TNR Happenings, December 6, 2021

TNR happs 12.6

DCME Training on January 22, 2022

The next DCME training will be on January 22, 2022. I’m very excited about this in light of us going into our second year of the “two weeks to flatten the curve.” Make every effort to attend so you can experience this transformational event. To tackle anything higher in the curve of difficulty takes reams of courage. Are we speaking relationships, parenting, standing up for ourselves, economics? Refer to the Mind of Miyagi article. It’s everything you consider purposeful and meaningful in your life. You must reach out and grab it! Thinking someone else will do it or working harder at a paradigm that is tired and outdated will leave you feeling beige. A missing ingredient in the world is passion: that love of what you do, the connectedness to people, and serving the highest need of others instead of the self-absorbed world that infects the world.



All of the gifts are finally on the trucks. To the elves that will be distributing the gifts, I envision all night wrapping to individualize the gifts. Love Has No Color standards require that each gift has a name on it, not just “Boy, Grade 2” or “Girl, Grade 4”.  We recognize each and every kid by their name. The way it should be.  Thank you to our members, your practice members, extended friends of Love Has No Color, etc. for stepping up so much to help us aid a sister Reservation in addition to Fort Peck. The joy it brings to these kids is something we will never forget. Going to the Northern Cheyenne Reservation makes this year feel a lot like year one at Fort Peck. The kids will be asking, “Who are these guys?  Will they be back next year?” I can’t wait to see the looks on the children's faces when they realize these presents are for them. Like the kids are fond of saying, “This is the good stuff”, is a nod to our first-class toys, rather than generic toys. Thank you TNR and beyond for the opportunity to do something of meaning and purpose.

Christmas on the Reservation 2021

I’m Off To The Reservation

I’m traveling to the Reservation on Wednesday so Tuesday will be my last day this week. The good news is my better half will be here the rest of the week. And by the way, if you don’t know it by now, she can handle just about anything that you need help with. She can set up Head-to-Heads, patch you through to me, set up Zoom calls (urghh!), etc.  Almost without exception, she knows all TNR members very well and can help.


A Poem About Dr. Lisa’s Office

This was written by a patient after her first month of experiencing Heartland: 

Let Me Spell It Out for You
Health and Healing
Healthy people create healthy people. Welcome home to Heartland.
When you walk in the doors you know you are home. Each person who enters our special place becomes part of our family.
Energy and Encouragement
Come be touched by the positive vibrant energy flowing throughout Heartland. Come be encouraged by the love and tenderness of Dr. Lisa, her Team and the Heartland Family.
Acupuncture and Aromatherapy
Practiced for thousands of years.
Acupuncture and Acupressure help your body to heal as you release negative energy and become rebalanced. Take in the scents of peppermint or eucalyptus in our sauna and during treatments.
Relaxing, Refreshing and Restorative
Time spent in the sauna or during treatment teaches your body and mind to slow down and relax.
An ice-cold shower after your sauna is both refreshing and restorative, resetting and strengthening your immune system.
Taking time to relax in the sitting room with amazingly genuine people,
Sharing struggles and strength in the journey we all so courageously walk.
The gentle and loving, but firm hands of Dr. Lisa during acupressure or acupuncture helps to release blocked energy throughout your body.
Her words of wisdom and love for your soul as she seeks to know you better,
She takes no excuses for the struggles your face, only challenges you to learn and grow.
Her team of loving individuals will warm you to the core with their caring manner and hot scented towels as you learn to relax and reset. Feel the heat radiating right to your core.
Then take it in as you lay back on the ice-cold towels, breathing deeply as you receive stim to your liver resetting your immune system.
Treatment is not complete without a friction massage, circulating and moving the loving energy from our care team to you.
Live, Laugh, and Learn
While spending time at Heartland you will hear the laughter of the hearts of those who are living their best lives. Although not perfect by any means, we are all willing to learn and grow through our community here at Heartland and the personal work through DCME.
Activate and Achieve
WELLNESS through being part of our Heartland Family. Grow and heal with us as your peel back the layers of interference that have created sickness in the past. Achieve the power that is within each and every one of us to thrive in wellness at any stage or age in your life.
Nurture and Navigate
The challenges ahead with our Heartland Family. Come into our safe place, ask questions, be open. Embrace change and growth. Be willing to be vulnerable in the nurturing hands of the Heartland Family. As the Love is poured into you, so you can also pour into others.
Dedication and Determination
Come as you are, Come to the Table with Us. We at Heartland are dedicated to helping you move onto a new path towards wellness. With the innate determination that is within each and every one of us, we will help you to let your light shine.
Our Heartland Family is dedicated and determined to help you grow and learn to move into your best self.

From the Mind of Miyagi


It’s fitting to speak of the huge paradigm shift that has happened with Love Has No Color in the first 18 years because it directly applies to your office and beyond. It matters not if you are traveling this week to the Reservation, donated, or participated in the fundraiser; it’s in every past and present member’s DNA.  When Love Has No Color was first introduced, it was faced by exactly what faces you: what can’t be done. Whenever something is introduced that is outside of a person’s old and outdated paradigm, it can’t be understood. As a result, it will be rejected, sometimes aggressively and with violence, fines, or punishment. The higher one’s resonation, the higher one’s ability to suspend negativity and keep one’s mind open when encountered by a new belief or paradigm. It has nothing to do with traditional intelligence; you can have a Ph.D. and still be locked in linear, limited thinking with no way out. Paradigm blindness has existed since the beginning of time. If there is a level playing field, the new paradigm will replace the old.  Examples range from overthrowing the British to the Wright Bros, computers, running a mile in less than 4 minutes, going to the moon, etc. But what if the playing field is not level? No matter how good the new invention, idea, or belief is, it needs someone who knows what they’re doing behind it. This someone birthed it and will not cave to the guaranteed resistance so the new paradigm will not be orphaned. The exception to this rule is if you live in a monarchy, dictatorship, or a collapsed democracy where force will be substituted for your understanding. The playing field today has been tilted by politics, economics, deception, and punishment. In other words, what’s best for you and your family will be imposed on you, and your freedom to decide has been stolen like thieves in the night.

Love Has No Color faced lots of paradigm imprisonment from some usual and unusual places. Of course, people on the Reservation (the very people to be helped) were not receptive at first. We also heard grumbling from some TNR members who opted out because they didn’t like the direction TNR was headed. Like a practice member, they failed to realize they had no hand in the curriculum although it was well within their rights to withhold their participation. All gardens must be periodically weeded to allow room for the fruit-bearing to blossom, flowers to bloom, and other plants to be productive. In the early years when we were doing a project on the Reservation, we usually faced some type of ‘Reservation Hesitation’: tribal rules, made-up regulations, some form of resistance, etc. The same type of thinking that had created the deplorable conditions on the Reservation was aimed at Love Has No Color. Ideas leave not their source. We had the money, materials, and manpower and still faced subtle and not-so-subtle resistance to our efforts. They would say, “You guys won’t be back.” “It’s hopeless. You will never complete the movie theater.” “You will not be able to build the Geodescent Greenhouse Domes in a couple of days.” Love Has No Color has a ruthless intolerance for anything or anybody that gets in the way of us completing our mission. Similar to the Navy Seals, the mission gets accomplished. I’m sure the astute reader is saying what does this have to do with my office? It’s the same deal.

 Every paradigm goes through the same stages without exception, from Love Has No Color to Chiropractic and Level 2/DCMEs. A patient goes from total disbelief to partial belief (Level 1, my back, my back), and then finally to total trust and belief in the new belief. You will usually encounter criticism, skepticism, and resistance from others at the beginning of any new paradigm. You must keep going and endure the resistance. Don’t allow feedback from the imprisoned paradigm to get under your skin or you will be thrust back into the old paradigm, where you will be made fun of and/or attacked. This feedback usually will come from some surprising sources up to and including spouses, family, and friends. Think covid here. When the new paradigm produces results that were previously unknown, don’t think everyone will rush to believe it. You will be conditionally acknowledged slowly, almost begrudgingly like you did something wrong or you cheated to produce results.

When you attempt to help someone, the same mechanics of paradigm imprisonment reveal themselves to you as a doctor, healer, coach, etc. Sometimes it’s the patient saying there’s no hope, they are not worth saving, they don’t have the money, they will have to ask their spouses, etc. They are clinging to a story or an excuse that keeps the story in place as to why they can’t get better.  Other times it’s hospitals, academics from their ivory towers, or lawyers saying you are doing something illegal. Not rolling up your sleeves for poison is illegal in many provinces, states, countries, etc. Remember, all new paradigms are illegal to the existing one. Laws and mandates are placed to protect the old paradigm, profit, and belief. It takes courage to stand up to corruption, deception, profit before people, or just plain ignorance. One of the most horrible wounds you will face in TNR is when parents just won’t step up for their kids when it comes to chronic health conditions that are accepted in our society. What is a child’s life worth these days?

 When you have a person locked in paradigm blindness, they have closed their minds to any solution outside their current resonation. Don’t waste time with people who don’t know anything about what they are talking about. This is like vaccinated masked people who still feel the need to foist their views on you. If what that they were forced to believe in was true, could you catch ignorance, poverty, and limitation from them like the pseudoscience concept of shedding? To find out, just create a container (your office) where people tell you how to be a real Chiropractor. Let Level 1s continually make fun of your recommendations, like they know something about health. They are so smug and righteous even though they were mandated by force and completely bypassed for their permission. The conditions have to be right for a miracle to manifest. There is more to witnessing a miracle than a person showing up, running their card, and receiving some type of care. A miracle is actually outside of the current paradigm most people exist in. After all, if the miracle was in the previous paradigm, the solution would have been in sight. When people in your office don’t accept DCME/Level 2 there is a huge price to pay, not only individually, but collectively as a society as well.

During the early days of Love Has No Color we were asked to work with various disease groups. When we said no, it appeared as if we were arrogant. We weren’t arrogant and still are not. Rather, we come from not accepting the current paradigm that supposedly can’t be changed. When you agree with all of the disease statistics on the Reservation and in your community, you are a part of the problem. It’s so subtle, but just saying yes to present conditions locks you into the paradigm. You become an unwitting supporter of what can’t be done. It’s like all of the masked ones fighting against disease. It’s akin to fighting against war. Be for what you want, do not fight against it. This is a hard concept for the majority to accept because it’s not understood at low resonations.

The sooner you install a higher resonation/DCME theme in your office, the quicker the weeds get plucked. This creates space for people who are truly committed to the development of health instead of people who are scared and fighting against real or imagined diseases. You don’t have to wait 18 years to witness the paradigm shift in your office. Where you live, there are no third-world conditions. Don’t look for others to do the heavy lifting. Do your part; that is all that is expected of you.            


DCME Confidential


Question 1: Is it me or do most people, even true DCMEs, think they don’t need DCME care and Level 1 (my back, my back) is all they need. 

Answer: You just hit the nail on the head. Most people overestimate their ability to find a Miyagi (once-in-a-lifetime practitioner) and underestimate what it takes to get them out of the ditch. 

Question 2: My DCME is skipping appointments, showing up late, not doing their 21-Day DCME Video Program, etc. What should I do? 

Answer: Do the best you can with compassion, understanding, and a firm hand. Do not agree with anything less than their best effort.