Let me tell you about my Dentist

Every DC reading this has experienced not getting somebody’s best effort. It may be a lover, a teacher, a coach, a friend, or perhaps a professional person. I recently had the misfortune of experiencing a dentist for the first time.
You know what all dental patient education says; you go for life. Dentist visits never end, you can try and hide by moving, but ultimately you’ll need to find a new DDS. Unfortunately, mine died. I found myself with a new DDS that I almost asked to see his driver’s license, much less his dental degree.
He was youthful, dressed casually, and was laid back. He had an air of arrogance and sophistication about him. All he made a comment on was about how bad my case was.
He was analytical, monotonic, and non-engaging.
He gashed my gums repeatedly amidst my protests and guttural objections. His hands were cumbersome and more fitted for rough frame carpentry or plumbing. I finally asked him, “How long have you been a dentist?” It was my plea to have a break from his oral assault and torture.
He said he’s been a dentist for 5 years, but it’s not his real passion. He added, “I’m an actor, this is only how I pay my bills.”
I took my bib off and said, “I’m done.” He wasn’t angry or disappointed. His face reflected almost a sense of relief. He walked back to his office and closed the door. There was no goodbye, I’m sorry for gashing your mouth, or I’ll start caring better for my patients…I guarantee he just turned on his computer and got lost in his cyber world.
His receptionist said this happens frequently. She said he’s just not that into dentistry or people. He’s a nice guy once you get to know him. I asked her if he is her dentist. Her face not only answered what I suspected…she knew what I had just painfully found out.
Chiropractors often feel the same way about Chiropractic. Their purpose and passion begin to fade very early in their practice careers. It’s almost like they just aren’t into it…and it shows. They don’t torture practice members like the mentioned dentist, but they allow Chiropractic to lose it sacredness, its shine and pretend it’s only a pain relief modality.
DCs show they don’t care to practice members in subtle and blatant ways. Do you practice members get your best effort or just part-time commitment? Do you talk about commitment to your practice members only when you’re giving recommendations and talking about money? Is that commitment demonstrated during care?
I have a relative who lives far away.
I encouraged him to see Chiropractic care to regain some of his lost health and vitality. He has lost his ambulation skills and his balance but he isn’t ancient. For him, this is a must-win situation. He is now urgent to find help to stay in his house…or he will be forced to live in an assisted living community. I placed a few calls to DCs to see if he would be a good fit in their office. One guy said he doesn’t accept anybody over 60 years old because of the Medicare hassles. He said it just wasn’t worth it.
Another one said he was “too hot to handle” and he doesn’t accept complicated cases. Another one asked what type of insurance he has. I finally find ONE that I thought would do the job. The appointment was made and I have a good feeling about the arrangement.
I get the call from my relative who said the guy, in his words, is a really nice guy. He is a hunter. He showed pictures of himself in Africa on safari, him with a big horn elk in WY, and a trophy deer in Michigan. I said, “I’m glad you liked him, what did he say about helping you?” to which he replied, “Oh, he said he can only see me 1x per month because that’s all my insurance will cover me for. He can’t see me for the next couple of weeks because he will be on different hunting trips. He is doubtful that anything can be done for me…you waited too long he said.”
What a really nice guy though…
Are you laughing at the previous true story, thinking I’m making fun of people with hobbies and saying this isn’t me? Is Chiropractic interfering with your life? Is it getting in the way of your hobbies or family life? Success doesn’t find anybody. You must go out and grab it.
Losing your connection to people is one of the saddest things to witness. Turning your back on humanity because it causes inconvenience, rejection, or it’s going to take effort is unthinkable. As BJ Palmer said, “For you have in your possession a sacred trust, guard it well”.
It’s time for you to form this sacred trust with practice members and keep it. Click here to schedule a FREE consultation to learn more.