TNR Happenings, May 24, 2021

TNR Happenings 5.24

The Tao of TNR Sat, June 26

There are glimpses that the hoax of a lifetime is losing steam. Masks are finally being discarded, not because of their ineffectiveness, but because of the equally distorted belief of safety provided by an untested chemical concoction that has started its reign of terror. Whenever the powers to be are offering incentives to comply, watch out! The dust is beginning to settle and what this means is increased membership at our events! More people will be stepping up their service to humanity. It’s been over a year that the community of TNR has been interrupted by this crazy plandemic. Who else sees the vital need for people to safeguard their health instead of fleeing from disease? Seeing some of our Canadian brothers and sisters (hopefully) at the Tao of TNR Training will be a dream come true. If you are planning to double down on your training opportunities, you need to speak with Dr. Julie immediately, as the Head-2-Head slots are almost full.

Tao of TNR

Practice tip of the week

Grow, grow, grow! If you’re honest with yourself, having yet another giant resistance forced on your office may have taken some of the wind out of your sails. Get back to your principles and speak about Chiropractic, immunity, kids, and wellness and watch your practice grow. Stay in your lane. Lead with your principles, don’t get swept up in the wash of the next disease trotted out by people that profit from fear and controlling people. Welcome open-minded people into your office that can go beyond the mass hysteria fears to experience health for themselves. Let health be your focus; stop fighting against disease. The need for patient education didn’t go anywhere. Chronic illness and disease did not disappear under the spotlight of Covid. Chiropractic flourished after the Spanish Flu, and many states issued licenses to Chiropractors because of their meritorious service during the pandemic. People experienced the effects of living when others were dying. They were not told what to do, how to behave, or how to think. They had to protect their own families and find a way to live. Freedom and liberty were in the hands of the people, not doled out by the government. If you found a Chiropractor who would take the pandemic on, you were in good hands. And by the way, nobody was incentivized or praised for testing positive. Nobody tested for the Spanish Flu.    


Love Has No Color News

It’s fundraising time. Feeding an entire Reservation is the most ambitious project thus far. Our boxes of food contain 10-12 sure-fire high quality, non-perishable items, and household products and diapers. It will take the best efforts of all of our members and beyond to get the job done. This will be a visceral message from Love Has No Color to the residents of the Fort Peck Reservation: We’ve got your backs and we are still in your corner. The obstacles the residents of the Fort Peck Reservation and other Reservations have faced are historic. Mark these dates on your calendar: August 11th to the 15th. For a few days in August, the kids will be celebrated and fun will be once again in the air.

Boot Camp 2021

Characteristics of TNR members

I am currently writing the Tao of TNR manual and I thought I would share some of the characteristics that set off TNR members from others. 

  • Humanitarian: This tops the list because it is an overall orientation of life. We do what is right, regardless of what others, including regulatory people, think. You must have thermal levels of courage to display this quality in these times of deception, mass hysteria, and one-thought mentality. In certain parts of the world, it is illegal to meet in public or be in groups larger than two people. How can you communicate your vision of healthier people create a healthier planet? Do you do what you are told or do you do what’s right? It is never a question with TNR members.
  • Voracious readers: The books they read are usually never anything on the best selling list. They don’t read what the people they serve are reading. High resonating people have a thirst that transcends academics or popularity. Many read ancient texts dating back thousands of years. The Tao, Lao Tzo, sages, and Plato come to mind. Quick reads, one-time studies, or academic pursuit books are not the main focus for these people. Believe it or not, they still prefer a real, tactile book so they can write notes and comments on the side and underline sentences; and they add to these comments over the years. This is simply not a concept that interests the 154-character collective consciousness.
  • The courage to be disliked: This is also the name of a book I gave to Mr. Kenny Smoker. Everyone who reads it, digests it, and puts it into practical application always says the same thing: so and so is in this chapter. It’s easy to become a hermit, meditate in a cave, crave isolation, have different views, and keep to yourself. It’s much harder to live among people who have no idea what you’re saying and, as you have found out with the masked hysteria, there’s more of them than the independent thinkers.
  • Can exist in ambiguity: This is a skill many don’t realize. You are going to face uncertainness many times in your life. I received many responses to my “Looking into the eyes of a dying person” article last week. You will never know the entire story, even though you think you do. You have to move forward with conviction despite not knowing everything. Most reach for something to dull the anxiety or the sense of separation, etc. TV, computers, distractions, social media, addictions, and alcohol head the list of behaviors to combat not feeling certainty in this uncertain world
  • Willingly accept input from an elder/mentor: Who of your parents, siblings, or colleagues willingly opens themselves up to high resonation input (which is usually perceived as unwelcome) from a person that will challenge them outside of their comfort zone and is a vital part of their lives? As I am fond of saying, if you find such a person, your problems are over.


From the Mind of Miyagi


Personal power is the essence of life. It simply controls what is possible and impossible in your life. You know these rare people with high personal power, but your mind dismisses them because they are so uncommon. In sports, they are considered gamers. They may not be impressive in practice or in the gym. But when the game is on the line, there they are. The majority of non-believers or skeptics call them lucky or say they get all the good bounces and breaks. There can be two Chiropractors in a strip mall and one of them is packed while the other plays video games and does DOT physicals for $50 a pop. How can you explain the huge difference between two people with the same location and the same degree? It is personal power. My mentor taught me all about personal power: if there is a single concept that changed my life, it’s personal power.

At the time he would despair about how difficult it was for Chiropractors to embrace this concept. He thought that this concept would be lost to future generations of “me generation” Chiropractors. He feared they just wouldn’t open themselves up to an unfamiliar concept that would improve the quality of any life. This concept is taught nowhere and for good reason. As a result, no matter how skilled or how many letters they had next to their name, they always struggled with decisions and life events, etc. They may excel in practice and have battlefield conditions at home. To be a good comrade in today’s society means going along with events, traditions, and beliefs that fly directly in the face of a principled Chiropractor. It also means engaging in personal power-draining activities including social media platforms, political polarizations, and having your freedom seized from you. Participating in disease rituals, like wearing a mask, robs you of personal power but you are forced to participate to keep your doors open.

In relationships, if you have high levels of available personal power, you find a way to correct relationship issues, assuming your partner is willing. With low levels of personal power, you agree with the mandates of society and go find another willing partner without improving yourself. It’s always the other person’s fault. How about parenting? With high levels of personal power, you lead, instill values, and understand that popularity has nothing to do with being a parent. You do the right thing. With low levels of personal power, you cave and get walked all over. How about with money? With a high personal power, money seems to be all around you. With a low personal power, it always seems to dog you. There is never enough.

People with high personal power give their best effort and are less distracted than most. They don’t attempt to be all things to all people and are okay walking away from problems, people, or circumstances that are unattainable. They get results when others don’t. Personal power must be preserved by not wasting personal power. Anger, jealousy, comparison, and complaining just incinerate personal power. Think of it as fuel to power all your levels of achievement. No matter how great something that you are attempting to do is, without the necessary fuel, you will not accomplish journeys into the unknown. Most underachievers go through life with the fuel gauge registering low fuel.

Low personal power levels allow others to make decisions and decide for you. Without high levels of personal power, you will attempt to fit in, abandon your principles, and speak only in hushed tones when speaking about anything besides disease. Every Head-2-Head will have this crucial concept emphasized. It's not an academic concept, it’s a worldview of what’s possible.


DCME confidential


Question 1: I recently signed up a Level 2 teenager and she is making slow, steady progress. Then the mother called and she wants me to talk to her daughter. I feel torn between betraying confidences. What to do? 

Answer: Unless it’s life and death, like suicide attempts or self-destructive behaviors, don’t do someone else’s bidding. It will sound so sensible and so common sense, but it’s not. There is a sequence to be observed about trust and emotional connection that nobody else sees or cares about. You are the director and the one who calls the plays. You are not waiting for somebody to comment on what you’re doing or have you carry out their agendas. 

Question 2: I have a young adult that has signed up twice for Level 2 care and discontinued both times. One time the care was for 3 weeks and the other time it was for a month or two. What is going on? 

Answer: You will never know what is going on at home. It’s apparent that the conditions will never be right for a miracle to happen. Move on to another person who will honor the opportunity that’s being given to them.