TNR Happenings, June 7, 2021

TNR Happenings 6.7

The Tao of TNR June 26, 2021

All Chiropractors share a common issue: they think the problems in their offices and beyond are particular to them. In actuality, all Chiropractors share similar problems. If you have a Grand Canyon depth of belief in Chiropractic and a complete system of patient education, what silly clerical, paperwork, or insurance billing program could bring you down? If you are particularly analytical, you will actually search for problems instead of moving toward solutions. Being in conflict in your office (or your life) is nowhere to be. You incinerate personal power and don’t have enough to power the things you want in life. Yes, solving problems requires energy and personal power that is limited. The whole word invisibly shifts you towards describing the problem instead of the solution. Helping people in dire straits is not possible when you are being pulled in all different directions. Understanding concepts is quite foreign in the world of sound bites, hoaxes, and superficial learning. In these times of absolute chaos, certainty and a humanitarian spirit are the new (old for some) currency that makes growth a way of life. This training is about freedom to help people instead of being told what to do and what to think. This understanding will change your life.

Tao of TNR

Love Has No Color News

Are you kidding me? It’s two months and counting for this year’s Boot Camp/Fun Days for the kids on the Fort Peck Reservation. This year will be more ‘free’ and we will return to more traditional carnivals and food handouts. I don’t know about you, but I still have a stale taste in my mouth about not being able to serve the kids in the traditional manner last year. We have lots and lots of surprises for all this year. Donations are more critical this year than any year previously. You can’t do what you did last year and expect bigger donations. Be bold and creative. You will really be surprised to witness people’s generosity after the plandemic of last year. Get the kids in your office and family busy. Kids can do so much sharing on social media and can connect to a lot of micro donors. Don’t forget business people, groups and organizations, and wealthy practice members. It all goes toward the same place. No one group is more important than any group. Have a kiosk in your office dedicated to donations.

Boot Camp 2021

If you plan to shop on Amazon for Father’s Day, remember to use so a portion of your purchase will be donated to Love Has No Color. Here is the link:


Practice tip of the week

Do some role-playing with your staff. Have them come in as a new patient and go through your procedures. See where the weak links are and correct them immediately. Many CAs haven’t been at it long enough to give constructive advice but do it anyway. You will be surprised at what comes out of the mouths of babes. Early in TNR, we would have our members tell us what TNR meant to them. What we were excelling in and what was not so great. It takes no courage to hear what is right; it takes thermal levels of courage to hear what needs to be sharpened. Of particular note, a lot of the activities and fundraising ideas for Love Has No Color came directly from members. You are, of course, the visionary in your office; however, there are other factors involved, like practical execution, street smarts, and seeing the invisible. Seeing the invisible refers to a particular type of paradigm blindness that affects doctors.


Does this sound like you?

I love to show the words of appreciation from members who were transformed in TNR. Note the tone of this testimonial. It doesn’t focus whatsoever on stats, money, or new patients. He got all of that PLUS more. Read between the lines.


“Thank you so much for everything you have done for me and my family. I have learned so much from you over the past few years. You have been a blessing since the first day that we met in Dr. X’s office. You have helped me through periods of not only professional difficulties but family and life issues as well. I cannot put into words what an influence you have been in not only my life but also my family’s. I don’t know exactly when I became that person who settled for less. I used to be shy, except for a time when I knew excellence, where shyness and being quiet were not present. I was at the top of my class throughout my education and a two-sport all-conference athlete. Somewhere between then and when I started coaching with you, I had lost that drive for excellence. But over the last few years you have ignited that flame in me again. I know now that everything I need is within me if I play full out as you have shown me.”


From the Mind of Miyagi


What did you expect? One of the most disappointing events in TNR members’ lives is witnessing the power of memes, close-mindedness, and social media-fueled mass consciousness propaganda combined with historically low levels of commitment. In our offices, we see this happening with adults all of the time, BUT KIDS? What parent wouldn’t do what’s needed when it comes to kids? Lots of them! How many specialists and activities are needed before it becomes apparent that more of what doesn’t work isn’t going to start working anytime soon? Parents must step up. They don’t believe in anything besides what has been told to them by MDs and scientists. Parents choose to suffer and believe that there is no help available for their kids. Now they have had the power of choice seized from them as they have been programmed by society with no independent thought allowed. Like blind obedient little children, they pledge their DOLLARS and SUPPORT to people (government officials) they have never met, people who have an agenda to keep that’s more important than an individual’s right to choose how to keep healthy.

Having lived through a once-in-a-lifetime event, the collapse of the Berlin Wall, we now find ourselves in the restructuring of the Berlin Wall, right here in the US. This wall or divider of thought is invisible, yet the effects are seen everywhere and are stronger than iron bars or concrete. Instead of guards in the turrets armed with machine guns, we now have citizens and comrades enforcing the new invisible realities. Squealing and turning people in, shaming people on social media, social media censoring, and social tracing (another form of harassment) is the new activity to do to support the insanity. Each day we see the government desperately attempt to bully and incentivize (shamelessly bribe) people into giving up their right to live free and make choices free of government propaganda: college scholarships, lotteries, giveaways of all sorts, sticking it to kids, celebrity endorsement, pro athletes being forced to comply, etc. This is unprecedented tampering with the freedoms of citizens for power and profit, not what’s good for people, not by a long shot!   

Our north of the border brothers and sisters are especially hard hit. The regulatory boards that were originally designed to protect and to serve Chiropractors are now in the business of dismantling Chiropractic and neutering it. Practicing principled Chiropractic is now considered a risky business. They do not recognize pediatric certificates, diplomats, etc. I have detailed the lockdown of rights and privileges in other newsletters. I predict that when you are forced into participating in chemical warfare of the body for a license or visa/passport, our brother and sisters will realize the line has been drawn. We have a member who is leaving the country to seek asylum in the US. This Chiropractor loves Canada, but can’t live with the seizing of his freedom. He is planning on doing this immediately. The window of opportunity will be closing as immigration and visa requirements are also locked down.

How far will you be pushed before you begin to practice the way of your choosing? What will you do when you find out loved ones (including spouses) have secretly been chemically branded? Don’t wait until all of your freedoms have been seized. No matter how many people have been brainwashed, there are still people who refuse to be swayed. Many Chiropractors have joined the bandwagon and celebrate the hoax in hopes of gathering average, low-resonating new patients with back pain. A video from social media was sent to TNR. It was of a successful Chiropractor videotaping the chemical invasion of his two kids as he was allowed to put the band-aids on their invaded arms. A big toothy grin of satisfaction and smugness graced his face. I’m not arguing his choice; after all, it is his choice. I just don’t agree with him putting it on social media as he looks for public approval and acceptance and submitting to the court of public opinion.

Use your freedoms or you will lose them!


See you June 26th!