Profiles in Courage

It takes no courage to live in the past, courage to live in the present is an awakening

Is this your story?
First, of course, my practice has increased and continues to grow. Practice is now fun and exciting and I feel I haven’t even scratched the surface of where I can go. You showed me that I can make an awesome living while practicing the way Chiropractic was supposed to be practiced. I consider this awesome, but what is more amazing are the other parts that have changed. As you know, I was as shy as they come. I was always taught to just fit-in, don’t make waves. Basically to live in a shell and only come out when appropriate, like sporting events. Then it was considered ok. You showed me I was missing out on so much that I was only half-alive. I was in the fog. Big time
Every Chiropractor I have ever helped comes to me with past histories of experiences, beliefs, expectations of others, let downs, feelings of not being good enough, etc. In every case, they don’t support where the Chiropractor wants to be now.
Without addressing these limitations, practice and life will be a disappointing and unfulfilling uphill battle.
These things from the past may or may not have affected them or been useful when they were younger. They can only act as limiters or saboteurs of high achievement in the present. They are not useful now and they are not going to grow without moving from the past to the present.
Some things are easier said than done: just stop smoking, lose weight, see more people, earn more income. It’s never a shortage of how to something. You know how to do it, but something always seems to get in the way. It’s the hidden resistance that invisibly sabotages you every time you attempt something courageous or bold.
It never ceases to amaze me how many coaches, consultants, BSOs (bright shiny objects for income generation), and online sources of input Chiropractors resort to as they attempt to avoid, deny, or somehow not address these underlying issues.
Chiropractors keep searching over and over for something easier and more convenient or something that can be accomplished on Zoom, etc. This is wishful thinking. In reality, these things are short-lived.
Everything you are most proud of accomplishing has been done face-to-face and experientially with a person who firmly held your feet to the fire (accountability) and hopefully made it fun.
There are no simple solutions to complex problems. The Chiropractor in the above story was on the verge of quitting this great profession and becoming a park ranger. That would have been such a waste of incredible talent. He is full of compassion, is humanitarian, and is one hell of a Chiropractor. There is not a mother or father alive today that would not be proud of the man, spouse, father, and Chiropractor this father of three has become.
With my coaching, it’s not just the change in the individual, but the impact of these changes on a larger level that is so profoundly significant. His spouse, kids, community, and Chiropractic are well served in his sector of the galaxy.
When it’s time for you to really look at the man or woman in the mirror, give me a call or click on the button at the top of this page to set up a consultation. I look forward to speaking with you.