TNR Happenings, August 23, 2021

TNR Happenings 8.23

DCME Training on September 18th

The DCME or Level 2 Practice Member concept originated in TNR. Ask any of your colleagues about DCME and you will get a shrug, the universal sign of “I don’t know”. They know nothing about the human and social dynamics of a DCME or Level 2. They haven’t received training for DCMEs. They bow to the altar of accepted beliefs of the times – the same ones who have brought the plague. There will be plenty of dedicated time during this training for discussion of any of your present or past DCMEs. Learn where the ball was dropped and make corrections for your next case.

Do you want to schedule a Head-to-Head for the day before or after the training? Call TNR before the availability is gone!


Boot Camp 2021

I would like to remind the participants to write a paper describing their experiences. This is from one of our participants:

Boot Camp 2021


Summer Boot Camp 2021, for some, our favorite time of year.

Chiropractors, humanitarians, excited to be here.

Short a man, it almost feels like there’s something we have to prove,

But rest assured that as a group, our training will shine through.


In spite of how it may seem, we are not alone,

Because on the Res, at heart, we have one of our own.

A warrior, a sage, committed to serving all of mankind,

Someone more dedicated and caring, you will not find.


Politics, employees, the community, not sure if he can trust him or trust her,

And that each and every day still requires all the courage he can muster.

Resistance that would deter almost anyone, but not Kenny Smoker,

It lifts my heart to see that through it all, he’s still quite the joker.


Driving 4+ hours to help those in need is really something,

Because, as always, it's win-win or nothing.

Having doubts about what we’re doing, I ask questions just to be clear,

He puts my mind at ease saying that what really matters is how we feel “in here”.


This whole time, I thought I was doing them the favor,

Raising money, donating the fruits of my labor.

And that they should be grateful to me, running myself into the ground,

But now I realize that maybe it's really the other way around.


Also, any participants with pictures, please share them with Dr. Julie on Drive:


Practice tip of the week

Stop allowing the fear-based expectations of society to rule your life. During this hoax, don’t let them relegate you to the bench and mask you from telling people the truth. If you are principled, then speak and behave so. Keeping the truth to yourself serves nobody. If you actually believe you are only good for back and neck pain, so be it. If you know better, how can you turn your head and agree with the madness? DCME or Level 2 care demonstrates the far-reaching effects of “TIC” to not only practice members, but to us too as it strengthens our beliefs. If you are not growing exponentially, you are agreeing with the collective mandates of low-resonating people. We know better but the game has been the same throughout history. It takes courage to disagree with the masses.

From the Mind of Miyagi


During the 20 plus years that I have been guiding Chiropractors and others, I have been flooded with what people can’t do. I can’t get new patients. I can’t have great relationships. I can’t trust people. I can’t trust insurance companies, etc. If you have something in your life that you are being challenged with, imagine a coin: heads is what you are having difficulty accomplishing and tails is hanging on to the current or past Below the Line relationships. They are 2 sides to the same coin. You can’t get what you want until you do some clean-up work with yourself.

Entering new relationships or levels of success is fueled by clearing space with less than satisfying relationships. You must let them go. Weed the garden. If you are enduring or validating your relationships where your needs aren’t being met, how are those needs going to be fulfilled in a new relationship? –The same person is in both relationships.

We see this all the time when Chiropractors attempt to enter DCME or Level 2 care. They will be exposed! There is so much prep work needed on the Chiropractor to even consider doing DCME work. It is reserved only for a handful of super-trained Chiropractors with the courage of a lion. Our past history invisibly colors the present without us knowing it. It simply defaults to our past experiences, opinions, parental programming, etc. To extricate ourselves from this limiting influence takes “Jaws of Life” training to get us free of the twisted wreckage of our past. Each Head-to-Head training gets you closer to your true self, not the false self others have foisted on you.

DCME Confidential


Question 1: The mother of a 14-year old DCME insists her daughter is getting worse under my care and she is threatening to pull the plug on her care. What should I do?

Answer: This is commonly seen in these cases. The teen actually becomes heavier and needier. Let the mother know it’s expected and to power through it. So many people quit at this juncture, not knowing a breakthrough is right around the corner.

Question 2: I was shooting my mouth off about “TIC” having no limits and a father brought in a 21-year old man with a terrifying disease (like the kind we studied for when we took the boards). What should I do?

Answer: You may or may not be ready for this opportunity. Speak to me directly and we will iron this out.