Broken wrist bones, ribs, and a brush with death

Are you giving life everything you have?

By Dr. Kevin Pallis

Last week, Dr. Ed Plentz, co-owner of TNR, had a brush with death.  He was pinned and crushed by a vehicle he had been working on.

After Dr. Ed's near fatal brush with death, things crystallized for me. I could hear the terror in Angie's voice when it happened. Something was stirred deep inside me after his injury that is hard to put in words. There was even more URGENCY than previous to his injury.  Some people in our family are not getting the 'essence' of TNR.  Oh, sure they are making their calls, doing some studying and serving at a higher level than pre-TNR...but is it their best effort? Many DC's are successful, however they are coasting and have lost their purpose and their passion. With your best effort comes transformation. Transformation is exponential growth, not incremental. It's going from 75 people a day to 150 people a day in less than 3 months. It's about having a large, purposeful, passionate and profitable office. Do you notice that you don't ever hear the word transformational in Chiropractic anymore? Lots of philosophy, however, no practical way of communicating it. It's because you can't read about being transformational, or view it on your's your belief in self and Chiropractic. It comes about through experiential events, intense study, and application of the principles.

Lucky for you, we have some great experiential events coming up. Go here to see what's coming up next!  See you soon!! (*NOTE: As of 2024, this article is no longer accessible.)

And if you're not yet a TNR member, the time is now to join.  Seriously, there are children in your community who need you, and you need the chops to get them into your office...before surgery, vaccines, or other deadly grips do.  We are about so much more than generating profits.  A profitable practice is just a nice after-effect of practicing with purpose.  We're about the whole picture: purpose, passion, and prosperity.  You might be scared, or you might not think you need a coach, but give us a call anyway.  Ask questions.  You're not weak if you ask for help!