A Christmas Message from The New Renaissance

Season’s Greetings!
This is a quote from a letter that we recently received from Kenny Smoker, our brother for 16 years on the Fort Peck Reservation in Montana:
“You and your team have always been committed in helping underserved communities.” (The letter is below this message.)
Did you know that there are so many parallels between Native Americans and principled Chiropractors? Actually, there are more than one can believe. Their values are the very thing that will lift their people out of third-world conditions and our values, if believed in, will do the same for us.
As I reflect back on this past year I am reminded of the fact that Chiropractors have a much bigger role to play in society. It takes courage to play this role and not all people are going to praise you or agree with you. Do it anyway.
By shrinking from our responsibility, playing small, and agreeing with what can’t be done, we allow the problems of society to continue instead of becoming leaders in the solution. By demonstrating to the world what a group of like-minded humanitarians can do, we invite others to join our efforts.
As President Kennedy said many moons ago, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask rather what you can do for your country.”
Being a part of The New Renaissance will not only increase your practice, but it will take you above and beyond only your practice and your needs.
The Native Americans have a saying, “We are all one people.” Likewise, the Dalai Lama says we are all interconnected.
Isolation, along with masking your words, thoughts, and deeds, does nothing for the world.
The New Renaissance has always been about being humanitarian and producing results that others can’t. The effect (not a cause) is earning 3,5,10x the income of most Chiropractors.
Is this the year for you to step up in a huge way and serve more people? Click on the button on the top of the page to set up a time so we can talk.