TNR Happenings, January 24, 2022

TNR Happenings 1.24

DCME Training Is Breaking New Ground!

The concept of being held hostage is terrifying. Are there really people who create war on purpose? How do you think it starts, naturally? No, it is started for an agenda, gain, profit, and domination over others. What do most people do when they hear inconvenient truths? They cover their ears. Are there really corrupt politicians, lawyers, and MDs? Aren’t doctors supposed to protect people against real disease? WAKE UP and stop being a doormat of society. Stop being walked all over and accepting lies and injustices. Is the world of appearance (illusions, falsehood) real or is there another way to live your life? There is a hidden world of essence (truth) waiting for you, but you have to do the work of attuning to this very unpopular and inconvenient world. Is symptom care the top of the food chain or is there something distinctively better? Are we serving children to our best abilities by bowing out of pediatric care, especially when it involves emotional and mental health (invisible disease)? What is it really like to reach a human being at a deep and profound truthful level? You’ll never know if all you hear about in your office is pain and symptoms only. It’s such a departure from the world of social media and the propaganda news: the world that tells you what you are good for and how much you should be compensated. DCME or Level 2 is for the committed few, not the many. When a non-trained DC/ND/lay healer ventures out of the kiddie pool into the frigid, shark-infested waters they will be exposed as being in over their head. They need to stay in the kiddie pool where they will not be exposed and they can pretend to swim; if a wolf (Level 2/DCME case) knocks at their door, they can refer them out and put their tail between their legs once again. DCMEs are not a way of increasing your income; they are a way of knowing the best version of yourself and others.


Canada Video Call This Thursday at 9:00 p.m. EST

Here we go again. We will be having another video call for all Canadian members. Thanks for all of the positive feedback. If you have seen one Zoom meeting, you have seen them all, right? WRONG! The resonation was carried right through the video. Is it as good as LIVE training or Head-to-Heads? Of course not. It’s a substitution, but it heads you in the right direction during the lockdown. Listening to other TNR members and sharing the deep content of TNR concepts keeps you on your toes.  So many of the attendees said their decisions and behaviors changed for the better the very next day. Newbies might not understand all of the concepts and that is ok. Instead of holding a concept hostage until you understand it (your old way), let it wash over you without resistance(new way). If you have a willingness to keep moving forward, you will own the concept in the future.   


Head-to-Head Update

Being denied freedoms to do anything pleasurable, like traveling, seeing concerts, working out, or eating out, intensifies doubt, fears, and past traumatic injuries you’ve experienced in childhood. Having a constant fear of being arrested or being fined is something most of us have never experienced in our lifetimes. There are no solutions to corrupt governments. Oppression and tyranny are nothing new. Too many spineless MDs, DCs, NDs, religious leaders, and political leaders meekly go along with the directives of the powers to be. This is our time to step up. Nobody is going to do the heavy lifting for us. Head-to-Heads empty some of the built up sludge (guilt, shame, lack of courage, silencing your voice) put there by your social conditioning. There are no substitutes for Head-to-Heads. This spring I will be offering a special Head-to-Head: a super heavy duty Head-to-Head for spring boarding decisions you need to make followed by a healing ceremony inside the sweat lodge. A few members have had a Don’t Sweat It Head-to-Head, but this will be different. It will not be a sweat, it will be a healing ceremony. It will be for members experiencing unrest in their lives (sickness, relationship discord, the loss of a loved one, trauma, etc.) It will be perfect for when you have to make a life changing decision and you need strength, encouragement, and no BS help from yours truly.


From the Mind of Miyagi


Are you being held hostage? Oh, let me count the ways.  Everyone has a dirty little secret or two that they deny and keep hidden at all costs. When we hear about someone else’s dirty little secret, we usually judge them and say, how can they be so blind and stupid? He/she is such a great, powerful person, how could they let these conditions prevail in their lives?  Because we have been programmed our whole life to accept it. We hold a false narrative or story for the very thing we don’t want in our life. Betrayal, being put down, not being understood, not being heard, and being ganged up on is so common and toxic; then we reflexively make up lies, saying it’s not so bad, denying it, etc. Trying to heal or diminish real illness without addressing this dimension is tilting at windmills. The illness is part of the punishment or self-sabotage that holds the story in place. Healing will not happen without surrendering the story once and for all.  

When we talk to a person who is in the crosshairs of being held hostage we are quick to offer advice  and automatically give simple solutions to complex problems; get rid of the bum, stand up to your attackers, don’t put up with crap from them, etc. We all know it’s not that easy; but we are outraged when we hear about it for the simple reason we haven’t cleaned up our own dirty little secrets and we pretend they aren’t there.  

After doing 3 Head-to-Heads and a DCME Training in 5 days, I put myself in a decompression mode where I need to recharge my batteries. I get real quiet and introspective. I take time to allow the interactions to wash over me as I process all of the breakthroughs, heartaches, and new abilities that were gained from the training. How can I improve with my next training? My cell phone is usually turned off but I forgot to turn it off. It’s not late when I hear a text ping from my phone. It’s an attendee of the DCME training. She wanted to let me know she followed through with her heavy weight decision for a family member who was holding her hostage. She told the family member NO. There was not a hint of meanness, it was done with love. You could feel the empowerment in the text. It has always been inside this powerful DC and she finally chose to stand up to the hostage-holder. This matter had festered for a long time; with a simple heavyweight decision, there is now hope and a solution in sight.       

DCME Confidential


Question 1: Why are DCME/Level 2s so difficult to attract?  

Answer: You did not attend the DCME training on Saturday and it can not be explained in this newsletter. Schedule a Head-to-Head and you will learn about DCMEs as if your life and the lives of all the people you help depended on it. These types of people are all around us. We are all connected to people who have slipped through the cracks.  

Question 2: I have a 14-year old DCME who doesn’t like to leave her room, does Zoom school only, and has low energy She shows up at the office but doesn’t give her best to anything. Her mother says she is letting go of the rope to live. Help!  

Answer: DCME/Level 2 is not a mechanical affair: adjust this, do this, say this. It’s art, it’s a performance. It’s your job to inspire and encourage the individual. You have to find a way. You have been trained and have the tools; use the tools that work for this patient. Like a fingerprint, each case is as individual as a snowflake. Make an emotional connection, earn her trust, and be the strength that she needs. Don’t give up on this kid or any other kid. She has no other options. When the going gets tough, you can’t take the easy way out and refer in good consciousness thinking the kid will get help. The help will come from you. Stand before your people in truth.