is a danger that few on the outside of our group see. Instead of training, learning, breaking a sweat, and thinking for yourself, there are literally thousands of platforms that will remove that obstacle for you forever. A GPS is a great tool until you lose power and realize you can’t find your way. You are imprisoned to someone else doing the thinking for you. You will never develop a sense of direction. Today’s clever marketers will tell you what everything means so you don’t have to do any thinking. It’s all done for you. It’s a diabolical form of censoring, enabling, and limiting for the 99% who can’t and don’t want to see. Just push the easy button.

Instead of the Tao, the Science of Mind, Bhagavad Gita, A Course in Miracles, and other ancient and contemporary texts that take decades to begin to decipher their meanings, everything is now entertainment-based, like Twitter, Instagram, and FaceBook for the masses. Just sit back and be entertained and you don’t have to think. Just like our bewildered children who are being taught by unqualified practitioners of a modern myth…remote learning. It’s a modern-day myth that has dire consequences. Removing learning from a whole society dumbs it down as far as the eye can see. There is no remote to learning. It is ineffective, doesn’t promote critical thinking, and is foisted on an unwitting society that doesn’t dare ask questions or disagrees even when it comes to the health and well-being of their children. It’s a substitution or imitation and it’s one of the consequences of participating in the hoax. So many don’t question it or the end result of the plandemic. Just wait like obedient children until authorities tell you it's okay and then they roll out the next perversion and demand your undivided attention. Did you know that Covid swabs are now being done in a different part of your anatomy, just for the kicks of it?  How far will people literally bend over to participate in a socially accepted and mandated hoax?

Current government-sponsored thought imprisons the low resonating who avoid meaning and depth like the plague. Fear, hunger, just getting by, and primitive survival traits are at the forefront of this group. They don’t read, they don’t think for themselves, and they are not empowered to believe in health instead of being fearful of disease. Think of drug commercials playing over and over and how disease is expected in our society, especially the low resonating, low economic, low educated people. The low resonating masses are being programmed by people who profit from them being easy to control. They are taught how to behave and they are okay with freedoms being taken away, etc. Sure, it’s nice to see low resonating people in conflict as an occasional form of entertainment and distraction like on videos, sit-coms, and reruns of shows you enjoyed growing up. It’s not nice seeing people participate in their own destruction. Just try not being up to date on trivia and watch what happens. When we had adults over for dinner years ago, for entertainment we would play trivia games. My wife and I were horrible because we didn’t sit in front of the TV (today it’s the blessed computer) and waste our lives away. People thought we were dumb! We were busy taking care of people and still are! It didn’t feel good being made fun of for not agreeing and participating with the then-current form of thought or intelligence that the masses bought into. Anyone who thinks freedom doesn’t have a price to pay wears a mask, believes in it hook, line, and sinker, and is willing to close the door on economics for their families. All of this in exchange for being told what to do, what to think, and being accepted in a rudderless and compass-deprived society that stands for nothing.

If you are one of those guys who lived for the curve in Chiropractic College you can push the delete button right about now. You aren’t going to want to print a copy, three-hole punch this in your TNR happenings binder, and place it on your nightstand. This reminds me of a Native American metaphor that featured Plains Indians and the first trappers and hunters they encountered. The invaders told the Indians that for a small fee, they would do all their hunting for them and they could do more pleasurable things, like ride horses, have fun with their kids, etc. It sounded like a good idea at the time. They agreed to participate in the hoax. If it was too good to be true they reasoned that they could opt-out, no harm done, right? Everything went great the first year. The meat, fish, and fowl were nicely cut, prepared, etc. It couldn’t have been better. The next year the settlers contacted the Indians and said they wanted to renegotiate their contracts. The price was through the roof and the Indians refused. However, the Indians noticed that the warriors had lost their edge and had become overweight and lazy. They couldn’t hunt anymore and were dependent on the settlers. They were prisoners in their own land by the originators of the hoax.

Think you can afford not to have a Health Awareness Seminar? My wife queried me this weekend and asked why don’t you feature a Health Awareness Seminar and help all members get the most important aspect of their offices up and running. If you have one, upgrade it.  Don’t fall into the trap of marketing for more people as a solution to your woes. Thinking you’re missing something is the first sign. Sure, marketing is a consideration; however, the quality people you want in your office are high resonating people who are usually referred, not marketed to. Make it the talk of the town. Don’t be drowned out by all the static you hear on the internet. Meaning and purpose are for everybody but will be accessed only by a few. Be that person who makes a difference for all the people who are looking for purpose and meaning above and beyond momentary virtual cotton candy so prevalent today.


Love Has No Color

The dates have been set for the Fun Days in August. They are from August 12th to the 14th. Please put these dates on your family calendar. It is so important this year for us to show up in numbers due to all of the Covid madness out there that impacts the Reservation in ways few can understand. Our food distribution will take on epic proportions and will reach more people than ever. The kids are already asking about it! Get your ducks in a row. Invite VIP people that will truly make a difference: family members, brother and sister Chiropractors, practice members, DCMEs, and high referring people in your practice, etc.


DCME confidential


Question 1: My DCME won’t do their homework on the 21-Day DCME videos. They started out just fine, but lately they have been slacking. They have even missed a few appointments although they made them up. What should I do?

Answer: They are losing altitude. You can’t do their part for them. Just because someone wrote a check or used a credit card doesn’t mean the effort of the DCME client will be there. The quit factor cannot be predicted.

Question 2: One of my DCME clients says they want me to spend more time with them. They say they need more time with me to heal. What are your thoughts?

Answer: It’s nice to be wanted, but like a stop sign you stop, look both ways, and proceed. You can stay there for an hour if you want, but the people behind you are going to voice their displeasure with you. You determine the amount of time, not them. As with all problem people in your office, especially at the beginning, you got into bad habits of spending way too much time with them. More time does not necessarily mean better results or a deeper emotional bond with DCMEs.