TNR Happenings, June 14, 2021


The Tao of TNR

It’s almost here! This training will help you understand the TNR principles and their practical applications. If only all Chiropractors were exposed to this before graduating, we would have a better world instantly. Rites of passage or rituals in Chiropractic are almost unheard of. Without these initiations, struggle will be on the menu and we are vulnerable to falling prey to what the majority thinks. As you know, if you’re thinking like the majority, you’re in trouble. It’s not just Chiropractic, it’s about life, from masks to parenting, taking a stand, protecting your children, and keeping purpose and meaning permanently in your life. After graduation, training for most Chiropractors consists of academic pursuits, technique, or marketing. These Tao principles apply to your practice as well as your life. If you have ever attempted to refer a practice member or family member to a Chiropractor, you know what I’m speaking about. To whet your beaks, I will be teaching Divine Manifestation or the Art of Dreaming for the first time. There will be a DCME guest of mine presenting her dreams. To her, they are gibberish, a mosaic of nonsense. Once translated, they become solutions to your problems in your life that originate in the infinite. You can use this new knowledge on yourself (yeah!) or help guide your practice members. There is still a persistent rumor that several comrades will be escaping the iron curtain.

Tao of TNR

Love Has No Color news

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. Members do read the TNR Happenings. I wrote a few times about inviting others to this year’s Boot Camp/Fun Days and lo and behold a sister of one of our members and her family are coming to join the festivities. The sister might be bringing more people, too. Your team page should be in high gear at this time. There is a rumor that Dr. Teri had to hire an armored car to put all of her donations in. Perhaps the pictures are on social media. Imagine a bank car pulling up to your office! Put up notices in your office about the opportunity to help out this year by attending. With the lockdown finally fading, it’s just the road trip a VIP practice member would enjoy. What kind of pod will you be doing this year? We need a lot of familiar faces to bring some joy to these kids. It’s been too long. The dates are August 12th to the 14th, with the travel dates of August 11th and 15th.

Boot Camp 2021

Practice tip of the week

Stop obeying the mandates of people who think they know what Chiropractic is. Imagine a rock band starting out with a record contract and the record company wanting the band to sound like a pre-existing band. The record company wants the band to borrow the pre-existing bands’ sound so they can sell more records initially. The problem is, the new band is essentially playing someone else’s music and taking on someone else’s persona. In the long run, it’s not sustainable. Who sounds like U2, the Who, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, etc? They are unique and have put up with quite a lot of resistance from the press for being so. Some things never change. You need to persist and put up with the rolled eyes and rejection initially. It’s worth it. Having people come in and tell you what to do for the rest of your career is a death sentence. Embrace being contrarian with no apologies. If you want results, here are your recommendations; here is the Health Awareness Seminar; here is your patient education. Carve out your niche in your community by not copying Chiropractors who give people what they want.


From the Mind of Miyagi


Being a contrarian in society, you can sometimes feel like the majority is dragging you down. Everywhere you turn, the pressure is on: family, spouses, friends, social media, the new digital Gestapo. The contrarians, intellectuals, professors, musicians, artists, and poets always serve as neutralizing agents when things go too far to the right or the left. Being forced to carry a card or be part of a ‘one cure’ registry sounds eerily like being in Nazi-occupied Germany. Their identification papers would save them only if they went along with Hitler, regardless of if they believed in him or not. After all, it was their life, freedom, and their family’s lives that were at stake. At the Nuremberg war crime trials, every officer and soldier on trial said the same thing: we were only following orders. It’s simply not good enough to sit there and accept what the majority thinks is real. Have we not learned anything from our dark past?

This past year you were forced to stay at home with no travel. That made it easier to control, track, and manipulate you in fixed places. When you agree with domination and loss of freedom and liberty, you are unwittingly joining an archetype of a messianic and narcissistic dictatorship that has been around since time began. Many of these dictatorships consisted of genocide, the senseless killing or starving of their own countrymen. Violence, oppression, and seizing of inalienable rights are nothing new. Throughout history, we have seen revolutions fueled by violence, yet they were destined to fail because of the use of violence. Today’s liberators become tomorrow’s dictators. We have an opportunity that has never been available similar to the Berlin Wall collapsing. We can become leaders in health for the minority of people who don’t believe in being herded into ‘one thought, one behavior, leave the thinking to others’ society. What an opportunity that has never been available, at least in our country!

It calls upon a handful of great, and yet to be great, Chiropractors who are able to steer clear of the mass hysteria and become a safe haven for families that truly want to be healthy. We don’t need a majority of Chiropractors. We don’t need consensus. We need only Chiropractors that believes in the unlimited power of Chiropractic and are willing to bring it to the people amidst opposition and lack of public approval. Throughout history, health has never the priority; it has always been something else: money, power, land, politics, and religion. How can you do anything else when health is absent?

There are no Gandhi schools. You can’t mass produce Navy Seals. And you can’t train on Zoom for anything of significance like I don’t know…HEALTH.  I have a DCME, Level 2 client and she told me about her perverted Zoom sessions with a mental health professional. The health professional would routinely interrupt their sessions to let her cat out, make coffee for herself, etc. She refused to see clients personally because of the impending threat of Covid. So much for putting the interests of your clients before yourself. 

It only takes one to change the world. Why do more miracles happen in our small group than other much larger groups dedicated to other things? Just guiding all of our members each week allows me to get a glimpse of all the miracles that happen with high resonating people who actually want to serve. Might makes right is an outdated, false concept. Enjoy being in a group of people who are changing the world one person at a time. Let playing small entertain average Chiropractors; there is nowhere in TNR for this concept. Grow, grow, and grow your practice. Make it a destination that people come to participate in.


DCME confidential


Question1: I have a 16-year old who loves me and a mother that is getting ready to pull the plug on her care. What gives?

 Answer: Two levels are spoken here and with every Level 2: the parent or economic factor and the actual practice member. You must pay attention to the practice member obviously; however, a connection must be struck with the parent or they will indeed pull the plug. 

Question 2: I have a Level 2 that doesn’t want to come off Level 2. Help! 

Answer: Your wish is my command. They are refusing to give up the intent or the focus of you one-on-one. Take it as a compliment. There is no law that says you have to put them on wellness, cut down the frequency, etc. Remember, this is outside regulation and harassment. You are free to be the director, not just an actor playing a bit part.