TNR Happenings, December 13, 2021

TNR Happenings 12.13

Christmas on the Reservation Was A Huge Success!

Smiles were on display everywhere on the Reservations while all of the kids received love and joy. Did you know that Love Has No Color does not restrict the gifts to only Native American kids? All kids living on the Reservations and in the school systems receive gifts. Teachers and townspeople commented about us keeping our promise to the kids even in the middle of a plandemic. Nothing gets in the way of our mission. No excuses or stories are accepted. We had more private time with Kenny Smoker because he was with us the entire time! Hearing his insights about Love Has No Color brought all in attendance to tears. He talked about his prayer of having the right people come into the lives of his people and there we were. He gets it. An unexpected treat was being invited to a welcoming Tribal Council. Did you know that Dr. Teri once tried out to be a NASCAR driver and her magnificent skills were on display on the long drive back from the Northern Cheyenne Reservation? We also had the privilege of having Phoenix join us. She was one of the three original people who welcomed Love Has No Color to the Reservation. She was only 13 at the time. Today she is 28 and feeling great. She has a Love Has No Color tattoo and represents Love Has No Color wherever she goes. Darryl Red Eagle’s daughter is following in her father’s footsteps and is now on the Tribal Council. She also brought down the house with an inspiring story of her daughter hearing our house band Don’t Quit Your Day Job. Thank you to the members who journeyed to the Reservation and to all members, practice members, and friends of Love Has No Color who made this year our finest to date.

DCME Training is on January 22nd

What do you do when the wolf is at your door? You open it! The time for timid indecision is over and you embrace obstacles. You have a choice. Sitting on the sidelines while others do the heavy lifting is not a choice. Most doctors and naturopaths hide behind the false security of being merely symptomatic doctors while other once-in-a-lifetime doctors disagree with this approach and are doing something about it. “Giving it a try”, “we’ll see what happens”, and “it can’t hurt” are non-decisions born of limitation, lack, and scarcity. See article from the Mind of Miyagi. Either there is an innate principle behind Chiropractic or there isn’t. You won’t find it in the DC/ND down the street. They are too busy giving people what they will accept (a la the marketing, not humanitarian principles) like BSO’s, outside in cures, or anything they can sell in the hope of achieving results instead of standing before people in truth. Make sure to attend this training!


From the Mind of Miyagi


The Price We Pay For Awakening

 A surprising thing is in store for you when you do your training and homework in TNR. You awaken from your slumber and you start to see things that you couldn’t see before. You gain a vantage point like a soaring eagle that uses its God-given freedom of flight instead of an eagle standing with grass in front of its eyes. You will be able to accomplish things that were once difficult because they will become easy. You can’t drag people along with you as this awakening is strictly a personal matter. It is accessible to all but they must do the work. They need to find a guide who has the goods and not go down a rabbit hole. The sword of awareness is a two-edged sword. You will witness others suffering, corruption, and political and religious dogma like two weeks to flatten the curve, social tracing, detention camps for dissidents, etc.

You also get to witness miracles inside and outside of your office. You will be able to see things that others miss because of their self-absorption and addiction to social media, TV, and media, etc. You will have a dimension in your life that others have not developed. They don’t even know they have a choice. 

If they are single, they will experience great difficulty in finding a once-in-lifetime partner. They will be invited to settle for a good man or woman, a dutiful man or woman, or some variation of average. You will now squirm when dutifully forced to attend meetings or gatherings with people who are asleep. You will be painfully aware of the agendas and each attempt to get you to abandon your ability to make a decision for yourself. You will get agitated with them and say, “Wake up” even though they say they are.  With exasperation, you may cry out, “Don’t you see what is happening?” Yet they will insist that nothing is happening and they will believe that drug companies, the government, and other institutions of authority have our backs. 

One of the saddest things you will bear witness to is the polarization of families and people you admired and trusted prior to your awakening. You will realize that low consciousness levels permanently blind people to what’s really happening, no matter how honest, religious, nice, or intelligent they are. Rich or poor, tall or short, thin or thick have no pull with being awakened. Resonation simply allows; being asleep keeps you in the dark and you submit your personal authority to get along. What about our parents who fell hook, line, and sinker for the plandemic? They are not awakened enough to say they don’t know what’s going on and they go along with what they are being told, becoming unpaid advocates of the new social order. What about your siblings, your colleagues, and your friends? It is so disappointing on one level and so motivating on the other to wake up the world.

There was a lengthy delay on one of our stopovers on our journey to the Reservation. This happens all the time and viola, the awakened and the unawakened sprung into action with geometrically different results. We heard a flight attendant tell all of those willing to be poisoned by her ignorance that she had been stuck there for 3 days. Then others chimed in with their tales of woe. Each wanted to one-up the other about their tales of hopelessness and powerlessness instead of tales of empowerment. They kept mentioning how the airline did this to them and how the airline doesn’t care. One person insisted that someone making tons of cash was at the bottom of all of this. On the other hand, the awakened got busy and did not accept what couldn’t be done. With a smile on my face, I witnessed a long-term TNR member glide between the moaning people who were gnashing their teeth. He got rebooked on another flight while others meekly accepted vouchers to be marooned for a day or so. Some accepted having more resistance and authority in their lives. The awakened made things happen amidst the distraction of all the other sheep who accepted what couldn’t be done and that’s just the way it is. These sheep, mired in drama, were on their cell phones speaking to people who held space for their unawakened state.  This state of drama causes resistance to being helped and a closed mind to solutions. I overheard some people blaming this delay on covid.

Yes, there is a price we pay for being awakened. We see the innocent slaughtered right before our eyes. We also realize we can’t rescue all of those who sleep. Yet, in any era of time, there are those who are able to suspend their slumber and open their minds to a new way of thinking, reclaim their inalienable freedom, and discern for themselves what’s best for them. TNR is a conduit not only for personal transformation but collectively as well.


DCME confidential


Question 1: I have twins that are both on DCME/Level 2 type of care for similar conditions. One is making great progress and the other is lagging behind. How can this be? 

Answer: Even though they are twins, they are not the same. There are so many factors to consider, from drugs to emotional, mental, and physical issues, etc. Nobody expresses life at the same rate. 

Question 2: Can I raise my DCME rates? 

Answer: Yes. Your training, resonation, and awakening better be worth more next year than this year. You don’t need permission from others to claim your true worth. Permission is granted by the big vision of healthier people create a healthier planet.