TNR Happenings, April 19, 2021

TNR Hapenings 4.19

Miyagi didn’t disappoint!

“Just do it. Stop thinking about it, literally. Miyagi answered questions I didn’t even know I had. It exposed me to the truth about myself and my office. Of all the TNR events, there’s nothing like a Miyagi Seminar. In all of Chiropractic, there’s nothing like a Miyagi seminar.”

 This seminar made the participants feel like they were holding a giant mirror to their true self, not what they pretend they are to be accepted by the mainstream. What is your true intent toward helping people? In each and every person I’ve coached I have seen a sleeping giant: a tsunami of potential that goes unnoticed for a lifetime unless it is unleashed. Each of us has a magical genie inside that is being held prisoner “by a cork in the top of the bottle.” This training was about reclaiming this giant within. Once released, it has limitless potential. It takes a special type of intent, training, and person in your corner to awaken the giant within. Each person in the seats this past weekend felt that giant awaken. Now they have a higher code and connection; and a duty to people to not be mousy, weak, and do what previous Chiropractors have done. Remember: People don’t know what they need (not want) and people talk sh*& about things they don’t know anything about. They always have cures for your illness, even though they can’t help themselves. The new resonation or consciousness of the participants will spill over into all areas of their professional and personal lives.

This is especially true with children, spouses, siblings, and, of course, parents. These doctors will start to double think about their relationships, the groups they are associated with, and, of course, the ever daunting distraction of social media. They have been given back their ability to choose, instead of living a life of default: to make a living (Level 1) or change the trajectory (Level 2) of each and every person who supplies the willingness and ability. Most Chiropractors are not aware that they are playing small by limiting their practices to Level 1 and not having the intent and ability to produce results with gnarly, ugly, dirty cases. Things that are incurable in Level 1 are easily addressed in Level 2. Imagine the surprise of realizing there is something infinitely more essential to society than your contribution as a last-ditch, crick and sprain reliever! And did I mention the massive economic benefits?


Practice tip of the week

Go on to the TNR website and read the blogs in the Profiles in Courage section. You will find yourself over and over in these writings. Each of them has a piece of you inside. You may find yourself saying, “Is he writing about me?” Reading them will give you the courage to do what needs to be done in your practice and your life: To have that difficult dialogue with a loved one like your child or spouse and to put limits and boundaries on outwardly or inwardly hurtful parents or others. You may have to give some of your mouthy, rhetorical-question-asking, abusive practice members the opportunity to bless another office with their presence.


Love Has No Color News

Kenny Smoker is really looking forward to this year’s festivities. It’s not too early to recruit VIP practice members to the event. You know the type: go-getters, big referrers, people who need no babysitting and aren’t needy or clingy types, etc. If your kids are old enough, they should be exposed to the invisible treatment of America’s First People. This is the perfect opportunity for them to learn to have a humanitarian spirit. The dates are August 12th, 13th, and 14th.


From the Mind of Miyagi


We have been witnessing a meme in the creation. It started out as a temporary exercise in futility, like installing chain link fences to keep out mosquitoes, wearing a mask for a couple of weeks to flatten the curve; vaccines developed with safety factors absolutely ignored; then saying two doses are necessary (be expecting a 3rd and 4th and one for children); schools being closed down even though the chances of a fatality with a third-grader is one in the millions; doctors and institutions receiving $39,000 per dead body to falsely claim it was by the newly created meme; being fined or imprisoned; businesses closed; or being socially banished if you don’t participate in the war against this manmade threat. Every scientist admits it’s a manmade tool of mass destruction but people don’t care. Do you know who owns the patents for the Covid 19 virus? Go ahead and do some research. The information has been censored, but if you dig deep enough, you can come to your own conclusions. Anyone who even suggests that they can help with this global threat is severely punished.

All of the trillions of dollars allocated to this threat are completely invisible to people. Once the tipping point is reached, people lose their sense of discernment and meekly go along with the flow. Someone else does their thinking for them. For the people, by the people is being re-written as are the history texts as we speak. If the government is behind it, it must be true and just. The loss of freedom is accepted and even fought for. Try not to wear your silencer and watch the unpaid advocates spring into action. This is very similar to the case of war. People will say they disagree with it but our tax dollars are being used to support the legacy of endless wars we have been engaged in since we started with Native Americans. Like it or not.

With Level 2 care (not symptomatic back cracking), people will reclaim their lives and their freedom. And they will not participate in future hoaxes. They will not fall for them and be swept away by the mob mentality of might makes right fundamentalism as we see in other forms of government oppression like tyranny, monarchy, Marxism, socialism, communism, etc. Stand before people in truth. Even if they don’t know anything about what you are speaking of, they will feel the truth. Inalienable rights can be seized, yet they are still true. You can block the sun with an umbrella or clouds, but the sun still shines. Level 2 reminds people of inalienable rights that have been confiscated. They want to be part of something of purpose, something that matters. Welcome to a TNR-powered office!


DCME confidential


Question 1: I have a DCME patient and she fights with me on everything I say. She questions everything, adds her opinion, rolls her eyes, will say she doesn’t believe what I’m saying, etc. She paid a hefty fee for her care but she is so draining, doesn’t do a lick of homework (21-day DCME Video Program), and expects the moon. What should I do?

Answer: As hard as this is to write, you have let your dog rule the roost. She is acting like an ungrateful kid and you have allowed this to happen. It might be too late for this one but it is a sign you are too nice and agreeable. In an effort to have a few crumbs of public approval you’re allowing yourself to be walked all over.

Question 2: My DCME is wearing too much makeup and cakes on the perfume. It’s ridiculous! How can I talk to her about this without offending her?

Answer: I had the world’s smelliest man as a patient (ask Dr. Julie). My mentor told me to tell him (supported by scientific research) that he would get better results and the adjustments would hold better if he took a bath directly before each and every one of his adjustments. Worked like a charm.