Seminar Recap (a little late)
We wanted to make sure we recapped the seminar for those who couldn’t make it, and so that everyone in attendance can relive and revoke some of that emotion and excitement!

Dr. Kevin Pallis (TNR), Dr. Terry Rondberg (WCA), Dr. Jeanne Ohm (ICPA), & Dr. Ed Plentz (TNR)
The morning brought many epiphanies with our presentation on “Why, What & How” and how it relates to your life and practice. There were several wives and CA’s who walked up to us later in the day and raved about the concept and its potential to really change their life around. That presentation wasn’t just meant for DC’s…it is a universal concept with the capability to translate your life into a meaningful, purposeful adventure.
Then came the afternoon and our guest speakers stole the show. Dr. Jeanne Ohm of the ICPA struck the hearts of everyone in the audience, with or without children, as she explained how crucial Chiropractic care is for kids. We all know Chiropractic is for kids, too, but it was made much more evident when the facts were there to back it up. Dr. Terry Rondberg, President of the WCA, got down to the spiritual side of Chiropractic and spoke of documenting miracles in each and every Chiropractic office to finally have ‘Tic be recognized and respected.
It’s fair to say everyone walked away motivated to make a change in more than one way. Everyone wants personal gains, but this seminar brought Chiropractors from all over together under one roof, and united them under one vision. Not only are we hearing of personal records from attendees, but we believe Chiropractic as a whole is one step further away from extinction than before this seminar occurred. We need to come together to change the world’s view on health, and nobody else can get the job done…only a passionate group of humanitarian DC’s can get the job done!
Thank you to all who came out, the next seminar is January 28th- mark your calendars!