TNR Happenings, December 27, 2021

TNR Happenings 12.27

Happy New Year!!!


DCME Training is on January 22, 2022

We all came out of Chiropractic School with vim and vigor and then something happened. Was it insurance domination, society calling the shots (pun intended) about our identity, or did we just plain get worn down? I remember I was so smug and confident and thought I was the embodiment of Chiropractic. For years I had LO BACK vanity plates and was darn proud of it. I didn’t know about a fuller expression of Chiropractic, nor did I care about it. “My back, my back” was the expected routine that was socially accepted and it was my identity. A lot of factors aligned in the cosmos, I meet my mentor Dr. Joe Flesia, and I was thrust into a brave new world that clashed with my limited outlook on Chiropractic. It was not easy to say goodbye to the old way of life, the conditional, permission-based way of life. Or to grant permission to myself to do something that most people don’t recognize or see the need for until they are in dire straits. I used to attend funerals where the surviving spouse would say something like, “He died of a heart but his back was just fine. You did such a great job, Dr. Kevin.” These things were said as compliments but I began to think I could do more than just be a puppet for the pharmaceutical giants and government. As I entered the next leg of my journey, a silent concern kept surfacing: was I the only one who wanted more from Chiropractic, or was Chiropractic doomed to a watered-down existence? There is nothing quite like caring for DCMEs. Attending a DCME training is a sacred journey unlike anything in TIC. Just like with many things around us, it’s so easy to get casual with the ‘the thing from which all things come.’ Don’t! Plan to join us on January 22, 2022, for the DCME Training. Discounted tickets are available until January 5, 2022. 


Love Has No Color news

The stories about smiles and joy are still coming in. Families in need received gifts for their kids. All of the kids that were absent on the days we gave out gifts have received their gifts. Nobody was left out. Many have received (or will receive) underwear, t-shirts, socks, hats, coats, and mittens for the upcoming frigid conditions. Throughout the year, Kenny Smoker receives dozens of requests from families in need (absent parents, frozen pipes, incarceration, house fires, etc. The gifts don’t just make their appearance at Christmas; it’s a year-round activity. 

From the Mind of Miyagi


There were many younger Chiropractors celebrating Christmas at the Pallis Ranch who have optimistic outlooks, go the extra mile, and know the second generation value of Chiropractic from experiencing it, not reading or hearing about it. I was reminded of the beginning of my journey. If you are not careful, you can lose yourself in being in too small of a container. The too-small container I speak of is adult, musculoskeletal injuries. In my early practice days, I didn’t think about the possibility of being more; I was just not interested, judged it to be not relevant, and would go about helping people with cricks and sprains. In my eyes, Chiropractic was mechanical, all about technique and research, and was limited by man-made constraints about what would respond and what wouldn’t. DCMEs were definitely a non-possibility.

Just in my small area of influence, there have been 6 suicides of teens and young adults during the last 2 weeks. Yes, we are seeing the effect of the pandemic pushing these kids over the edge. But the problem was there before this. It’s just that most of us were not involved in the Dragon world and did not see this before joining TNR. What could we have done even if we were? In the early days, this question haunted me. I thought there were experts far more capable than I who had the treatment, training, and solutions to handle this complex, multi-faceted problem. There were whole institutions dedicated to this never-ending problem. Mental and emotional problems are invisible diseases that cause fear in parents, friends, and family members. They have very low rates of success. The system with limited thinking is the flaw, not the people who try to work a system with no answers. Go ahead and look up the Veterans Administration stats for suicide. They are up 30% since covid. Ideas leave not their source. The same type of thinking and expertise that is behind covid, war, and discrimination is the same type of thinking and expertise the judicial system has (6 incarcerations per 1,000 rapes). Einstein was quoted as saying the same type of thinking that created the problem cannot create the solution. When you pull back the curtain, you see a bald guy with a microphone that is certainly not a wizard, but a profit-driven, agenda-based character much like a lawyer. When you hire a lawyer, you go along with this charade. You know you are spending your money on a person who is paid to lie and be deceptive and yet you still go along with it. This is like participating in the lottery: you agree that there will be losers and a single winner.

 This is what keeps most doctors and healers out of the frigid, shark-infested waters of DCMEs.  The regulations and trouble you can get into when things go sideways affect your ability to practice and are obstacles that must be faced to save a life. Like I mentioned last week, up to and including spouses, family members, and friends, it’s the price we pay for being awakened. For the many, this is just not worth the effort. For the few, it’s what we signed up for: all the training that is involved, the expense, lack of acceptance by the majority, and what can you do as a DC/ND?  It’s 10:00 a.m. on Monday and I’ve already had two doctors say they were in contact with sick individuals at Christmas celebrations and are having pressure applied to close their offices for a couple of weeks. Isn’t it amazing to see the ignorant, low-resonating wanna bees spring into action to become unpaid advocates for the government’s agenda of seizing individual rights via force, fines, and social shame, causing the loss of ability to produce income?   

 Many of you will not jump immediately into the pool of suicide, terminal illness, and invisible disease; you will up your game to increasingly serious diseases. You start attracting more chronic conditions. Use your Baseline Assessments and measure the quality of life changes you add by being a once-in-a-lifetime doctor or healer. Move beyond the same old 3x a week for 12 weeks rigmarole. Let insurance coverage defray some of the cost, but never let it determine what is right for the person. Have you ever seen insurance that covers kids? Here is again where the rubber hits the road. Getting coverage for kids is like pulling teeth. They don’t have bad backs. Either Chiropractic is real as a principle or it’s not. Together or not at all.


DCME confidential


Question 1: Is it just me or is my DCME trying to prove me wrong by not responding to my care? 

Answer: It’s not your imagination. People would rather be right and die (war, disease, mental illness, outdated beliefs, etc.) than be proven wrong. 

Question 2: My DCME keeps skipping appointments over and over. Do I look the other way or face the music? 

Answer: Are you getting their best effort or something else? The world of economics says who cares, just take their money. The world of humanitarians says they may have to go as their best was not given. Being in integrity with all of those who gave their best effort before them is more important than being in integrity with a person who gives a beta effort.