TNR Happenings, April 26, 2021

TNR Happenings 4.26

The Tao of TNR on Saturday, June 26th

Introducing the latest training from TNR: The Tao of TNR. We will be peeling the onion and looking at the principles of TNR, the humanitarian model (as opposed to profit over people), communication skills, and exponential profit. We will also be taking a peek behind the curtain of Level 2 cases. By going deeper, like peeling back the layers of an onion, more of TNR and its far-reaching principles will be understood and put into usage. This training will be a delightful mix of MasterMind, Super Academy, the 7-Figure Academy, DCME, and Miyagi, plus a whole lot more of what you need to stay ahead of all the craziness that was ushered in with the plandemic hoax. Discounted tickets will be available until May 28th. Whether you’re a tadpole or have veteran status in TNR, this training will be one you will not want to miss!

Tao of TNR

Love Has No Color news

Spring is upon us and our thoughts are turning to the Boot Camp/Fun Days in August. We wait for this celebration all year long. What shape will it take this year? Just a few weeks ago, I traveled to the Reservation to find out about any restrictions or what would be required of our group. It’s game on as we know it. Just like some of the concessions we must make to continue to serve people in our offices, some guidelines will most likely be in place on the Reservation. The ripples felt from 17 years of keeping our promises to the kids help change the trajectory of each and every kid on the Reservation and beyond.

 Even though we haven’t officially kicked off the Boot Camp/Fun Days fundraiser, the page has been set up. Here is the link:

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Practice tip of the week

Are you using your wanted posters? The last Miyagi training started and ended with discussions of this principle: when it comes to health, and almost everything else, people don’t know what they truly need. They are always distracted and bullied into thinking and behaving according to the dictates of society. In the land of disease, health is a disease. The second principle covered was people talk about things they have no expertise or credibility in. From solutions to your problems to cures for others diseases, people talk like they know all about it. People turn to the internet to solve their problems. There are dozens of sites dedicated to illuminating laypeople about how to adjust spines by watching a video. Watching videos is the accepted benchmark today. I suppose there are sites showing how to operate with a scalpel as well. Observing is not knowing! It’s a substitute for the real deal. Information is not wisdom. Knowing these two dictates is incredibly liberating. Why would you take to heart people not accepting your recommendations, commenting on your adjustments, etc. when they will stop their lives and freedoms and roll up their sleeves for untested genetic altering with toxic material of dubious benefit. They don’t understand anything about health because they have been trained their whole lives to not think for themselves and to become more obedient and dependant on the government. They are enforcing their ignorance on people attempting to flee a burning society by squealing. Don’t cave with your procedures, including your Health Awareness Seminar.

Wanted Poster for Miyagi Training

From the Mind of Miyagi


The lies we are told.  As a Doctor of Chiropractic and a supposed scientist (BS in Biology undergraduate degree), I am appalled and disturbed at the lies that are being perpetrated on society. The vast majority of society has endorsed and embraced unconditionally the newest meme: the plandemic fundamentalist movement. It all started innocently enough with being forced to wear a silly mask for a few weeks to supposedly flatten the curve. We were lied to. Once madness is accepted by a lie being repeated over and over, it becomes ‘truth’.  Then, like obedient sheep, most people accepted the 6-foot rule. Why not 5 feet, 3 feet, etc.? It’s based on nothing and is completely made up. My daughter and son-in-law had a scared practice member run out of their office shouting at the top of her lungs, “I’m just trying to stay alive.” Why was this 40-year old woman so terrified on her first visit? Because the doctors violated the 6-foot rule to examine this practice member. How else did she think it would go down in their office? It wasn’t a Zoom exam like so many doctors do today. These Zoom exams may make the patient feel safe, with no danger of being exposed; but they are completely ineffective. We are now suspicious of each and every comrade. Who are the carriers, the super spreaders, the dormant ones, the variant spreader,s and other forms of nonsense?

Speaking of nonsense, let’s talk about another meme invented; the super spreader. There is no factual basis for this concept yet it has been accepted. Non-symptomatic people are called into the fray as the enemy. The lies we are told. I always ask myself, “Do people really believe in this pseudoscience or do they think they are being taken care of by a benevolent surrogate father called the government?” Many have meekly accepted the government’s decree to close businesses without so much as a whimper. People have no say. Just surrender your economics and agree with their decisions and they will incentivize you with a few months of welfare money. Speaking of incentives, you know you are in a hoax when institutions will lie openly about the cause of death to receive a bounty of up to $39,000 a body. Who incentivizes death? It’s done to turn straw into gold or make an illusion into truth, like burning witches at the stake or the earth is flat.

The fundamentalists are in total and unchallenged control. By quarantining people, they have put the abuser and the abused (child abuse of all types) in forced co-existence together and have turned their back on the consequences. The check and balance system has been removed. TEACHERS have been removed from the equation and are exiled to Zoom status. They are impotent to teach and impotent to guard the safety of kids. We are now witnessing military checkpoints to enforce this tragedy. We have been excluded from participating in religious services, etc. The registry of vaccinated people vs. the vaccine-hesitant people is picking up steam. They are predicting variant strains and a second and third wave. It’s never-ending and it’s being made up as it goes along. There is a college in MA that requires the students to be vaccinated to attend. College education has been neutered to Zoom standards along with all other education. Can you imagine your kids having the college experience removed from their existence? Some schools have forced weekly testing of athletes while the rest of the student population is not tested. Unity through isolation undermines all the rights of the individual and concedes them to be a part of a heinous experiment in how far we can go to remove the freedom of individuals and substitute the slop that you are helping others as well as yourself. If you want to help others as well as yourself, get adjusted with your family on a regular basis. How silly to put all of your eggs in a basket of one disease that is a man-made tool of bioterrorism? Health says no to all diseases, not just socially accepted diseases or ones in vogue. People brag when asymptomatic people test falsely positive. They are instant celebrities and excitedly proclaim their diseases in the court of popular opinion: social media. Celebrities are routinely used as influencers to get people to follow the fundamentalist mentality. “It’s safe, see I got mine.” What does a silly celebrity know about health? (Refer to the Practice Tip of the Week article.) There are hundreds of thousands of ignorant people waving their false positives in highly regarded videos proclaiming the right to be sick.

Did you know the British (the kings of colonization) had a rule about meeting in public? People could face severe penalties, up to and including beheading, if they dared to meet in public. When people are isolated and hiding in their basements, they are easier to control and they won’t challenge anything, regardless of how silly or untrue things become. I am not adding my name to the list of obedient DCs meekly talking about the problem and not the solution. I am challenging all TNR members to grow like never before. By not growing, you are bringing truth to the illusion. By saying how hard it is and how resistive people are, you are adding to the silliness. Go the extra mile. Don’t fight or let adherents to the fundamentalism get under your skin. Attract more open-minded people into your office.


DCME confidential


There are no questions this week, only action steps to take. Every Level 2 you welcome into your office is a solution. There is no fighting of the authorities. Surrendering your license or getting it seized, setting yourself on fire, or going to jail will only serve to pour gasoline on the frenzy. Serve people like a rescue dog had served its abusers. Serve them at a higher code of honor than they treat you. By being a last-ditch effort, you are strengthening the grip disease has on society. Live a life of purpose and meaning. The world does not need more sheep; it needs TNR wolves.