TNR Happenings, March 29, 2021

TNR Happenings 3.29.21

Mr. Miyagi Training is on April 17th

Imagine a training that will challenge everything you were taught and have done in practice up to this point. Oh, my! As a Chiropractor, you will witness concepts of disease that are agreed upon in society. If you can help, it shouldn’t matter what letters are next to your name, your religion, your skin color, your political orientation, etc. But in this society, it does matter which party you hail from. If you’re not an M.D. and you cross party lines, you will be dealt with severely. Like an obedient puppet, you are employed to enforce what has been decided in society from masks to running a 4-minute mile. By law, you are told what diseases are okay for you to address (back pain and neck pain only) and which ones you can’t. Regulations by your brother and sister DCs, social mores, and insurance coverage force you to witness these other diseases only, not help them. You are granted permission to act helpless and say it’s not your problem. You can pass the buck even if you know you aren’t giving your best effort. You are told by outside authorities what you can and can’t talk about with practice members. They will censor and take down videos that disagree with the mainstream disease mentality. This is part of the government’s attempt to render citizens utterly dependent on profit-driven chemical cures only. Attempt to mention words that begin with v (vaccines or virus) or mention immunity north of the border and your license will be toast. Whether you are aware of it or not, websites are being monitored on a daily basis. With a huge Miyagi-like upgrade in your training, mindset, and courage, you can reclaim your freedom and help people who have their backs up against the proverbial wall. It isn’t only your abilities that get transformed in TNR, it’s your life. As one participant once wrote in a testimonial, Miyagi is the key to the kingdom.

Miyagi April 17

LHNC news

I will be traveling to the Reservation from April 7th  to the 9th to visit with Kenny Smoker and plan out our Boot Camp/Fun Days for August 12th to the 14th. There are so many moving parts, from lockdown parameters to what will be happening in the next four months. We will be meeting with the Tribal Council to argue our case about having a public gathering. We are also looking for trustworthy guests to join us in August. If your guests will be joining the pandemic hoax with voluntary testing, this is not the right environment for them. VIP practice members and relatives who believe in health and freedom are welcomed. This is a great time to introduce Chiropractic friends to TNR who have lost themselves or have been swept up in the hysteria; have them reach out to me. Remember the golden rule, we can only help people that are willing to be helped. 


Practice tip of the week

Go through your list of practice members who had discontinued over the last 3 years and make reactivation calls to the ones that you had connections with. Sometimes you can feel the loss of altitude a practice member exhibits before they opt-out. Examples are skipped appointments, rhetorical questions, whining, excuses, etc.  If you make the calls, rather than your CA, you will realize that you will get a higher percentage of them returning. This is because you will trigger the anchored-in emotional connection you have with them, regardless of their absence. Some of the reasons they left your office will be fairly legitimate, from parents passing on to sickness or issues with their children, financial burdens, loss of job, relationship strain, someone very close to them had a terminal illness, etc. By reaching out to them, you are recognizing them and making them feel significant. Most professionals just think drop out is the cost of doing business and their answer is to just replace them, like all of their superficial, transient relationships of the past. You don’t replace people who are in turmoil like the practice management model teaches you. Reach out to them; you’ll be surprised with the results.


Profiles in courage

One too many compromises have put me in a downward spiral

Downward spiral

Is this your story?

Please go to the Blog section on our website to read this.


From the Mind of Miyagi


The concept of the rescue dog comes up very often in TNR. Giving your best regardless of circumstances is a way of life and a code of honor. Waiting for practice members to agree or disagree with us drains personal power. They aren’t evil just because they don’t know anything about health. Give people your best with no strings attached. We are not immune from the attraction of BSOs, practice management, and the something-for-nothing concepts that are so popular today. Like rescue dogs, we give our best effort in spite of not having that same effort being extended to us. Is it any wonder how some Chiropractors look at their offices as a perennial battleground? Substituting aggressive sales tactics for compassion and understanding is the way of the world. Does it really matter what the practice member does, decides, behaves, etc.? You are only responsible for your own actions and commitment levels, etc. Don’t let their behaviors drag you down.

Using the 21-Day DCME Video Program is one of the most controversial things you can do in Chiropractic, other than having a Health Awareness Seminar every week plus bringing a guest. To ask for commitment and receive it is only the beginning of the hero’s journey. You have to first possess the belief and connection to people to knowingly go into conflict with people’s almost immovable, totally fallacious beliefs about what they need to be healthy. Based on non-reality (think mask, war, crime, addiction, disease), you must take on the parent persona (saying what they need to hear instead of what they want to hear) instead of asking for acceptance and permission from your practice members (kids).


Along these lines of being a witness to the mandates and beliefs of society, laypeople, as well as Chiropractors and other doctors, will enforce the current realities of society with the administration of advice. Advice is a soft sell of the current mandates of society. You are limited by your scope of practice as to which type of advice you can give; imagine that. This advice limits and accepts disease, death, and incurable as being acceptable losses. You know which forms of disease are treatable and which ones to call hospice for.  This advice is given by people (laypeople and doctors) that have nothing to do with the solution to the problem, they are only holding the problem in place. Instead of holding a space for the solution, you hold a space for the problem and receive your reward from society for being a good little boy or girl. When their way doesn’t prove successful to the patient, the patient is punished and placed in the penalty box, better known as palliative care. They witness the problem (much different than solving the problem) even though it seems like they are helping with information from their profession or what they found on the internet a few minutes ago. It is well-intentioned but deadly.


Ask any person with a serious illness or invisible disease if they were given any advice and they will say with a naïve, innocent face, NO. Some of the advice many of these people have received are: have a positive attitude, don’t eat gluten, go to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico for treatment by a shaman in a thatched hut, join FaceBook groups with people who are also dying, take 46 supplements, wear copper bracelets, prepare a bucket list. The unwitting patient is in agreement with the current mandates of society that say there isn’t a solution. Even knowing the side effects of drugs or therapies, so many people don’t even hear the words and they gladly swallow the known and unknown risks. Think of Covid remedies here. Why have all the supposed safeguards of testing if they can be ignored for the good of people? That choice can’t be made for you in the land of the free. And yet it has by the pandemic fundamentalism. Aren’t safeguards supposed to safeguard the people they serve? By the people, for the people has been replaced for something else.


DCME confidential


Question 1: I am getting pressure from the parents of an 11-year old kid with PDD spectrum disorder about producing results. He has been to 6 specialists and he keeps going to specialists to be tested over and over. Both parents have been ordered to stay in their home and are getting almost openly hostile with me. HELP!

Answer: Stand your ground. It’s not natural for parents that previously would only be with the kid for a few hours because they were at work, to be confined with the kid 24/7. It’s going to be a long road. I wonder if they have this attitude with their medical specialists.

Question 2: Many of my patients have been reluctant to participate in Level 2 care. I wonder if I cut out the DCME 21-day video if more would step up.

Answer: It wouldn’t be Level 2 care, it would be something else. Stop thinking and playing small and making excuses for people who need to step up to reach their health goals. You stepping down and watering down their care program will not help them; it will cripple them. You are witnessing their weakness, not their strength.