TNR Happenings, December 20, 2021

TNR Happenings 12.20

DCME Training on January 22, 2022

DCME cases are paradoxically frustratingly hard, give you great joy, and have so many moving parts. For those of us who live in the DCME/Level 2 world, there are some days we wish were like the days of others who choose not to participate in this urgent type of care. There are so many complicating factors, Below the Line beliefs, mitigating factors, insurance interference, advice from well-meaning ignorant people, etc. We do it anyway because it’s the right thing to do. To know that others can count on your best effort is a dimension few people will realize, appreciate, or even understand. You can’t rely on driving a car to get better (go on a track and be exposed!) any more than just playing golf to get better. Your emotional and mental skills need to be continually developed and not with silly continuing education requirements. Head-to-Head spaces are almost gone for this weekend, so if you are interested in scheduling one, call Dr. Julie today. Discounted tickets are available until January 5, 2022.


Kind Words From Kenny Smoker

As most of us know, the real coach or woman behind the scenes that smoothes out things in TNR and Love Has No Color is Dr. Julie. Kenny Smoker wrote these kind words to her acknowledging the silent Miyagi behind the scenes:

Hi Julie,

Thank you so much for all you do, it was one of the best times I can remember. Your behind the scene work really made a difference. It made everyone feel good, less troubleshooting.  

Again, Thank you.

Kenneth Smoker Jr. 



The feedback for Christmas on the Reservation we’ve been receiving involves the squeal factor. It’s unanimous: the kids’ excitement level was off the charts! They loved the variety and quality of gifts. Lots of tee shirts, underwear, and socks were also distributed. Sharing joy with these kids during the holidays is something that we will always cherish. It really brings out the characteristic of gratitude. It’s something we don’t see a lot of today, in light of lockdowns, mandates, and losses of freedom. The world could learn a lesson or two watching people share kindness with kids living in third-world conditions with no agendas, mandates, losses of freedom: just giving and contributing to brighter futures for these kids.

From the Mind of Miyagi


Listening with the Third Ear is a book by Theodor Reik about intuition in a clinical setting from 1948. It is not an entertaining read and has no computer graphics, but if you want to be a master craftsman, it will find a way into your library. It’s not enough just showing up for life, but you also need to be prepared. Do you do the bare minimum as required by society or do you continually exceed expectations? Most people are minimalists and are proud of it. They don’t put their heart or best into anything and still reap the benefits; until the shoe is on the other foot. Many times we will be forced out of necessity to enter into relationships to receive help, gain solutions or insight, etc. It’s part of the human condition. We enter this relationship with a pure expectation, although, in this world, it will be fraught with disappointment. Will we receive the best from that person, institution, government? Do they have our back or is this a shell game like the disease insurance game played in the US?  How can the goal be someone being sick, being experimented upon, or using science as a tool to keep the uninformed in the dark? We are so used to entering relationships and being disappointed that we don’t even see it or even react to it anymore. I am appalled by the number of ghostings we hear of when potential practice members decide not to honor the agreement they made and simply don’t show up. Think of the deception in intimate relationships with gamesmanship and lies: do we have to look the other way if we want to be involved in a relationship? Is it together and win-win or based on agendas and in deception? You still have a choice.

The following event will happen to all of our readers. You are at a good place in life when that serenity is interrupted by an unwelcome and inconvenient guest: the sickness of a loved one or yourself. It can happen in front of you or you will receive the call you will never forget. Someone or something you care about is in trouble. The concern and anxiety are immediate and involuntary. You don’t invite this guest or welcome them, and yet, there it will be. It doesn’t ask or care about your opinion, understanding, permission, or if it’s fair.

Recently Hachi Bear began limping. It was intermittent and usually in the evenings. Then we could see vestiges of it during the day. We realized we needed to take him to a non-MD type of dog doctor. My daughter offered to come with me to her dog DC who devotes a significant portion of her practice to animals. An appointment was made for Saturday at 7:15 .a.m. Obstacle number 1: I have to wear a mask. Do I let an obstacle interfere with getting the results I’m wishing for, even if it involved deeply held philosophical beliefs? This depends on a person’s resonation, personal power level, and self-importance. Think of how many times your practice members would not wear a metaphorical mask (too much money, too much commitment, not convenient); they looked for some other type of substitute or imitation like giving up and accepting the unwanted circumstance, up to and including death.

Obstacle number 2: When we called to get an appointment, the CA said there was nothing available until after the holiday break. I still trust and believe in the process of human relationships. When the DC called and spoke with my wife, she understood the gravity of the situation and where the referral was coming from. Then something opened up at 7:15 a.m. on Saturday. She came in early to see Hachi. This was a good sign for sure. This DC was very confident she could help and she certainly knew her way around a canine’s spine. I found myself in a different consciousness as all I could focus on was restoring Hachi’s health. The aesthetics of the office and my understanding of the problem faded into my consciousness. It all didn’t matter, only the matter at hand. It felt like Déjà vu as my memory flashed back to trying to save Raider, Christy’s first dog, before a training in Atlanta. Emotionally charged complexes flooded my being. I tried to remain in the present and let things unfold without the haunting influence of past events or my resistive, analytical understanding of the proceedings. Understanding the problem is an obstacle that must be overcome early if you want solutions. Remember: people don’t know what they need, they talk incessantly about things they don’t know about, and you aren’t going to change their minds. It is a human characteristic that borders on genius. I encounter this every day as DC/NDs insist they know what their problems are and yet are unable to produce results. As you age, the losses you have endured pile up and you are acutely aware of this. You must remove yourself from the equation when you are in a relationship where you are not the driver or the one in charge. I remained silent and observed.

For those of you who think you will escape from entering this phenomenon either in your office or in your life, you are mistaken. You will go through this with sick dogs, kids, partners, parents, etc. It is a part of life. Some people will not join life with its attendant risks and instead try to live a conservative, risk-free life, trying to protect all their loved ones from experiencing the inevitable. They will be in for a surprise! Eventually, you will be summoned to experience this part of life. 

With a DCME, there is a huge tendency to focus only on the practice member and the clinical presentation. We look for clinical signs only as we look at the Baseline Assessment and the problems, concentrating on being a detective putting the case together. As a result, our clinical results will reflect this omission. Listening with the third ear looks further into what we can’t see. It offers us, the clinician, a glimpse into the invisible, infinite, true-controlling power of the physical, visible universe. The solution lies in the infinite, not what you can see, touch, and feel. Intuit what kind of relationship the practice member (four-legged or two-legged) has with the owners, parents, spouse, etc. Are they loved and revered or is the owner or parent resentful for having to stop their world to help the patient? 

The direct connection to any DCME case (or anything else for that matter) is understanding (not attempting to fix) the prevailing relationship that the sick pet or person is immersed in. How many times have you stood in truth before a practice member saying you can help only to be lambasted by the typical “I can't”? Money, time, covid, etc. exposes the prevailing relationship as being conditional or weak and exposes the owner or parents as not being all-in. Don’t take it personally or judge the person, it’s what you have to work with. Don’t use this as an excuse for not producing results. No morality is being spoken here, just the reality of the situation. Two practice members with similar circumstances but with different relationships at home will get crazy different results from the same Chiropractor. This is why using your third ear to pick up on what is not said is so important. This is where the miracle really comes in. Don’t you usually get better results if you have an all-in parent? You know you do. Looking back, you now realize the conditions were right for a miracle to be expressed when the patient or parents were all-in. On the other hand, some patients or parents are almost wishing for failure because they are embarrassed, feel inadequate, or have enough of their own problems that they just don’t have the courage to walk down a path one more time that can have dire consequences once again. They are emotionally on fumes and cannot afford one more defeat. I see this all the time with parents of disruptive kids that are tearing houses apart. This is also seen on Cesar Milan where the dog owners say their dogs will listen to him, but not to us. They are protecting themselves from more emotional harm and in the process, they are imprisoning the patient to stay stuck. They can’t see it or won’t admit it, but they are sabotaging the process.      

That’s where all of your training, homework, and coaching calls come in. Without increasing your resonation, all the research, reading books, and following the latest guru on social media will keep you mired in low resonation and you will get sucked into thinking information is wisdom. It isn’t! Your resonation not only has to align with a miracle, but it also has to be high enough to cancel the negativity and resistance of the actual owner/parent of the practice member. Just think of females equilibrating with their menstrual cycles to the alpha female. No permission is asked, no understanding is necessary, and skin color, religion, etc. have no influence. If you are just pounding down high spots you will not be able to produce results with chronic illness on a reliable basis. You will be exposed as not having the ability to venture into the unknown. TNR equips the practitioner with out-of-this-world clinical ability. For other Chiropractors, their lives are filled with duties, dogma, distraction, and lack of discernment. They are just mechanically aligning a spine which is fine for pain relief, but not transformation. This does not permanently alter the trajectory of a pet or a human life. Chiropractic/Naturopathy used to be miracle professions. Now they are being reduced by the many as fill-ins until real help can arrive. Diagnoses, discussion of disease, research, and agreeing with covid have replaced being a once-in-a-lifetime doctor. When a person walks in your door, know that they have found you and they will never meet another doctor like you. Stop looking to them for answers, opinions, solutions, or permission. They choose to participate or they accept the problem; it’s that simple. Why should you feel bad when they are exposed as not having what it takes to be in a cooperative relationship? Many people would rather talk about the problem for the rest of their lives instead of becoming cooperative in the process.   


DCME confidential



Question 1: My DCME/Level 2 practice member always shows up smelling like cannabis. Do I call him on this or pretend I don’t smell the piercing odor?

Answer: The legalization of marijuana is a new dimension to the world. It’s none of your business anymore than liquor, porn, anger, drugs (prescribed or otherwise), etc. There are so many people in pain who are looking for pleasure. Two years ago, this would have been illegal. Don’t try to legislate morality, stay in your lane, and do your job.

Question 2: I think I’m in over my head with a case. Should I end my care or see it through?

Answer: At times when the going gets tough, you may think there are no results even though there are plenty; you just have to look for them. Continue on to the best of your abilities.