TNR Happenings, June 21, 2021

TNR Happenings 6.21

The Tao of TNR

It’s finally here: The Tao of TNR is this Saturday, June 26th!!! It’s my privilege and honor to present this training. My mentor, Dr. Joe, would be proud of the material, I’m sure. The framework of TNR is made up of so many subtleties. They are so beyond the linear and academic; they propel us into a different dimension of understanding and ability to serve people. There are a couple of surprises on board for all to witness. The Divine Manifestation or the Art of Dreaming section is more than worth the price of admission. This is advanced material and is not the presentation for a newly minted CA. See you there!

Tao of TNR

LHNC update

We have lots of offices participating in fundraising activities. Now that we’ve eclipsed Father’s Day, August 12th will come up awfully quick: it seems like the time passes faster than any other time of the year. One of the things I’ve noticed during the plandemic is that humanitarian Chiropractors don’t cave. TNR offices have had historic growth during this time. It seems like Love Has No Color fuels humanitarian offices, protecting them with a force field to keep them out of trouble. The same applies to our 17-year old Boot Camp/Fun Day treasure which seems to take on a life all its own. Helping kids is so unique in the world of Chiropractic where adult musculoskeletal care reigns supreme. When you retire, do you think people will be talking about all the backs that you fixed or the overall humanitarian vibe of your office? What’s happening on Reservations in this country is simply deplorable and unacceptable. We have taken a stand, made a promise, and kept our word. This year we are feeding an entire Reservation and we need all of your help.

Boot Camp 2021

Words of thanks

Getting words of thanks always keeps me connected to the ‘why' I do what I do. This doctor has developed and created a Level 2 offering for a year’s care for a couple having difficulty conceiving. Her fee for this would give most Chiropractors a nosebleed but not her. She has found herself, her worth, and her service to society.

What TNR has given me

I first started working with Dr. Kevin because my practice was not growing as I felt it should. I had closed my first practice of 9 years and moved 500 miles to start over with my new husband. I’d already been at the new practice for 2 years. I had just moved into a tiny 2 room space to save money on rent and was in debt. I was able to save enough on rent to hire a high school graduate for the front desk which was a big help after being a one-woman-show for over a year.

About 2 months after our restructuring, I was cleaning my desk out and found a book I had been mailed at my first practice from TNR. I decided that it wouldn’t hurt to try to seek some help. I’d tried before with another consultant and was encouraged to do things that were not me. I brought my husband and CA to the meeting because I like to have additional input from those I trust when potentially making a big decision. I wasn’t sure how to afford the program but I also knew I could not afford a small, struggling practice. I am the sole income generator of the family and we wanted to grow. We had plans that would never come to fruition if things continued the way they were.

What did Dr. Kevin ask of me? To love chiropractic and how it could transform lives; to be myself. Within a year we had outgrown our 2 rooms and were able to purchase a new building. It is a converted house, just like my first practice; it’s so me. It’s still a work in progress as we continue renovating but I like to think it’s just like our patient’s health. All along the way, I’m continually reminded to be true to who I am by Dr. Kevin. Whatever the concern on our calls (practice members, finances, procedures, marital concerns, personal heartbreak), I’m always uplifted. Even when I’m challenged to look at something differently, it produces growth in me.

When the plandemic hit we didn’t even flounder. We continued in complete congruency with who we were as a place of healing. We grew. The more we grow, the more intention I put on everything being completely congruent. How much do I believe in what we do? Last year I had to make a decision on how far I will go…. I will go to jail before I compromise. (Though I always joke to my patients that they’ll have to bail me out so I don’t starve with the bad food there!) I found a new strength and passion that I didn’t know was in me last year.

As we have continued to grow and I learn more about my passions in practice, I found a niche that fits me perfectly. We are currently making this a reality and I can’t wait to see how God blesses all those involved!

So, what has TNR given me? I have patients who are getting healthier, an awesome staff I love dearly, a full appointment book, more stable finances…but most importantly I found ME!


Practice tip of the week

Don’t fall for the tip of the iceberg. Always remember that 90% of the iceberg lies lurking beneath the surface of the water, hidden from the observer. When anyone tells you about their symptoms, challenges, or drama, you are hearing a one-sided account of a complex situation that is always chronic. Focusing on the problem will guarantee that the problem remains. Is it for sympathy, to hold others (spouses, parents, lovers) imprisoned to the illness, or to control others? Such complex emotional dynamics surround every illness and you need to be aware. Hold space for the practice member. Guide, inspire, and believe in each and everyone you care for.


From the Mind of Miyagi


In our society, we place a high value on the intellect, college education, and the analytical mind, which can only look into the past and bring it to the present. We have a 17-year old houseguest that has seizures and other forms of chronic illness. She had a seizure on Saturday and it brings tears to my eyes describing how Hachi reacted. It was almost as if he knew what to do. When she was lying on the floor being assisted and all he wanted to do was get over to her. I kept calling him off so he wouldn’t add to the commotion. He kept trying to get to her and when he finally did, he gently stood over her and licked her face. Completely instinctual, how did he know?

I bring many of my private cases to the house for training and he greets them and usually treats them with a degree of indifference. If you have criminal intent or are unstable, he will have little to do with you. Sure, if you want to throw the ball around, he will play with you, but affections and protection, no. Later that night, we couldn’t find Hachi because he had slinked off to her room. He was giving her love and let her love him. He was acting like a therapy dog just like Dakota (our past golden retriever) used to do. No laws, society rules, Covid, or any other forms of falsehood could slow him down. He acted without reservation and with no regret for consequences, real or imagined.

There are so many forms of mental, emotional, and physical illness in our communities. Don’t take the easy way out by proclaiming to the world there aren’t enough new patients in your communities. Which pond are you fishing in? Are you in the low back pond or the vitalistic pond? I feel funny even writing this but kids and Chiropractic is still the exception rather than the norm in 2021. So much for the patient education thrust of the profession. Like a service dog, just because most of our brother and sister Chiropractors live in the land of confusion and the low PVA world of ‘my back, my back’, we must hold ourselves to a higher code of honor. The reality of the situation is there aren’t enough Chiropractors! Find a way to reach kids and young adults. They are everywhere! Attend referral outreach programs and meet people face to face! Do whatever it takes. Don’t let anybody, including the government, regulatory boards, or state or provincial laws impede you or give you an excuse to be a specialist in the amelioration of back and neck pain only. Step up in a big way.


DCME confidential


Question 1: I have a parent that‘s breathing down my neck. They want to accompany me on my off-campus excursions. The kid is 19 for goodness sakes. How do I handle this?

Answer: Deny the request. Remember, there are two levels you must be aware of: the parent, guardian, or person paying and the practice member. The practice member will be challenging enough but if you don’t feed and care for the other relationship, the plug can be pulled. Have a time a few months out that you can allow the parent to get a glimpse of the progress. Also remember, the bond of trust between you and the kid cannot be violated.

Question 2: A parent of a potential Level 2 DCME said no to the care program. Then I received an email with a counteroffer of doing it for $2,000 less. The kid really needs and deserves the care, the parents are just not behind this kid. What should I do?

Answer: You won’t get results and they won’t complete the program if you discount your fees as requested. You will be out of integrity with all the others you’ve helped if you agree to this offer from a person who wants you to cheat with them. SAY NO!