TNR Happenings, November 1, 2021

TNR Happenings

It’s Showtime!

Miyagi is finally here, in all of its splendor. There will be a sweat ceremony on Friday evening at 7:30, followed by the training on Saturday from 8:30 to 5:30. Please hydrate throughout the day on Friday. The Miyagi training, experience, and mindset are the tools missing in most Chiropractors' toolboxes! This is training you don’t want to miss! There’s still time to purchase a ticket.

Miyagi Nov 6

Christmas on the Reservation

I just purchased my ticket to the Reservation on Sunday for $340!  Everyone who has visited the Reservation knows these tickets are traditionally the most expensive ticket in the continental US. For whatever reason, for the first time in 18 years, it pays to fly to Williston. Get yours today!

Keep the donations flowing! We are on point to help a smaller Reservation, the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, in addition to the Fort Peck Native American Reservation. Collecting for approximately 200 additional kids is doable for Love Has No Color. Get your people involved. We need to go above and beyond this year to serve two Reservations. Once the toy orders are filled, we also will be ordering food that we will deliver on the Reservations. I just spoke with Kenny Smoker this morning and there will be a few nice surprises for us when we travel to the Reservation. 

Christmas on the Reservation 2021

From the Mind of Miyagi


Keeping Up Appearances At All Costs

 “Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” ― Benjamin Rush, M.D., signer of the Declaration of Independence

You may ask yourself why the medical exemption was omitted and the answer is quite apparent: the life expectancy was under 40! Why include medical freedom when you don’t make it into your fourth decade in life? As a medical man, he predicted what would happen when any group becomes fascist: they deny the rights of others with their ascension of power and claim authority over anyone that does not have the same beliefs as them. The tools the majority uses over the minority of the day are self-evident today, from imprisoning a population to self-appointed experts in the crafts of ignorance and arrogance. (If only they knew how low resonating their thinking is!) Your liberty and freedoms are sacrificed for your own good, comrade. Wait, what? Do not be who you are because you will be ganged up on and will lose your acceptance and place in a society that is being played like a fiddle.

Did you say tools? This is an excerpt from Hitler’s Mein Kampf: “The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence to these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.” Or how about this one from one of Hitler’s ministers of propaganda: “Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” In search of the delusional belief in a master race, the chosen ones and people approved by god to ransack, rape, and destroy the world, do it for the good of the lesser desirables.

When a society notices irregularities in its doctrines or things that are not easily explained, it hastens to tighten up the old beliefs, even if it’s done with deception, punishment, removing pleasure and freedoms, and with fabricated, malevolent lies. If the details do not fit into the master plan, suppress the details (censor, hate campaigns, squealing, dividing people, Gestapo tactics, discredit, arrest, or punish.) If you don’t keep up the appearance of your regime, you will pay the ultimate price by loss of authority which won’t happen under any circumstances. #naturalimmunity has been removed from social media platforms. Like our history, it’s being rewritten and made up to fit current agendas that promote the loss of rights, freedoms, and truth. A common strategy is to bring in religion as an ally (Manifest Destiny in 1854) to help them butcher and kill undesirables or lesser people in the eyes of their god, monarch, or country; and consequently, it’s justified. Spiritual courage is used to validate those stealing inalienable rights from people unable to defend themselves. During the Inquisition, they were conquerors of all walks of indigenous people under the banner of God told them to do it. This is similar to the signs we see in front of some religious establishments proclaiming that “God smiles when you vaccinate.” Sociopaths and serial killers all hear the same voices in their heads, giving them permission to take life. Bruno and Copernicus were tortured and killed by the church for crimes against the doctrines held at the time. Galileo was placed under house arrest for uttering similar views. It was a violent source of censorship, much like Guantanamo Bay is currently for political enemies and terrorists, including domestic terrorists, that don’t go along (dissent) with the neo thugs that patrol the streets and the internet with equal zest.

Government and its ruthless, corrupt, mobster partner, science, now takes its self-proclaimed, paid-for seat to validate the propaganda no matter how outrageous it is. In one of last month’s TNR Happenings, I mentioned that about 95% of all research is bogus, false, or suffers from a conflict of interest (meaning the people testing the new concept are paid to approve, no questions asked.) Our country shifted from failed strategies of war against other countries to now declaring war on its own citizens. Our country’s policy to influence other countries that don’t think like us is to sanction economic embargoes on products that come to the US? Now we are the subject of the economic, emotional, and social embargoes meant to get us to come around in our thinking to be in alignment with an unjust, fascist regime.

This is nothing new as we have seen this in some of the most infamous worldwide leaders and dictators in history. They declare war against their own countryman. The usual suspects that creep into modern-day people’s minds are Hitler, Stalin, etc. Have you heard of a dictator from China named Mao Zedong, who from 1958-1962 killed up to 45 million peasants? People had their work, homes, land, belongings, and livelihoods taken from them. As incentives to work were removed, coercion and violence were used to force people to follow the party’s every dictate/mandate. Millions of people were tortured, disfigured, and buried alive, along with other heinous acts of genocide.

The Native Americans know this strategy well. Their genocide included the world’s first chemical warfare of germs with smallpox, typhoid, typhus, etc. Their culture and language were outlawed. Children were taken from families and sent to boarding schools. Brutal murder and torture were also foisted on them. Some historians estimate the total number of Native Americans killed, including South America, Meso America, and North America, to be 100 million. To justify their actions, Europeans called upon religion once again. “We will forcefully remove you from your land and place you in isolated, desolate prisoner of war camps for your own good. God told us to do it.” Just writing, ‘for your own good’, gives me the creeps in light of the current hoax.

Closer to home, we now see Chiropractors choosing to limit their practices to conform with the party line, no matter how destructive it is to people. The people behind this current hoax know how to control and bully people into submission: lies unify and truth divides sounds so counterintuitive, yet it’s happening all around us. Covid exposed these people as being willing to commit any and all resources to force people to think as a socialistic society: up to and including killing our own countrymen via chemical terrorism, house arrest, and causing economic chaos as they smugly enjoy when laws back this type of terrorism. We will bear witness to government officials, scientists, MDs, politicians, religious leaders (who turned the other cheek to preserve their tax-free status), and others being brought up on crimes against humanity.

Change and having different beliefs and thoughts are the backbones of a vital democracy. It is supposed to be a check and balance system but is obviously absent today. When differing opinions are outlawed, punished, or censored, trouble will ensue and there will be blood in the streets. It will be in the form of a tiny amount of people demonstrating, looting, and using violence. Then social media is used to magnify the government and profit-driven agenda and punish masses of people by loss of income, dividing families, restricting travel and holidays, small businesses becoming defunct, military and first responders being fired, etc. Navy Seals have always been acknowledged as doing the dirty work for our country. Now if they don’t roll up their sleeves, they will be removed and punished. Digital people refuse to learn from history. They refuse to acknowledge the danger of history repeating itself. A huge happening on social media today fizzles out in a few days, much like the dwindling attention span of overwhelmed adults. Yesterday’s heroes are today’s villains. Instead of being leaders of the world, the US fell prey to the greatest hoax in history and followed it instead of rejecting the illusion to blaze the path to truth. Profit, greed, and power never seen in the history of the world are the objective. It makes Spanish treasures, Oak Island treasures, and Egyptian gold look like the prizes in Cracker Jacks. Remember, time exposes all lies. Years from now our family and friends will deny any wrongdoing and lie and say they didn’t get jabbed or follow the mandates. They will say, “I was just doing what I was ordered to do”, similar to the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials.    

We have seen this throughout history and the mechanism is always the same. Use force, punishment, and threats to bully people into agreeing and accepting old dogma regardless of the cost to the individual. In the fourteenth century, the Black Plague laid to rest the lies and limitations that were spoken by church and state. They had no protection, answers, or solutions for the people. They still don’t. Ideas leave not their source. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.40% of Europe’s population was lost at the time. The largest traffic jam of the time was caused by carriages of the monarchy and church leaving the city. I wonder if anyone wanted to get tested for the plague to brag about being positive. Death would overrule all false positives. The trust and safeguard that people believed in by living like serfs to the church and state powers were rocked. Some historians point to this event as exposing the ‘powers to be’ as having no answers, but they would still offer nonsolutions in an effort to not lose power and authority over people. They were not fired or overthrown and are still with us like a deadly infection that gets worse with time. Today, science lays claim to demanding a seat next to church and state to enforce (a la Gestapo) mandates and enslavement. Is it a new litmus test or is it a mechanism invented to support the government much like the Samurai? Will it use violence and oppression to enforce the dictates and agenda of the party line?

Years ago, an elderly practice member of mine told me a story about when he was afflicted by a catastrophic illness as a young man. At that time there was less science and government intrusion in our lives and religion was turned to in times of life and death. Local church leaders insisted they hold an intervention faith healing on his behalf. After the disease continued to ravage the young man, the faith healer accused him of lacking faith. He told him if he discovered his faith, he would be healed. Wasn’t this faith healer supposed to be kind, caring, humanitarian, and imbued with the spirit of charity? Instead of the faith healer being honest about the limitations of his own ability and faith, the blame was placed on the suffering individual. This is similar to being accused of being unpatriotic. The disease of the times happened to be polio, but it could have been Covid, cancer, or anything else. What faith does it take to receive chemo, amputation, radiation, or an injection of ‘holy water’? To keep up appearances, every institution distorts inconvenient truths and dismisses them as irrelevant. How can they declare war on our children when it’s over 99% a non-problem? Just because you don’t die with the treatment, people assume it’s safe. Ask the survivors living in Japan in 1945 if dropping nuclear bombs was good for them or for their own good.

This tendency to save the appearances shows up in all of our lives when we manage to disassemble, deny, lie to ourselves, and believe in the evasions forced on us by a government that will not make public their limitations and admits they don’t know 1% of what they are broadcasting. Our subservience, lack of leadership, and not enough of us demonstrating what true health only serves to ratify and oblige the rogue agents of ignorance and constriction. Most of us in TNR have forgotten just how far we have come in our resonation and newfound beliefs. I dare DCs and NDs to show a colleague this writing. They will do a fast skim of this as it has no place in their beige, subservient reality. They will smile sheepishly and say it was interesting.


DCME Confidential


Question 1: I have 2 practice members who say the only thing that is stopping them from bringing in their troubled or sick kids is the fee. Is it real? 

Answer: NO! There are so many other programs and insurance-covered services out there that have woefully low results levels because little or no skin is asked of them. The truth is, it’s your resistance to receiving, not what they think you are worth. People attending this weekend will have this pile driven into their craniums. 

Question 2: I have a person Level 2 DCME who doesn’t appear to be making progress, yet signs up again and again for another cycle of Level 2. What do I do? 

Answer: Keep them on DCME. You may not see progress but to them, it’s life-changing.