TNR Happenings, August 2, 2021

TNR Happenings 8.2

Donations are needed this week!

Make sure you get all of your donations to Love Has No Color this week for our Fun Day Celebrations next week! We need an additional $10,000 this week to eclipse our previous mark. We have ordered the most food ever (for 1,000 families) and it will be arriving next Tuesday on the Reservation. The Main Street Grocery will be doing the honors again this year. This is the market down the street from the Chiropractic office/movie theater. I can’t tell you the impact this food will have on the Reservation! It is also time for them to have some love and joy on the Reservation. Their wait will be over next week. Thank you to all members for your massive donation efforts!

Boot Camp 2021

Practice tip of the week

Stay in your Chiropractic lane. The hoax is gaining more momentum to lengthen the suffering of an unknowing, duped society so the spotlight needs to be on education. If you are not having a Health Awareness Seminar, consider having one immediately. If you are skimping on patient education procedures and just getting down to it with adjustments only, reinstate them immediately. The adjustment without education is reckless and short-sighted. It’s the same way with parenting: don’t just let your kids have their way because it’s better than arguing with them. Even if people appear disinterested in education, don’t be influenced by their indifference to it. Slick, heavily marketed, politically leveraged, and financially backed one-shot solutions will always appeal to the common. Real health is resistance to all diseases, not just one. Imitations and substitutions abound.


The gift of awareness

With high levels of personal power, you won’t be attracted to common attractor patterns like media propaganda, politics, dogma, news, violence, conflict, war, crime, drugs, etc. You are also more prone to earn considerably higher income levels than people with low levels of personal power. With resonation comes awareness and responsibility. You can see things others can’t. Which teachers or coaches will be best for your kids? Which vendors will get your business (box stores vs. shopping locally)? Which relationships should you be in and which ones should you opt-out of? With an increased personal power, the possibilities are endless; without it, life is one struggle after another.     

Having the gift of awareness or vision sure makes life easy. You can see through scams from the gurus of the day, the sales and marketing for new patient attractors on the internet, etc. You can see through the smiling and handshake demeanor of people and without judgment realize where people are coming from. This morning I had a visit from the owner of an auto body garage that we have a 30+ year relationship. We took care of his mother, father (now deceased), him, and his family. He wanted to see the office (that’s up for sale) one more time. He expressed his gratefulness for all the kindness we have shown to his whole family. He commented on the community of the Pallis Chiropractic Center and mentioned how it’s just not the same at his current Chiropractor’s office. We also thanked him for helping TNR members with car problems on Head-to-Head visits over the years and for helping our kids with their vehicle issues. He doesn’t play the insurance game, he has one fee, regardless of if insurance covers it or not. 

Even though you recognize scams, people not telling the truth, or just not getting people’s best efforts, it is still difficult to call people on their crap, including ourselves. At times it seems like an uphill battle. It takes courage to live with principle, rather than doing what you are told and going along with the rest of the roll-up-your-sleeves crowd. A former TNR member sent me a picture of her and her kids smiling with the chemically branded band-aids on their arms. Tears are welling up in my eyes as I realize the price we pay for being aware and contrarian. For most, it’s just too difficult to be aware. They put their tails down and live a life of telling what is wrong with the world. Like our Love Has No Color t-shirts say, Action, not more words.


This year’s tee shirts

If you wish to purchase an extra t-shirt please contact Dr. Julie immediately as we only have a limited number of extras and sizes. They are $25. Get one for yourself, VIP practice members or your Love Has No Color wall.

Dr. Lizzie t-shirts

From the Mind of Miyagi


The second chance at life

All my life I have been fascinated by how some people come back from traumatic events, poor parenting, bad luck, unfortunate circumstances, etc. Why do some have some sort of built-in ability when others are relegated to being victims for the rest of their lives? It has nothing to do with education, what schools the person attended, what the person looks like, etc. There is a characteristic that is not readily seen but when it has a container to work in, it produces seeming miracles.

These people who have been there aren’t mainstream. There is a peculiarity to them or oddness. Our radar intuits a certain danger or an increased awareness about them. We could easily miss this characteristic if we’re only searching for more obvious clues like the whiteness of their teeth, baldness, attractiveness, IQ, etc. Yet, even if we miss it, it’s still there. Whenever there is a crisis or a hero’s journey to embark on, they are always there with their bags packed. They operate effortlessly in frigid, shark-infested waters. Miracles happen in their offices on a daily basis.

People who have lived charmed lives and haven’t experienced any traumatic events (violence, addiction, etc.) yet have lived life unprepared for the certainties of life which could include relationship strain, aging, disease, and death.  People who have experienced traumatic circumstances have an advantage over people who have not: they will not fold when the going gets rough or they don’t get their way, they will not opt-out or take the easy way out, they keep their promises, and they won’t abandon anyone including spouses, children, family, etc.

I love giving doctors and non-doctors a second chance at life. I don’t try to fix or change people because they don’t conform to the norms of society. Cookie-cutter or cookbook solutions are amateur and sophomoric at best. Looking deep inside a person and helping develop their ability is our calling. Helping people become the best version of themselves is the biggest contribution to humanity we can make.


DCME confidential


Question 1: I have an opportunity for a potential DCME to fly in for care. There are so many logistics and moving parts. Is it worth it? 

Answer: YES! Sure, there are logistic issues. They need to find a hotel or an Airbnb and will need to be able to work on Zoom. After that, it’s all the same. Don’t narrow your scope unnecessarily. 

Question 2: My DCME insists they aren’t receiving their DCME video emails. What’s really going on? 

Answer: There could be a few things going on here. Maybe the email is not correct or the emails are going to their Spam or Junk folder. Make sure the email is correct and have them check the Spam or Junk folder. Then speak with Dr. Julie who will help get the issue resolved. Also, the DCME patient may not want to open the emails so they don’t have to do their homework. Those of you who do lots of DCMEs are smirking right now.