TNR Happenings, January 10, 2022

tnr Happenings 1.10

DCME Training Is On January 22, 2022

Continuing to practice the same way learned in school is for the DC who uses Chiropractic just to earn a living: helping people with entry-level health challenges like cricks, sprains, and other self-resolving issues. You don’t need TNR’s help to be average or just a face-in-the-crowd. Upgrading your abilities, however, takes lots of effort, perseverance, and a ruthless intolerance to the opinions of the many. How many of our own parents and relatives still have the antiquated opinion of what Chiropractic is? If you don’t have the communication skills, personal power, and resonation to ignore industry standards, then society will foist their view on you. This is similar to what we are seeing with the plandemic. The hopelessly ignorant hold court over (because of politics, agenda, and profit-over-people) doctors and people who know and can help. It’s the most exciting adventure in Chiropractic today, but it doesn’t get done without granting your own permission, effort, and expenditure. Plan to be at this DCME Training!


Know someone in trouble?

We all had friends in school that we have lost touch with. Use social media for something useful and reach out to people you used to be friends with to see if they did guidance. If they don’t need or want the help, that’s okay. That’s the thing about power: it is given away freely and comes back tenfold. The TNR candidate need not be a DC or ND. They usually own their own business or want to own their own business. It’s more about character, ambition, humanitarian spirit, and doing the right thing. They have the courage to journey into the unknown regardless of spousal approval, having kids, drama, financial limitations, expectations of others including parents, in-laws, friends, etc. Don’t sugarcoat the community and experience of TNR. It’s not free and it’s not without effort. Going outside of one’s comfort zone is never easy. 


New Puppy Pics

Dr. Avery shared pics of her new puppy, Rhea! She is so cute!!!

The Canada Video Chat Was A Huge Success!

We have received lots of positive feedback about our Canadian training held on GoTo Connect. Thank you to our US members for allowing our North of the Border members to have their own space. As some of you know, the levels of lockdown are more oppressive in Canada. The video chat connected and helped repair a fractured community. Isolation really divides people. The isolation we are witnessing is not by chance, it’s by the design of the powers to be. Seeing the faces of our Canadian members sure was good for the soul. We will be creating another video chat in the near future, possibly on Thursday, January 27th at 9:00 p.m. EST.     


From the Mind of Miyagi


There is not an area in the private sector, including schools, business, and air travel, that has not been affected by the plandemic. Have you ever asked yourself if it is true or just an excuse to not be accountable, to not give a damn, or to be sloppy and lazy? It started out with toilet paper and paper towels. Really? Now nothing is out of bounds. With pro sports, it’s now a game to see how many false positives decimate a roster with absolutely no symptoms. Does this include tractors and automobiles? If you want to purchase a Mercedes electric car, plan on a $50,000 dealer fee. The car’s price tag is already north of $100,000. The dealer fee has nothing to do with the manufacturer; because fewer cars are being purchased, they add on covid time. I ordered a tractor in May and I have not received it yet. I have heard plausible, yet false, explanations, and still no tractor to be seen. Have any of your friends or relatives flown recently? The delays and stories are smokescreens for them being exposed to having poor service. The bigger the bureaucracy is, the more moving parts there are, and the more vulnerable it is. Instead of finding a way, they find an excuse. Lots of people are being incentivized to stay at home instead of working. If there was ever a time to shine with your TNR training, it’s now. Isn’t it puzzling how your TNR advantage is lost during peacetime, but vitally needed during war? Winston Churchill was hired out of the private sector and led his country to victory over the Nazis. Once peace was attained, he was unceremoniously and quietly kicked to the curb.

 When any business, including ours, is not thriving in times of resistance, it’s the business owner’s own fault. If we are not prepared we will get exposed as doing just enough to get by and nothing much more. Needed is self-responsibility rather than the infantilized behavior of having someone bail you out. Remember how many DCs ran for the hills, retired, or downsized 23 months ago? The plandemic was an excuse to cash in their chips, start clipping the coupons of retirement, or look for greener pastures of another easier business venture. How could one DC have the best year in 22 years of practice and another one the worst year in 14 years of practice? They have the same degree with similar offices, tables, computers, and practice members. It’s the training, preparation, perseverance, and ability of the first DC to offer out-of-this-world service instead of excuses.   

On the Canadian video chat, I heard so many shining examples of this out-of-this-world service. Caring for practice members with the celebrity disease is a serious crime, especially in Canada. They face fines, revocation of license, and social media firestorms, and are called superspreaders or an enemy of Canada. And yet our providers have found ways to care for all kinds of people in unfortunate circumstances, including ones with the celebrity disease. Some of the ways were clandestine and others were hidden in plain sight. They used off-the-book, inventive strategies with zero footprints. The easy way is to refuse care and stick to the mandates. However, it takes thermal levels of courage to find a way. This is the TNR way. These Canadians are not only are finding a way, they are throwing a life raft to other Canadians by creating a TNR underground. 

I’m very proud of our group and how it continues to serve in spite of the best efforts of people that profit in disease and fear who are trying to derail all parties that don’t agree with the nonsensical policies of madness. Stay in your lane, avoid fighting against, avoid ranting and raving, and serve people regardless of their beliefs. Don’t waste time with the non-believers attempting to convince and prove. However, refusing service is not the way either, so try to work with them the best you can.   


Emotional and mental illnesses are on the rise!

Unless you’ve been under a rock for the past 23 months, you’ve noticed the effect of the lockdown, particularly on teens and young adults. Suicide is at historic levels. Say something to the people who are in dire circumstances. Sure, they have heard all kinds of well-intentioned advice from people who don’t know the solution. You do. I would rather lose a friendship trying to save a life rather than closing my mouth to keep a friendship. We are part of the solution, not part of the problem. Our newbies may not feel like they can help, but they need to start somewhere just like we did. Start with depression, anxiety, cutting, etc. Hold space for a person at a crossroad. Having the courage to help or attempt to help someone sure beats sending them to people who you know have a very low level of results. Remember the concept of ‘ideas leave not their source.’ 6 rapists go to jail out of 1,000. The VA in the US has 90,000 unprocessed mental health claims. There has to be a better way and there is. Do we agree to these low levels of results in exchange for others who are more qualified than us (ha!) doing the heavy lifting? Pull the curtain back and you will see a bald guy with a microphone, not a wizard. Step up: don’t wait for others to supposedly do the work for you. 


DCME Condifential


Question 1: My batting average for recommending Level 2/DCME care to my patients is very low. They always just say they want Level 1. Am I doing something wrong? 

Answer: You are being exposed as not believing in the concept, not having the requisite personal power, and not having high enough resonation. Schedule a Head-to-Head immediately. 

Question 2: A DCME patient of mine is returning after a year and saying the issues are coming back. Should I offer another DCME or Level 1? 

Answer: DCME only. You have a personal history of results and customized care. Don’t dilute it now or you will be sorry, both in the short term and in the long run. If they can get a better deal or have it taken care of somewhere else, they will. Stay in your lane.