TNR Happenings, April 12, 2021

happs 4.12.21

Trip to the Reservation to see Kenny

It was great to visit the Reservation and Kenny Smoker. They are very opportunistic about this year’s Fun Days. It’s almost 4 months away and a lot can change by then. With some tweaks, we should be able to have our Fun Day carnivals. We are also going to the jail with care and a concert. The Reservation is more conservative in its approach to the plandemic fundamentalists than others in Montana. They are doing the best they are able. A sweat ceremony is also being planned for our members and guests. Some other surprises are looming and I will keep you posted as we get closer. Lots and lots of food will be delivered. Kenny Smoker wanted me to personally thank each and every one of our members for being so dedicated to helping the people of the Fort Peck Reservation. Keep the fundraising rocking and blackout these dates on your calendar: August 12th, 13th, & 14th.  It’s going to be epic.


Practice tip of the week

Being privy around the dinner table to a brand new practitioner is something you never get tired of.  Imagine that practice member 002 is a red hot low back.  Remember the feeling of your first new practice member? What was in your mind? I will tell you what is in most of our minds: Do we have what it takes? Sure, we graduated, got a license, and practiced on a lot of people; but it’s like the difference between target practice and real-life when people actually shoot back. This patient was getting better day by day and then he had a bit of a setback. Why? He was doing yard work! The next day he wasn’t able to come in 2 times because he was scheduled to receive his Covid shot. On a Sunday!

This guy has a wife that goes to a Chiropractor once a week for wellness. Not this guy. His mind is closed. He just wants to get out of his pain. My back, my back. Prevention and wellness for a better world are not in his consciousness. Patients like this are not going to change their minds and they will turn on you if you don’t recognize this. Your job is to inspire and educate; not ram it down people’s throats. Think of it this way: your job is to help people who have open minds, not to open their minds.


Mr. Miyagi Training is this Saturday!

Finish the week strong and get ready for Miyagi.

Miyagi April 17

What a great idea!

Dr. Lisa wears lots of hats from being a once-in-a-lifetime ND to being a supermom, wife, daughter, sister, and fundraiser extraordinaire for Love Has No Color. And she still finds time on Friday evenings to train TNR members in her area of the concepts and procedures. She has referred 4 members from her area! As you might expect, she doesn’t hold back when it comes to her training. She calls them out. If they try hiding behind stories of their kids or spouse, say they do it much better in their office, say they don’t like to play-act, etc., she will still hold them accountable. I wish you could have seen her years ago at TNR events like MasterMind. When someone would attempt to milk sympathy or tell a sad story of why their practices or lives were inferior, the neck veins would enlarge and fire started snorting from her nostrils. It many times resulted in a beat-down teetering on the brink of being physical. Once a male Chiropractor was complaining about his overriding and demanding wife. Dr. Lisa had some well-chosen words for him about growing a certain part of a male’s anatomy. She also refused to call him doctor and referred to him by just his first name. I’m very proud of longtime member Dr. Lisa. She does her homework (voracious reader), studies her dozens upon dozens of TNR manuals, and continues to make these concepts practical. She also doesn’t accept Level 1’s. In days gone by, principled Chiropractors would not see a practice member unless they attended the NPO (called HAS today) with a guest. It was a way of weeding the garden for warriors. Even though weeds are green, they steal precious nutrients and crowd out flowering plants and fruit-bearing trees. People are always complaining about the quality of their new people. Here’s the solution. Do you think you’re not ready for it or don’t have enough training? Work toward it. She doesn’t hoard the TNR concepts and keep them to herself. She shares, inspires, and encourages TNR members to realize their full potential. Even meeting Dr. Lisa just once, you will never forget her. She is a true treasure on so many different levels.

Dr. Lisa

Mind of Miyagi


This will be delivered in full on Saturday. Don’t even think about asking for a neutered Zoom meeting.


DCME confidential


Question 1: My DCME practice member won’t do their homework on the 21-Day DCME Video Program. I’ve asked them over and over again and no luck. Help!

Answer:  The 21-Day DCME Video Program is not an answer to a problem; it’s an invitation to the solution. Not doing their homework simply expresses their reluctance to let go of the problem. Some people would rather die than give up their stories, diseases, and hand-wringing tales of woe. It exposes some people’s true intent that they are choosing disease, limitation, and lack and are sticking with their stories, diagnosis, can’t be cured, etc. They will fight for the right to be sick. With others, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to free up some personal power and resonation that is more than enough to transcend any problem. Don’t take it personally; you didn’t make people the way they are. Share the opportunity and don’t put an attachment on their behaviors. Think of Karate studios, weight loss centers, gyms, etc.: the quit rate is astronomical.

Question 2: My DCME is starting to lose altitude. He has been missing an appointment here and there, speaking to me disrespectfully, and taking me for granted.

Answer: Are we talking about marriage, kids, or families in general? Don’t make a big deal out of it. If it is a big deal, speak directly to them about it and don’t mince words. If there is no uptick in compliance, consider refunding them their unused money and moving on. Don’t be in integrity with a malcontent and be out of integrity with people who love being on Level 2. Level 2 is a privilege from the worthy to the worthy. It’s not for everyone. You will see lots of examples of this on Saturday.