TNR Happenings August 24, 2020

TNR Happenings 8.24

Kenny Smoker called on Saturday!

He oversees 200 employees so it is very difficult to find time to talk with him. When we were on the Reservation, we saw him one day for a mere 15 minutes and the only other time was while we were delivering food to the families and the elderly. My heart raced a bit (are we in trouble, again?) as I called him back. He simply wanted to say thank you to all of our members and volunteers for doing such a great job a few weeks ago. He has received very positive feedback from lots and lots of people on the Reservation. Most just assumed we would not be there this year. This makes me proud to be part of Love Has No Color. The hoops that he and others had to go through just to allow us to be there was simply amazing. He had kind words not only for the participants that traveled under such restrictive circumstances but for all of the donors, too.


Practice tip of the week

Don’t let the pandemic pull you down to the lay people level. Lay people are not Chiropractors and have been unfairly taken advantage of by cunning people who put profit and power over what’s best for people. As you have noticed, people are in survival mode. It's like a form of PTSD and they are sleepwalking in virtual reality. Form the relationship of trust and all will follow. Don’t attempt to force health upon them when all they can understand is the disease du jour. As difficult as it is, you need to be patient with people who have been herded up and put under house arrest. If there ever was a great time or need to be a TNR style DC, it’s now. Alcohol and legalized dispensaries are deemed essential and are reporting RECORD sales. Don’t accept the pre-Corona excuses of too busy or can’t afford it. Don’t waste time on people that just won’t accept your help. You will be out of integrity with all of the people who have followed your guidelines. Don’t let people attempt to bring you and Chiropractic down. Stay in your lane. The solution that society is looking for (health, immunity) is right in front of their noses and yet they still ask to have their backs cracked. Open your mouths as to what you know to be true.

From the Mind of Miyagi


This pandemic isn’t working for me, however, I do it very well. No one reading this has ever experienced anything like the current witch hunt, fear media, censoring, and shutdown of enterprise. Do you conform, obey, and let authorities who know less than nothing about health tell you what to do and how to behave, and do you surrender your freedom? Or do you have the courage to stay in your lane and quietly (sometimes not so quietly) demonstrate your own beliefs?

There are two arms of this or any fear campaign endorsed by the powers to be. They are fundamentalism (my way or the highway) and scientism (using pseudoscience to validate my beliefs, no matter how ridiculous). The fundamentalism only works if you own the media outlets and can create laws to herd people into doing whatever you want them to do. Try putting a video on Facebook that has a dissenting view and it will be taken down by the fundamental censors instantly. Scientism is all over the internet and political media news shows. All of these cases of the flu and yet it has a 99% survival rate. Factoid or fake news is the benchmark of scientism. You can create stats or data that supports anything from conspiracy theories to there was never a holocaust, Chiropractic is only for back sprains, etc. The news shows call their stories news. It’s not news; it's politically driven opinions that influence the masses that are too low resonating to think for themselves, too lazy, or just don’t care. They want to be told what to do by authorities, just like when they were little kids. As much as most of us in TNR went through a rebellious teenage stage and wanted to break away from our parents, many experienced no such urges and obediently obeyed their parents. They now accept the ‘new normal’ authorities as their new parents, symbols of ultimate authority.

I am older than most of our readers and had experienced racism and segregation in the 60s. Part of this experience still resides in my bone marrow and fuels Love Has No Color today. The same low-resonating beliefs that created laws to enforce racism (lots and lots of profit!) are now enforcing new fundamentalist views today. The same beliefs that plunge us into war after war, are the same beliefs that are fueling this pandemic. The exact level of resonation as before is present today, nothing has changed. Meet the new boss, he's the same as the old boss. As new as this seems, we have been through this before.  We are being ruled by a very small, but powerful group that rules unopposed and has no check and balance system. It's hidden in clear sight behind no more dictators, colonization, rights of the individual, by the people, for the people, let freedom ring.

What’s that you smell burning? It’s our freedom!


Missing or Murdered Indigenous Women


Did you know that over 5,000 women have disappeared, been murdered, or lost to sex trafficking since 2016? How can that be? This exists because it’s not deemed as important as the current fear-mongering. Also, there is not as much profit from this as plundering and cashing in on the whole world. To gain some needed perspective, Native Americans make up approximately 2% of the population. If there are over 5,000 missing or murdered with 2% of the population, imagine how many that would be if we translated that amount to the other 98% of the population - those figures would translate into hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of women nationwide. It simply wouldn’t be tolerated, but on the Reservation, it’s a different story.


DCME confidential


Question 1: How firm do you have to be with DCMEs?

Answer: Here is where the rubber hits the road. You have to go through that door and go much further than with a regular case. Others before you were not firm enough and instead defaulted to drugs, incarceration, electro-convulsive-therapy, etc. That’s why doing DCME is not for the faint of heart.

Question 2: I have a patient who is a developmentally-delayed, angry, and defiant kid. I don’t want to mess around with 3 or 6-month plans. Can I elevate to one year or do you think this is excessive?

Answer: Congratulations! You are really grasping the Big Vision. You are this kid's only hope. It will take at least a year to get things changing. If you need help with pricing, ask me on your next call.


September 12th Super Academy has been canceled

There is a new rumor regarding a TNR training being offered in October if flight restrictions have been relaxed. Norwood sure is beautiful in October!