Get ready!! It’s coming soon!

My last book of this type was The No New Patient Solution for New Practitioners published in 2011. Within the next couple of weeks, my new book The End of Struggle will be available via digital download. Not only does it reveal to the readers the needless struggles some DCs won’t let go of, but it also chronicles lots of DCs with similar problems…and th solutions!
When you get your copy, you will feel as if I’m speaking directly to you. I have used my experience from guiding over a 1,000 DCs to write this book.
Some of the concepts you will read about will directly hit you and be similar (or the same) struggle you’re currently facing. Others will put a knowing smile on your face.
I find that many great DCs are struggling because they are stuck and can’t get out. They have tried the myriad of online and offline solutions to no avail and think this is just as good as it gets.
They have remained there for years.
Some readers will enjoy the confessions part of the book with actual stories and testimonials from DCs!
No names and confidentiality have been breeched. Coaching has a sacred bond for me. The stories illustrate how stuck you can be and how it spills over into all other areas of your life.
If you want to end your struggle or take your practice to the next level, you’ll now have the tools at your fingertips to do so. Keep an eye out in your emails! This book is coming soon.