TNR Happenings, March 1, 2021

TNR Happenings

Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining

This is a quote from the iconic Clint Eastwood movie, The Outlaw Josey Wales, which was played at the DCME training. The edge is back in TNR! It was great seeing members in freedom once again. There were no masks or social distancing but there were plenty of hugs, community, and feelings of belonging to a very special group. A once-in-a-lifetime group. The Level 2 Report of Findings was under the bright lights and it was worth the price of admission. You could see the exponential improvement with every participant the second time around! How could things change that dramatically with less than 3 minutes of input? It’s not about more information; rather, it’s more about creating a relationship between two different and distinct people. They become one and trust is established between the doctor and patient. The emotional blockages to doing Level 2 ROFs were presented over and over again. Like exercise, it’s not more information; it’s going through the resistance over and over again. By doing it, you embrace the experience. If you only try to understand it, you will have great difficulty doing anything out of your comfort zone because of the expectations of society’s beliefs or opinions foisted on you by parents and others of authority growing up. A new tradition has been created. The attendees got to treasure hunt through historic t-shirts and TNR CDs. The weekend was a hit!


Love Has No Color news

Just before the DCME training, I had touched base with Kenny Smoker. I asked about the suicide statistics. There have only been two adolescents in nearly five years that have committed suicide. Every member reading this should let their families, practice members, and anyone else who has helped Love Has No Color know this. Love Has No Color doesn’t get much mail, but we received this email from a former resident of Fort Peck.

“Wowpida thank you for that!!!! I do miss the rez. I choose to stay away though. That life aint the one for me. I come from Fort Peck. I have heard of the chiropractors being up there. It does mean a lot, trust me they will remember you forever! Pidamiaya koda.”

We don’t do it for the applause; we do it because it’s the right thing to do.


Practice tip of the week

Take a look around your communities. You will see something very distinct but only if you’re looking for it: GROWTH! There are new houses and buildings being built and home improvement projects going on everywhere. People, even staunch supporters of the hoax, are running out of steam. How many more lies and deception can be created by the political and medical meme manufacturers? Super spreaders, 2 masks, social distance 20 feet, #unitybyisolation, shame for not complying with made-up regulations, etc. They have levied fines against thousands and thousands of people. No laws were broken; martial law was made up and enforced. The tip of the week is to welcome people back into the fold. Get over the mass hysteria and don’t hold it against people if they must adorn a mask. So what if your parents won’t let you visit them. So what if they wear masks when they drive and sleep. They need to become healthy immediately so they don’t get swept away with the next deception. Sooner or later they will have to come back outside to join the world and leave their previous existence in their basements on Zoom and FaceBook. If anyone asks why some of your people aren’t wearing masks, tell them it’s due to medical conditions and the American Disability Act forbids me, or you for that matter, from asking why. Know in your heart that if they were healthier, they wouldn’t have allowed all the destruction in their lives from loss of freedom to complete cessation of education for their kids, isolation, etc. It’s time to GROW!


A special thanks goes out to:

My wife, none other than Dr. Julie. She was the super hostess, chef, and social director for our DCME event. She is also the only person you know who will not don a mask. From all the planning and preparation she does, she doesn’t ask to be recognized or to be told what to do, especially in health matters. She wants everyone to receive the full benefit from attending TNR events. She takes care of the dogs and kids and helps out with the fire when there is a sweat. No job is too big or too small. She has assisted more than you will ever know with each and every DCME client I have ever helped. She is a HUGE part of their healing. Without her assistance and planning, we would be stuck in a moldy hotel room with stale coffee and uncomfortable chairs. She helps make TNR a community unlike anything else.


Profiles in Courage

Dr. Kevin, you need to do a Ted talk


Dr. Kevin’s response

 Every era in history has had a repository or temporary holding place for what was valued during that time. The things held in these repositories are considered contemporary for the time, thought to be true, are intended for the masses, and must be high in entertainment and emotional points. Examples are Lassie, Gunsmoke, Mission Impossible, The Brady Bunch, All in the Family, Bill Cosby, Batman, The Partridge Family, etc. They weren’t true; they were just considered normal or mainstream and chock full of mores and values that were foisted on people of that era. Other examples are: the world is flat, smoking is good for you, there is no such thing as birth trauma, racism mandated by society to perpetuate the inequality of minorities, war, use of nuclear force, Reservations, disease myths, and wearing masks to participate in a politically and medically driven coercion and perversion of the truth. Can’t you feel the sense of here we go again with the latest kick at the can? You won’t find Dr. Kevin in these venues. It’s by decided intention, not by omission.

 Since 1977 with Dr. Joe Flesia and Dr. Guy Reikeman, Renaissance has stood for excellence, humanity, and ground-breaking thought about how to run a once-in-a-lifetime office, regardless of the restrictions, laws (some states still had provisional licenses where you had to practice under a real doctor), and what Chiropractors thought about it, i.e. popularity.

It was never and is never about popularity.

As with any group or team, when you drop the requirements, make it easy and convenient, and let too many in, what it stands for suffers or degrades into standing for nothing at all.

Other groups and coaches have come and gone and have made their mark by giving Chiropractors what they want in a cookie-cutter, one size fits all format. Today it’s mostly centered around social media. Yesterday it was the Yellow Pages and Killer Ads. Something they can buy, not something that must be earned.

 You won’t find truth in what’s convenient or popular. You can’t buy the truth. It exists with or without your understanding, belief in it, permission, etc. What the majority of any age believes to be true is much like any other social construct like the horizon, you can never get there. The truth is available to all. Nobody has cornered the market or can hog it. If you have a practice member with a particular disease and they are going to die, what kind of a car you drive will not help them. How many social media followers you have won’t protect them.

Say you wanted to protect yourself. A metaphor for this is getting a gun because everyone can pull a trigger, no training or effort is needed. A different type of decision is to be trained in martial arts. As an added benefit, it means you feel safe all the time, will have confidence, and can protect others but it had to be earned. The minute you pull the trigger of a gun, you will find yourself in court or in jail and the guilt arising from the incident will never go away.

Another example is steroids. To say they don’t work isn’t true. They work initially and then cannibalize the person to the death. Something that seemed like such a good idea at the time turns into a nightmare. Short-term solutions always create long-term problems. From drugs to pollution, the next generation will always pay the price of a short-sighted solution.

Easy is not always the best way.

 People who just want the quick, easy way out of all problems just won’t commit to a true solution. Look at your practice members if they have to pay out of pocket. They will complain and turn to the jury of public opinion (social media) of the low resonating majority. The discerning minority have no issues with paying out of pocket. People who are looking for short-term, easy-care keep pestering you and asking when are they going to be done. This starts after the first visit. Good luck with that person and the others like them!

As with training Navy Seals, the time intensiveness required dissuades most from ever attempting the task. The same thing prevents Chiropractors from venturing into TNR shores. Once-in-a-lifetime Chiropractors are rare. If you find one, your problems are over. If they can’t find one in their neighborhood, some practice members will actually fly thousands of miles or drive hours to receive care.

Isn’t it so counterintuitive?

Before 2000, most Chiropractors had been touched by Renaissance. There were videos, patient education products, posters, pamphlets, office procedures, and, most of all, the guiding light of the Big Vision.

Today, Chiropractors strain their ears, wrinkle up their faces, and say, “I think I’ve heard of Dr. Reikeman. Did he have any videos on YouTube when he was living?” When corrected about the fact that he is still living, they are not impressed.

And so it is with the less discerning Chiropractors that believe what is relevant now is the benchmark of importance as if history started with their birth. A few of the kids that I coached on youth hockey teams made it to Division I and the pros. I could predict who would make it not on skill, ambition, drive, who had a respect for the mystery of the game, not just what the game could do for them.

Some things never change. 

If you’re done searching for all the fools’ gold out there and want to be developed from the inside out stop accepting substitutes and imitations and let's get at it.  There’s work to be done!


From the Mind of Miyagi


Most people you will meet are not Miracle Minded; in other words, they wouldn’t recognize a miracle. This is similar to closed-minded (non-miracle-minded) people who are negative about anything they can’t see or don’t believe in. From the subatomic particle to Chiropractic, they have neat little categories in their minds. An example is low-level care for peanuts. Sometimes people don’t think you can produce the results when real doctors can. Sometimes they just won’t commit to what needs to be done. In the world of Level 2, what people find impossible, they will find a way. What is possible won’t be accomplished. In other words, if it’s a stretch, they will find a way, if it’s easy and convenient, they will find an excuse.

Because we don’t get the applause or the airplay on social media or TV shows about Chiropractic, we have lost our way, belief, worldview, and our very essence of being miracle workers. We are isolated and are losing our traditions, language, and true role in health.  Instead, we are being benchwarmers for the disease game. We have been reduced to removing symptoms in a few visits, especially low back and neck areas.

Each time you remove clouds from the sun, the sun shines. Their resonation raises and all areas of their lives improve. Enter the miracle. Removing pain only is a nice thing to do; however, it will not increase resonation. If you remove back pain from a criminal, they can do their criminal activities easier. With a higher resonation, there is a marked shift from violence, deceit, addiction, just getting by, not caring about others, etc. The world is searching in all the wrong places for miracles: test tubes, politics, government, insurance coverage, etc. Don’t give up your Miracle Mindedness to be a comrade and a card-carrying agent for mediocrity who is able to only see what’s visible. There’s a whole other world of miracles awaiting you.


DCME confidential


Question 1: I’ve been asked to consult with my DCME’s therapist, probation officer, and grandmother for progress reports. I don’t mind talking with these people because the more people behind the kid’s treatment, the better for all. Is this o.k.?

Answer: Who is paying? That is the only person to have any contact with and even that is brief: “He’s doing fine, keep at it, make sure he shows up tomorrow, etc.” Do not answer questions every step of the way.

Question 2: My CA does macramé and wants to take my DCME off campus to show them how to do it. This doesn’t sound right, am I being paranoid? Doesn’t it take a village to raise a child?

Answer: Don’t allow this to happen. The bond is with you only. As well-intentioned as CAs are, they can’t help in this regard.