TNR Happenings, September 20, 2021

TNR Happenings 9.20

The DCME Training Was Extra Special

Highlights were: discussions on heavy metal poisoning, the lighthouse concept, the tip of the iceberg concept, the two sides to a coin concept which was worth the price of admission, the up to and including concept, and co-dependency concept, a live guest appearance by a Miracle Training graduate, a singing performance by the Miracle Training grad that brought tears and goosebumps, another 98-day Miracle Training graduate being in attendance, a call-in by another 90-day Miracle Training graduate, and scrumptious food. It was much-needed training in the face of oppressive global warming caused by the hoax.

Emily & Kev

"Today’s DCME Training was different and more expansive once again. We were offered inside glimpses into two of Dr. Kevin’s recent Miracle Training grads. The inside info was helpful to see the other side of the coin, to see the inner workings of people’s own miracles directed under Dr. Kevin. This in turn gives me the confidence to return to practice on Monday with a renewed passion for DCMEs in my own office and helping others achieve their miracles."

"After years of being convinced I needed to add more content to my repertoire, DCME changed the context and opened up a new world. The new concepts presented show the continual evolution towards serving at a higher level. As always it’s a once-in-a-lifetime seminar that cannot be explained, only experienced."


Practical Tip of the Week

As you shake off the end of the summer blues where the days are shorter, the temperature is dropping, and there is blood in the air, even the most bulletproof TNR members need to be energized and engaged to recognize the sacred (not religious) in Chiropractic. You need a Head-to-Head immediately. It doesn’t matter who you are or the years served in TNR, the onslaught of tyranny, oppression, and punitive blows against principled people who realize the emperor has no clothes on, has no end in sight. Training in what you know to be true is the only thing that takes the gloominess, uncertainty, and hopelessness away and replaces it with seeing the current times as the opportunity of a lifetime. For those who think you have an unlimited tolerance to pain, I assure you, the pain will triumph. Children at schools are treated like little POWs: masked, isolated, and brutally forced to accept authority in lieu of developing critical thinking skills. Of particular note, instead of identifying prisoners with tattoos like they did at the extermination and death camps of days passed, they now are introducing biological tracking markers so they can be identified, controlled, and forced into complete submission with a flick of the computer.


Love Has No Color News

At this time it looks like we will be delivering presents to two reservations this December. Remember, this can change on a dime. At Boot Camp, food was delivered to a Reservation near Billings that was ravaged by fires. Houses were destroyed, people were evacuated, and lives were disrupted and ruined. The need is even more acute and we will care for them as we do our kids on the Fort Peck Reservation. What this means for us is that we have to dig deep. Fundraising is paramount. Don’t wait until the end of the fundraising timeframe. Some members tithe on a monthly basis. Some tithe 10% from monthly collections; if they get an unexpected PI or WC check, they peel some off the top, etc. Many members do this all year long. I especially want to thank our brothers and sisters north of the border for being so generous even though the majority have never stepped on the Reservation. Canadians have always been humanitarian, generous souls. Even though they can take your licenses away, lock you in your basements, isolate you, break your spirit, and take your pleasure away, they can’t take your human spirit, including generosity, away from you; it’s inalienable.


From the Mind of Miyagi


Before I get started, I wanted to acknowledge that none of our members have caved in this plandemic. This makes me so proud.

Ask this question to any person who resonates above100: would you be willing to risk your life to be accepted and belong to a group. The answer would be a hell no. Today, we are being asked to do exactly what we would never do unless brainwashed. We are being asked to participate in a hazing experience like at the frat house, sports team, etc. One of the most important traits or characteristics we can possess is self-regulation where we can recognize every time when things have gone too far, regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves in. If you raise kids that don’t have this value, they will do anything to gain acceptance from the group they want acceptance from. They will resort to drugs, serial promiscuity, crime, violence, or anything to incur the favor of the group they are hoping to gain access to. Think of the unfortunate outcomes of frat hazings that go sideways. It has been the price for years. Think of gang initiations where you have to take a life to prove you are worthy of admittance to groups who champion drugs, crime, sex trafficking, and have a lack of respect for life, beauty, education, or anything of purpose and meaning.    

If you lack this characteristic as an adult (it wasn’t taught by your parents), you will always defer having your life’s challenges answered by a magical other. In this case, the ‘by the people, for the people’ benevolent parent, known as government, is deciding everything in your life. Your decision-making ability, a freedom, has been removed from your life. Government, organizations, and profit-over-people drug companies cannot take the place of a developed sense of self-regulation in the land of the free. Other countries punish, control, and abuse citizens; that’s for them, not in a democracy. 

 We talked about another concept at DCME: “Ideas leave not their source.” This is a way of saying the same thinking creates the same shit on different days. Meet the new boss, he is the same as the old boss. We have seen these ideas before. They are not new, no matter how outraged you are. Only 6 animals go to jail per 1,000 rapes. You are going to have your license taken away because you don’t have the right papers and are not a card-carrying member of the majority, even though you save lives. You can’t save a life or put out a fire unless you take one for the team. The work to secure a Chiropractic license is now being undone with no Chiropractors going to jail or even offering a token resistance. The meek cry out that they are merely obeying laws and following orders like those accused of war crimes so they can put food on the table. This sounds so familiar. It’s like thinking unavailable or abusive parents will somehow, someday, snap out of it and admit they were horrible parents to you. It won’t happen. Whether we agree to war or not, the decision is already made for us. We are forced to finance a decision we had no hand in making. In other words, our voice was not needed.  We are getting a micro taste of what it feels like to be black, red, a political enemy, or a criminal falsely accused of murdering a high-profile person. We are being ganged up on with no recourse even under the supposed laws of our land. We are being railroaded and are fighting against ourselves and against an invisible foe. These mandates are punitive, threatening, and based in fear and retaliation, not corrective and protective. We are a divided and broken nation at war with ourselves. How many more deaths will be tolerated? How many more unintentional side effects that will change genetics and humanity forever will be tolerated? We have a ‘them vs. us’ mentality divided not by race, creed, or color, but by submission, subservience, and the ability to be brainwashed and take the easy way out.

Other examples of “ideas leave not their source” are people being paid not to work with Covid stimulus checks. An extension of this thinking is people flocking to Zoom standards to keep their jobs. Don’t they realize they are being placed under house arrest and are being tracked with each stroke of the keyboard? Farmers are paid not to farm their fields to artificially manipulate prices. Life insurance that rewards death. Health insurance that recognizes only sick people, not well people. Imagine a check being issued for being healthy! What about the $39,000 per Covid death a hospital receives or $45,000 for placing a patient on a ventilator? Ideas leave not their source.


DCME Confidential


Read From the Mind of Miyagi.