There’s no one to blame but yourself

There is a psychological principle called projection that explains the world you see. When you think the people in your town are cheap, don’t get Chiropractic, don’t stick to their care plans, it’s because it’s in your mind and you are projecting it into your external reality.
This concept is very hard to put into practical application.
The shame and blame game is a national past time. It’s so fun, familiar, and easy to blame others, say what jerks they are, and that all of your problems are because of so and so.
Example one: A non-TNR DC becomes disabled with a disease. A TNR DC agrees to take the practice over and income share with the ill doctor. The doctor that was disabled with the disease had to retire at 51 and warned the young DC that his patients wouldn’t stand for wellness or have their kids come in for Chiropractic care.
Within a month, the income and volume had doubled. Within the year, it was five times bigger than when the other DC was there.
Example two: Two sisters, one TNR trained and the other not so much, worked in the same office and shared the same patients.
Reviewing the stats, the TNR DC saw over 75% of the visits and accounted for almost 90% of the income. The other DC saw mostly well patients, with discounted fees, and almost no new patients. She didn’t have the new patient attraction factor and referrals.
Fast forward, as a reader, you might have guessed it. They now enjoy separate offices with a difference in the volume of patients and an income difference of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
If you want your practice to grow, the change must come through you!
By blaming your patients, saying the insurance is bad, or there’s too much competition, you’re not doing yourself any favors and it won’t help your office.
For nearly two decades, TNR has been showing DCs how easy it is to TRANSFORM their offices if they are willing to have someone in their corner to show them the ropes.
Pure Chiropractic, no bright shiny objects, see kids, difficult cases, and wellness care.
Click here to schedule a FREE consultation.
If you’re not ready to start your journey, that’s okay! We know the next step can be intimidating, click here to download The End of Struggle for DCs…Permanently! You’ll get to know The New Renaissance and see if we’re a good fit for helping you get the practice of your dreams.