Does your spouse despise Chiropractic?

Sure, they get their adjustments, say all the right things to defend Chiropractic but secretly many spouses have resentment towards it. Sometimes they won’t even come to the office!
You work crazy hours each week and often times have little to show for it.
You come home moody and are affected by each and every practice member that disagrees with you or acts stupid in your office.
Your debt level creates more arguments than anything else.
You put more into your office and practice members than you do your family, in your spouse’s opinion.
You’re walled off emotionally and uninterested to talk about anything except your office.
How’s that for starters?
We recently had a member who had their Facebook relationship status revised. The spouse and kids have moved a distance away and it has come to his attention that the kids are no longer being adjusted. And neither is the mother!
The parents’ differences aside, how can this be?
Wouldn’t anyone want to be healthy, regardless of their marital status?
It’s people, being people.
Too many DCs are not identifying to their practice members who they are and what they stand for. They are not practicing the way of their choosing and as a result are being held hostage to insurance companies, multiple streams of income, etc.
As a result, they are being forced to compromise their integrity and lose their MOJO.
They lose their passion, their purpose in life.
I don’t blame many spouses for not being advocates for Chiropractic. Way too many hours, struggle, and the ever-diminishing income and ever-increasing overhead have taken the fun out of practice for many.
They see first hand what it does to their beloved spouses. And they don’t like it.
What if you had someone in your corner to help you become a better version of yourself?
What if you didn’t have to participate in insurance if you didn’t choose to?
What if you didn’t have to work so many hours to just pay the bills?
It’s customary in TNR with new members to get to know the spouse of a new client.
At the beginning they are skeptical (they usually have had a coach or two that didn’t turn out well) and after they see changes at home as well in the economics and demeanor of their spouses, they become die-hard fans of TNR.
Most of us will be touched and see themselves somewhere within this article. If like a tuning fork or truth meter, yours is vibrating we need to talk.
This dynamics of having your spouse aboard the Chiropractic lifestyle is a deal-breaker.
There are no substitutes.