TNR Happenings August 17, 2020

TNR Happenings

Tears in your eyes

Temporarily there are no group TNR trainings so you need to take your previous TNR training and make it practical. There has to be an urgency to it. It’s the perfect storm to grow, grow, grow.  Schedule a private Head-to-Head, of course, but also create a massive community in your office, making it about the practice members. They are scared to death. Serve your people to the highest level. Your TNR training has positioned you perfectly for frigid, shark-infested waters such as these. What do you think happened when our Canadian brothers and sisters lost insurance for Chiropractic? The weak ones perished and a new, stronger, and tougher Chiropractor emerged ready for the next man-made calamity. The same thing happened after 9/11, banking scandals,  interest rates skyrocketing, war, AIDS, hurricanes, etc. 

While the rest of the profession becomes a part of the mass hysteria (problem), stay in your lane and do what you do best: deliver Chiropractic at the highest level (solution).  No matter how newsworthy, how popular, or how destructive the mass hysteria, you still have a choice when it comes to participating or not. Feelings of powerlessness are triggered in manmade or natural disasters. It’s a story that validates playing small. It’s a reason to give up on your dreams that so many people gladly grab hold of like a life preserver. You can be like everybody else and act like obedient children, complain about how bad things are, and be powerless to do anything about it. So many adults are being infantilized right before our eyes. They sit there and watch others do the heavy lifting and comment about what should be done instead of doing it themselves. They have locked themselves in their rooms and have locked the door. Watching from the sidelines is so much easier than being on the front lines. TNR gives you the tools and the support to live in the world of health, abundance, and love, vs. the world of disease, limitation, and lack.


Dr. Lisa baby watch!

When is that little baby going to be born? She has received all kinds of helpful advice like driving down a bumpy road in her car, eating certain pizza with herbs and seaweed, and repeating mantras of baby names. We are so excited for the big day to arrive!


From the Mind of Miyagi


After being at it for a few years, you gain a perspective you didn’t have when you were a student or newly graduated doc. It’s a vantage point or wisdom that applies to seeing things differently from above the battlefield instead of being consumed by the collective consciousness of your time. A newly graduated doctor may think to themselves that we are all the same: unified in our vision, abilities, and willingness to be in service to others.  This means we have the same amount of humanitarian spirit, we get similar clinical results, and we earn equal pay based on our sameness. REALLY? It certainly seems so at graduation. But over the years we realize there is a Grand Canyon of difference between philosophies, ideologies, commitment levels, ability levels, ambition levels, and the amount of conformity you’re willing to accept to receive a meager paycheck. The bubble of studenthood has been burst: you’ve grown up to realize it’s not all about technique.

I was flipping through various Chiropractic magazines (online and offline) and noticed that there were articles from the irrelevant to the bizarre and impotent, all kneeling down in worship of the current medically driven crisis. An evident common theme in the pages was Chiropractors trying to look like an MD, pretending to be an MD, and completely giving up any semblance of believing in anything other than something made up in a lab. Innate Intelligence or anything not yet proven by science was nowhere to be found. One article raved about a student clinician who actually showed up at the clinic during the pandemic to help patients, while the rest of his classmates hid out in their apartments, concerned only about their own well being. He gushes and exclaims how the experience taught him leadership skills and a lot about running a clinic. Dr. X recently graduated and has taken those lessons with him as he begins his career as an associate. What happened to the leadership skills and running a clinic? Where would those be applied as an associate? What level is your depth of belief in Chiropractic or even in yourself?

 I also saw an ad launching telehealth digital tools to ask questions to patients about how they are feeling and how much pain they are in. Sure sounds like a nurse’s job or an administration duty to me. There were other articles and ads for stem cell injections, imaging of all types (MRI, PET, etc.), research, types of masks to wear, the best instruments for taking non-human touch temperature, limiting patients to only those in acute low back pain, doctors in private practice voluntarily decreasing their practices to observe social distancing, deans of distance learning, partnering with academic hospitals and real doctors, and doing important collaborative work to receive the real goal of lots of federal funding! One snippet was about a Chiropractor who presented at a large virtual gathering and told Chiropractors to be prepared in 2025 to be able to assist with autism and neurological disorders in children. How about now?  Is this akin to waiting for the miracle vaccine? Technology will not answer humanity’s suffering. From war to terrorism, violence, crime, and oppression, technology is opportunistic, business and profit-driven, and gives the illusion of solving something only to find out later it created more problems. Why are all of these strange, different, and confusing activities featured in Chiropractic magazines? Shouldn't they instead be about caring for people who live Chiropractic lives and want the opportunity for a higher quality of life? The same rhetoric was said in 1918, "We will find the cure", then with AIDS, diabetes, PSTD, concussions, homelessness, mental illness, and now in 2020 about the manmade boogieman originally created to be a tool of mass destruction. Doing more of what doesn’t work is not staying in our lane (even though we can get paid for it people are misled about its effectiveness.) Do what we are capable of and prepared to do TODAY!   

When you have low resonation and low awareness, you just don’t give a damn. These magazines seem like good reading when you look at them, especially with all of those nice pictures of Chiropractors at work.  They look like they're doing important academic work, like computer work and research studies; anything except the care and education of lots and lots of people. I didn’t see any articles about alumni seeing hundreds of people each week. I didn’t see any articles about caring for difficult cases instead of referring them out. The word children was conspicuously absent while other more important issues were being discussed. It occurred to me just how radically different you have to be to thrive in a world that is always on the lookout for simple solutions to complex problems. They want someone to tell them how to think and how to behave just like Mommy and Daddy used to.

Since when is it not exciting enough to have the ability to help people of all ages with benign and crippling conditions of all types? To introduce people to true wellness? To be paid inside or outside any limiting, biased, discriminatory disease insurance? The whole world can think of you as non-essential, a joke or back cracker, but it’s truly only what you think of yourself that matters. Are you a world-class, once-in-a-lifetime doctor who accepts people not in the hope to see what happens, but with an absolute conviction that health is everybody’s birthright, no exceptions? No governments, institutions, drug companies, or insurance companies can corner health, no matter how many trillions of dollars have been made doing just that. Remember that. One of the few remaining freedoms left to people in our society is the ability to seek help for health-related issues.  


Vagal Stimulation is here!


I have been telling members for some time now that vagal stimulation has been on the drawing board for everything from autism to addiction. Huge monies are being dumped into Biomed startup companies in the development of this technology. The ad above comes from the largest online magazine for addiction and recovery. This is also being used extensively in autism, behavioral modification, seizures, PTSD, and concussions. You name it, it's being used. It’s obviously a substitute for an adjustment and,  in true allopathic fashion, it’s made convenient, with little or no commitment on the user's part. What do you think makes sense for a consumer coming in for 3x a week for months: adjustments or use a little do-hickey? The same thing can be asked about working out to get in shape or liposuction or stomach stricture. Astute members remember the term, Dysponesis, which described subluxation and health challenges in the ’60s. It was written by MDs and is a re-run of an old concept. Dysponesis was an article that changed my life and was championed by Dr. Christopher Kent. This article definitively showed the correlation between nerve interference and health conditions like seizures, heart illnesses, mental illness, and other heavy hitters. It was measured via a surface EMG and gave rise to the measuring tools found in Chiropractic today, like the substation, Myovision, etc. It fell out of favor in medicine because there was no way at the time to effect individual nerves with a pill or operation and was abandoned. It’s baaack! Mark my words, you will see this in Chiropractic offices! Instead of an adjustment, you can have a CA do the same thing.


DCME confidential


Question 1: Why do practice members resist our efforts with difficult cases or other cases?

Answer: There is an inherent human characteristic found in all of us that resists any change, even if it’s good for us. It goes beyond stubbornness. Some patients will actually go out of their way to attack you. There are reasons most Chiropractors never will take up the serious application of DCME type care: the rejection and the legal hassles, as if getting clinical results is the only thing involved. Status quo means doing the familiar and comfortable even if it means suffering. Just understand it and deal with it the best you can. Stop attempting to help people that agree they need help, but don’t want the help.

Question 2: I have a DCME that has suddenly stopped paying me. Each time they say they will bring their checkbook to the next visit. How long do I let this go on?

Answer: Stop care immediately until you have been paid. There has been a breach in your relationship unbeknownst to you. I have a feeling it’s not on your end. There are so many pressures that DCME patients must endure outside of your office. Don’t underestimate the influence they may have from other people to go back to taking drugs, having surgery, and agreeing with what can’t be done. Remember the crabs in a box metaphor, it’s all around us.