TNR Happenings, October 18, 2021

TNR Happenings 10.18

Mr. Miyagi Training is on November 5th & 6th

A live TNR training should not be taken for granted, just ask our North of the Border brothers and sisters. They have been locked down with many liberties and freedoms taken away. During the twenty-two years of guiding DCs, NDs, and others, this theme has always been the same: the urgent find a way and training becomes part of their lives. In the past, birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations, and kids’ activities used to be the excuses for skipping trainings. Now it is, “I don’t feel comfortable wearing a mask on the plane” and threats of quarantine or other punishments. Life is defined by what you won’t do, not what you are doing currently. TNR’s philosophy and training methods are so different from other groups. Our training puts the highest good of our practice members first, getting better clinical results, etc. Other doctors, including surgeons, get experience by repeating a stagnant level of expertise over and over. You don’t get better if you are using the same skill level year after year. Others who only see people with aches and pains (my back, my back) don’t think it is necessary to train. You do need training for life and death cases like DCME/Level 2s. Constant and continual training for life is a level of service unrecognized in this backward and upside-down world. TNR-trained doctors are prepared for all cases.

Miyagi Nov 6

Christmas on the Reservation

We should have the dates in a few days. With the coordination of two Reservations, there are more logistics to deal with. Fundraising should be in full force! A practice member of Drs. Randi Jo and Marc Steiner has pledged $5,000 this year (up from their usual $3,000) in consideration of the new Reservation. I’m asking all members to step up in a similar fashion. This year is different out of necessity. Let your people know! Play the recorded interview of Kenny Smoker in your office. You can email it to practice members and put it on your website.

Christmas on the Reservation 2021

Practice tip of the week

One of the most peculiar and unique concepts of TNR is this: you don’t get better by playing golf or driving a car, only by training. DCs, MDs, and NDs graduate with a certain ability level. Think about professional hockey players. Some score 5 goals a season and some score 50 goals a season. They stay at those levels unless they embark on crazy training to budge them from their achievement levels. Everyone carries a deep, hidden self-image of their ability levels. Surgeons have vastly different levels of expertise. They don’t get better by operating over and over, only by training to improve their capabilities. Most license credit renewal seminars are absolutely impotent to change this potential.

Look at some of your failures (hard to do!), for example, the ones who completed their recommendations and didn’t get better. The rejection factor will enter your comfort zone in a big way. Reach out to them and invite them back into your office. Calling them is better but sending them an email is okay. If they are open for help, they will come in. If they have moved on to greener pastures, they won’t. You will create space in your subconscious for new patients. If you have any questions about the x’s and o’s, I’m available to help. This will require some work. Many will have every excuse in the book not to do this exercise. For the ones that do, you will be glad you did.

No Medical Bashing Allowed!

In TNR, we refrain from bashing drugs, surgeries, theories, mass hysteria, etc. The below quote is from the most prestigious medical journal in the world. If you are honest with yourself, in the back of your mind the world RESEARCH connotates the gold standard, for all things that are cutting edge, right? Wrong! The people who will profit from the new truth are the ones who are vouching for the new concept, whatever it may be. Ideas leave not their source. This is the same deception that allowed Covid to go from zero to shutting down the world for 18 months and 4,000 patents for profiting with death, sickness, and deception. Research of a concept is introduced and if enough money is behind it, eventually everyone will think it is true. Memes are everywhere and introduce illusion for the reason of profit and power over people who can’t see through the smokescreen. This is like having no safety belts on school busses and only 6 people do time per 1,000 rapes. This is from an article written by Dr. Pamela Popper:

'According to Marcia Angell, "It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine."

Indeed, approximately 95% of what is published in medical journals is not reliable due to conflicts of interest, poor study design, and even outright fraud. An incident that took place last year concerning treatments for COVID-19 is a good example, and since this episode there have been no significant changes that would prevent this type of thing from happening again.'

From the Mind of Miyagi


The time has come! It’s time for TNR members to become leaders in their communities and speak their truth in a powerful way. No, it’s not the time to fall on your own sword (lose your license, proselytize on social media, etc.), become a martyr, become a despised and hunted critic of the hoax, and all of the compromised freedoms and liberties stolen. Domination at the expense of choice (freedom) is an old game we’ve seen before. It’s like ‘meet the new boss, he’s the same as the old boss.’ We’ve seen this movie and we’ve seen the ending, too. Fighting against lies doesn’t get the job done. Staying in your own lane does. Demonstrate your leadership in health for all that still have eyes to see and a heart that feels. It is better to be divided in truth than united in deception. Seeing the easy cases (my back, my back) paints your life in beige. Nobody looks good in beige. It saps your spirit, sense of aliveness, adventure, and the mystery of life.

Becoming a leader is contrary to low-resonating, majority thought. It is not about education, dogma, or what the puppets of the rules and regulations of the society you live in want you to believe. Whenever we see force, mandates, oppression, and tyranny being used as enforcement, we know we’re being deceived. Choice has been banished and we are now told what is best for us in a land that tells the rest of the world how free it is. As we have seen, it’s so easy to look the other way, agree to the madness around us, and pretend the forces of government, drug companies, and profit over people are just too big for us. Each time we do, we sacrifice a piece of our self and a part of us dies. Instead of claiming your greatness in times of turmoil, you wait for safer times. Maybe you’re still waiting for permission from your Mommy or Daddy (the government). Save your truth for a rainy day sometime in the future.

 What will the next generation be witness to? Are you agreeing to let your kids’ education process be stunted and violated, and letting Zoom replace reality? This will produce a sick and fragile next generation that will never blaze their own trail and will never know truth; instead, they will hover in the shadows of supposed safety and domination as their bodies are baptized with chemical holy water. Years from now, when the coast is clear (after the Holocaust), will you say you knew it was a hoax but yet in an effort to make it easier on you, you threw your kids, as well as kids in your community, to the wolves? Holding your tongue, keeping your truth to yourself, and taking adult aches and pains in lieu of developing health for the next generation brings to mind the words of Voltaire: the hottest place in hell is reserved for those who knew better and refused to speak. You know better and yet, do you let your spouse or grown-up kids browbeat you and speak as an authority of the majority about something they know nothing about? To keep in alignment with the duped public, in acceptance of these experts (family, friends, co-workers, etc.), will you cave and swallow your tongue? Maybe it is to keep your loveless marriage that’s on life support going a while longer, thinking that more time will repair what can’t be corrected. Maybe it’s ignoring the bile that is coming out of your teenage kids’ mouths about what all the other kids are doing. These are examples of the arrogance born of a digital age where antelopes now piss on lions. Lay people know more about health than you do. From Uber drivers to the waitress at the diner and CEOs, their opinions with no capability, expertise, or credentials behind them matter more than Chiropractors that know with certainty, not conjecture. Welcome to the Covid world. In a life or death hospital situation, they speak like you are not in the room with death looming. Your opinion doesn’t matter and the opinions of the ignorant and impotent do. How far can you be pushed without doing something? Or perhaps you know deep in your heart that if you weren’t around, your family would not be receiving adjustments. Now we are entering a dialogue that nobody wants to have.

Seeing what’s really there requires lots and lots of training, guidance, discipline, and the ability to stand alone if necessary. That’s what makes the community of TNR priceless and sacred. The filters of society that promulgate deception, control, and domination using force and threats make it almost impossible to see if the emperor is wearing clothes or not. This is where you shine as a leader, a TNR Chiropractor, an advocate of inalienable rights whether your views are popular, accepted, or not. Up to and including is an idea of not losing one’s truth in compromise to remain in a relationship. We see abuse of kids by parents; we see elder abuse by kids on parents and grandparents. This is another variety of “Ideas leave not their source”. In my lifetime I’ve made choices (not sacrifices) in the up to and including theme: I had to let my daughter go after 17 days of life. I had to let go of a partnership I had for 17 years. I had to let go of certain family relationships due to their toxicity and harmful nature. I had to look down the barrel of a life-threatening disease and choose not to do what was recommended by disease-oriented people. Contrary to what people who choose to stay in circumstances not aligned to their truth will say, by always keeping choice sacred, you live a life chock full of meaning, purpose, and abundance. You serve others as well as serving your self. It’s all or nothing; it is win-win or it’s not real. With sacrifice, there’s always a winner and always a loser. These are old, tired principles that need to be released once and for all. Health benefits everybody, disease and death only profit the few.

People-pleasing and accepting public opinion that is literally rammed down your throats are not truth. For the many, putting up with this nonsense is a way of surviving in a world that is upside down and backward. Don’t fight against it; instead, offer choices to people who finally have had enough. Say, “There must be a better way” because there is!

DCME Confidential


Question 1: I hear so much about the family dynamics of Level 2 care. Can you give me some examples? 

Answer: In order for chronic sickness to exist in a household, there are some subplots that are not visible at first glance. This is the tip of the iceberg concept. Who has accepted the illness? How about co-dependency? An example: A member is in the initial stages of a Level 2 case with a 30-year old woman. This patient is housebound with crippling fibromyalgia. Her husband accepts her disability and their two kids are cared for by the grandparents. She calls herself the luckiest sick person in the world. Her extended family is holding space for illness, not for health. 

Question 2: I just had a DCME pay me cash with $100 dollar bills. I’ve never had this before, what gives? 

Answer: They are demonstrating trust with you. They are all in and their clinical results will reflect that. Imagine if people had to actually pay for life and death cases with their own money: how many would do it and how many would decline when it’s their skin in the game, not an insurance company or the government?