TNR Happenings, August 30, 2021

tnr happs 8.30

September 18th DCME is the training everyone needs!

This is the needed additional training that will insulate you from the madness and now is the time to come and get it. Don’t think you can just muddle through what’s happening around us, pretend everything is okay, and think it will come to pass. Like the nuclear bomb that was detonated in Hiroshima and Nasagi, there will be nothing to go back to. Once governments get a taste of blood (profit, agenda, controlling others unopposed), we will see agenda (variants, etc.) after agenda forcefully being rammed down our throats. Thinking for oneself is no longer an option, it’s not legal anymore. We are forced into a ‘them or us’ mentality and if you haven’t noticed, we are in the minority! Make sure to read from the Mind of Miyagi article.    


Referral Time:

If you know a doctor, business owner, or a TNR-style person who could benefit from TNR training, HAVE THEM JOIN TNR IMMEDIATELY! It could be a long time before they get another opportunity for TNR training! Think I’m kidding? What about our northern brothers and sisters? They have had their freedom to travel and receive training stripped from them and have not had training in years. If there was ever a time to get this training, it’s now. For US members: don’t take your waning freedom for granted. In days gone by, the only enemies we had were spouses who complained about the doctor being away from the family, the expense to fly, etc. Now it’s a new, more savage beast. TNR training will safeguard your sanity and give you a voice in the ‘new normal’, masked, courage-free society. Also, if you are going to go through all the hoops to attend the TNR trainings, double down and get a Head-to-Head on the same trip. You never know when your freedom to travel will be rescinded. 


Practice tip of the week

Open your mouth. Don’t resist and fight against disease any more than you fight against war. Show people what TIC is. It’s not only immune systems; it’s everything else as well. Don’t allow TIC to be pigeon-holed because of the plandemic conditions. It’s not about, ‘My back, my back’ either, although it includes that. Have a Health Awareness Seminar or equivalent each and every week and ask your patients to each bring a guest. Do you have the Concentric Circles and Baseline Assessment posters displayed prominently? Are your adjustments centered around the mechanical adjustment or is there education and emotional connection as well? Take care of your people. The second they leave your office, they are bombarded with negative input from media, family, friends, the internet, etc. Use every available opportunity to educate. Don’t stick with logic; there is no logic present when there is fear like a mass hysteria. Do repetition with passion, over and over.


Christmas on the Reservation

I don’t know for certain, but we may be serving two Reservations this year. I am still planning this with Kenny Smoker, but at this writing, it’s a distinct possibility. What does this means to each and every one of us? Find a whale or two in your office. A whale is a person who is in a position of financial and fiscal power. They make things happen. One year, my good friend, Pamela, asked if we could use some help with school supplies. Voila! In a few phone calls, we had 852 pounds of school supplies donated to the Reservation. That’s a whale. A few years back, Dr. Aaron had a food distributor who was going to send hundreds of pounds of food. We all have these people in our offices. They need to be cultivated NOW, so do not wait until later. A past member had a toy store owner donate hundreds of dolls one year. One year we had a contact with a sneaker manufacturer and they were able to supply hundreds of sneakers. A whale goes through no committees or red tape. They have executive power and have the power to make it happen! Don’t mistake a minnow with a big mouth for a whale. Usually, whales are under-spoken and powerful.


From the Mind of Miyagi


This is a particularly spicy Mind of Miyagi. If you have a weak stomach or are easily offended, please wait for next week’s message or review a past Happening. With more training, comes higher resonation, higher levels of personal power, and an awareness that is unparalleled in our society. Whenever the powers to be (government, war, crime, organization, employers) have an agenda to foist on an unsuspecting public, they need an enemy. They have to have a scapegoat or enemy: someone to blame the unwanted circumstances on. An example is when a politicians’ son or daughter is killed, someone must pay; it doesn’t matter who. Another example is when they were burning witches at the stake. People with dissenting voices against the government or church dogma are jailed. They need to unload their guilt onto someone.

The concept of resonation may be new or still a little fuzzy to some of you and you may not realize that adults don’t raise 5 points of resonation in their lifetimes. They talk about stories from their past their whole lives without correction, update, or upgrade. They are so stuck in the past and aren’t about to include a change in their lives. So the thought process you are seeing with the Covid hoax is the same as all the others from war to crime, cigarettes, drugs, poverty, government, etc. A famous spiritual text has a quote: “Ideas leave not their source.” In other words, the same thinking prevails at the same resonation. Meet the new boss, he is the same as the old boss.

Here are some examples:

War: The enemies are infidels, primitive, savages, immoral, terrible. Are they really?

 Crime: One criminal turns states' evidence and is set free even though they committed the crime. We are told that is the price we pay for justice. What kind of justice exonerates a criminal who chooses to squeal on the other criminals? According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network) for every 1,000 rapes only 384 are reported, 52 arrested, 11 prosecuted, 7 felony convictions, and 6 incarcerations. And you think you will find justice in a courtroom?

 Healthcare: 300-400,000 Covid deaths in a year and add 7,000 plus since May 31, 2021. It’s not accepted that there is a price to pay for these cures. Being denied access to healthcare because of not injecting the holy water is tainting an already broken system. They are paying more attention to a cold or flu instead of real killers. Imagine the contempt for patients when you are not incentivized to be the best you can be (socialized healthcare) or realizing they are not vaccinated.

We see the same thing as they turn people against a common enemy: the ignorant, resistant group that will not take one for the team and join the masses that are being duped. They are unpaid advocates for something they don’t know anything about. It seems there is nobody listening. Yet, who in simple honesty, without defensiveness and self-deception, would deny he understands the words we speak? We see friends against friends, spouses against spouses, neighbors against neighbors. Here are actual examples from TNR files of pitting belief against belief:

  • If you don’t vaccinate the kids in order to go to school, I’ll divorce you. And by the way, the authorities will grant me sole custody because I’m doing what I’m told and you’re not. You’re being unreasonable.
  • You will be kicked out of Chiropractic School if you are not vaccinated.
  • Intimacy has been removed from the marriage until the offender (TNR member) comes to their senses and rolls up their sleeve. By the way, the spouse knows absolutely nothing about health, even though they think they do.
  • Our member must wear a mask at home in front of the spouse and children and is being forced to lie to in-laws about her jab status.
  • One of our members is being blackmailed by a sibling about caring for a person who tested positive. They are going to play the social tracing card and close their office.

 Who needs enemies when you have friends like these?

 Which power do you serve: Man-made laws or spiritual laws? Does your house of worship obey man-made laws or serve a higher power? Is there still free will or has your place of worship joined alliances with the state? Saying that a deity wants you to vaccinate or not is certainly taking license in the limited. The sign in front of a church in the next town reads, “God smiles when you vaccinate.” Another one reads, “Love thy neighbor, get vaccinated.” Find a new place of worship if a political and government agenda is interrupting your spiritual journey.           


DCME confidential


Get your tickets for September 18th. What more needs to be said?