TNR Happenings, July 12, 2021

TNR Happenings 7.12

Trip of the Summer

With all the silliness still in play with the plandemic, especially north of the border, this year’s Fun Day takes on even more critical importance. Our journeys to the Reservation each year mark a time of celebration and reflection. This year we will continue to stand for something rather than accept the mandates of a society gone wild with false science, political agendas of power, corruption for profit, censoring, and fining of dissenting factions. Connecting with America’s First People is not only helping people in dire need who live in third world conditions, but it also adds heart and soul to the lives of all participants as well. TNR member, Siggi, who is a professional photographer, wrote about Love Has No Color in her newsletter. (See below) She is helping to spread the word about Love Has No Color even though she only has a dim hope that she will be allowed to attend this year’s event. It’s too easy to become complacent with our lives and become hypnotized by the never-ending drone of family activities and time wasters. All too often, these serve to distract, rather than to add, purpose and meaning to our lives. It’s too easy to comply with the expectations of society. If there is a time to recharge your batteries, it’s now. The dates are August 12th to the 14th.

"I have been going to Fort Peck Indian Reservation with LOVE HAS NO COLOR since
2017. It is one of the most incredible experiences in my life to travel there with
naturopaths, chiropractors, and other amazing people who want to help bring hope, love, and healing to the people on the reservation.

It is hard to believe that third-world conditions exist right in front of our eyes in a first-world nation. Is it possible that indigenous people are still among the most
discriminated against and segregated people in North America?
Living in the world with a "pandemic" has exponentially contributed to more isolation,
fear, segregation and poverty. It is more vital than ever to get to Fort Peck to
CONNECT with the people. Will the restrictions loosen up enough that I can make a
trip across the border to go to Fort Peck? What will it take to get there this year?
This year's goal is to feed the whole reservation and put on the best fun days ever! The
reservation is a HUGE place - just search Fort Peck Indian Reservation. There is an
urgency like never before to bring hope, love, life, healing, and connection to the people
of Fort Peck.

I have contemplated many times what I can do to help. It is deeper than giving food,
money, or housing (although those are all important, too). It is about
connecting......meeting up with, and loving one person at a time. I can't exactly explain
what happens through that connection. Something gets passed on. There is a
realization that we are all a part of the whole. Our lives are all so entwined. Connecting
with others is like the lost art of sorts, just like the passing on of wisdom from the
elders. It can't be done through an online meeting. It is an experience that only
happens through in-person relations.

I am asking for your help! Help to raise money to provide food and essentials to Fort
Peck. You can donate directly through or through
me. Get in touch with me for details. If you are interested in going to Fort Peck, I can
provide you with information, also.

Fun Days, held in two different towns each year, are such a blast! Interacting and having fun with everyone that comes out is the greatest way to create lasting memories! The kids (and adults) remember you from year to year. ''re the lady that took pictures of us.' They look for you or ask about specific people they have met and connected with."

Boot Camp 2021

The day the music died

I have some sad news: Don’t Quit Your Day Job will not be performing this year so there will be no live music. Some of the residents of Fort Peck were planning a hunger protest, but thankfully Kenny Smoker worked it out. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to Love Has No Color and add your names to our list of participants. We need all hands on deck! Feeding an entire reservation is our most ambitious undertaking thus far.


Practice tip of the week

Having a ruthless intolerance was a major theme at the last training. It doesn’t imply being arrogant or fundamental; rather, it’s living with certainty and a knowingness of your critical importance in the lives of others. Most of society thinks the emperor is wearing clothes even though he is not. When people attempt to patronize, belittle, or act rude towards you or Chiropractic, use humor and kindness. If all of this fails, lower the boom. Stop walking on eggshells and let your Alpha out. You don’t have to agree with them; however, you don’t have to make them wrong either. They probably are not changing or coming around to our way of thinking anytime soon. This applies to practice members, parents, spouses, siblings, friends, etc. I have guided TNR members for over two decades and one of the most common problems these members had was putting up with crap from people running their mouths and speaking about things they know nothing about.


Hard to Notice

So many social memes have been invented and we don’t even notice most of them: from everyone wearing masks to nobody wearing them, having to roll up your sleeve to attend weddings, sporting events, and college. It’s a never-before-seen travesty of freedom and liberty. Now that masks have been mercifully relegated to the Smithsonian, have you noticed some people going off the deep end with teeth whitening? When a younger person smiles, I’m blasted back by the sheer brilliance and size of their teeth. It’s almost like they are rivaling sharks. The first celebrities to enlarge and whiten their teeth were the Bee Gees. Go ahead and look at their videos if you don’t believe me. Anyway, now there is a new product, Lumify eye drops, that will whiten your eyes to match the 17-shades-whiter-than-paper color of your teeth. If society is into it, you can be sure it’s a superficial or appearance-based meme. They offer nothing of substance and they take no effort or expertise; it’s always quick-acting appearances of improvement.


From the Mind of Miyagi


As Chiropractors, we see lots of people in our offices and we form relationships of trust with them. Establishing deep connections is rare and maybe happens with a handful of patients in our careers. Strong friendships outside the office are forged with these special patients as we share good and sad times. Witnessing profound losses together activates a stronger and more sacred friendship. Years can go by without seeing each other yet when you see them again the relationship will still be strong. We always give our best effort to each patient we see, whether you have a friendship outside of the office with them or not.

Don’t take a back seat to anyone when it comes to helping people. Whether you are conscious of it or not, you help so many people that you’ve forgotten about in all so many ways besides merely having fewer aches and pains. Guard this sacred trust that has been entrusted to you. Don’t let public opinion sway you or get you to join the ranks of misled and misguided Chiropractors who see only back and shoulder pain and call it a life. Have deep meaning and purpose in your life, become more compassionate and kind, and be stronger and more resolute.


DCME confidential


Question 1: The mother of my 13-year old DCME continues to threaten me by saying she is going to stop her care. She claims that her daughter has made no progress. What should I do?

Answer: Everyone goes through this. Be firm with her. You can’t help her daughter when she has control over you.

Question 2: My Level 2 DCME is cutting herself. It’s very obvious and she appears to be flaunting it. How do I handle this?

Answer:  It’s a power struggle. She is not going to roll over for you in the first 30 days. Putting too much attention on this particular activity will usually backfire. Acknowledge it; however, don’t make it a deal-breaker. It’s never a single symptom, disease, etc. Remember the tip of the iceberg concept. There is more underneath the surface. The effect is never the cause and treating effects is exhausting.