TNR Happenings February 1, 2021

TNR Happenings 2.1

DCME Training Seminar on February 27th

The wait is over. Our Canadian sisters and brothers will not be able to attend so the training will be very intimate and experiential. It will be at TNR headquarters in Norwood, MA.  As of this writing, only one Head-to-Head slot is available. Some discerning members like to double up with a Head-to-head on the same weekend as an event. Don’t think about it, enough time has passed for that. In times of uncertainty, the only certainty is more training to stay centered and not get swept away in the mass hysteria. Get your ticket today! The discount is available through Friday, February 5th. I’m looking forward to seeing you there.


I thought I had heard it all!

This past weekend, two members were here for Head-to-Heads, and Christy and Cliff came over to have dinner with us. They were telling us a story that their practice member told them. The practice member teaches high school in the town we live in. She said there is a female student who thinks she is a cat! With all the well-intentioned measures in place in our one-mind-only society today, this student wears gloves so she can lick her paws, has a scratching pole in a separate room that she uses instead of going to gym class, and a water bowl that she can drink from. Apparently, her parents have accepted this behavior with no solutions in sight. Do you think it’s happening only in Medfield, MA? Think again! Mental and emotional illness and lack of leadership from parents that don’t have a clue are everywhere! TNR trained members are needed more than ever! Healthier people, healthier planet includes everyone, even high school girls that think they are a cat. How do you think this kid would do with a recommendation of 3x a week for a few months? Good luck! Meooow.


Practice tip of the week

The Iceberg Concept revisited: When you see an iceberg, you only see the part that is above the water level. There is a whole lot more that is submerged that you don’t see. The part you see is the effect, the part that’s invisible is the cause. People only tell you the tip of the iceberg when they consult you. Their well-rehearsed tale of woe deals only with the problem, not the solution. If you buy into this (diagnosis, classification of illness, agreeing with what can’t be done), you will be stuck and chained to a life of short-term, low PVA, symptomatic relief, and it doesn’t get better with years in practice. Most people don’t know what they want. They have been programmed only to get rid of the pain, which is the pressing need, rather than being healthy. Look deeper with each and every practice member. All the symptomatic care in the world will not change the trajectory of that person’s life. Instead of agreeing with people in their programmed concept of how quickly they can get rid of you, start thinking more about how completely and thoroughly can I serve them  Level 2 people have committed to your leadership, they will form deep and lasting emotional connections with you, and they will experience all that Chiropractic is, not merely the tip of the iceberg. Symptom relief is not health.


From the Mind of Miyagi


Over the years I have guided doctors, business owners, and DCMEs and the one thing they all have in common is that there was underlying resistance in their personal lives that had been denied, buried, or dismissed as no way out. Some people are discerning enough to realize that growth is all but impossible until this underlying matter is resolved or at least some effort is expended towards its resolution, not amelioration. Others are not aware, almost like they are asleep and don’t want to be awakened. And that is where the rubber hits the road. Our previous past histories are guarded by a watchdog named ego. Anything that questions or differs from your evaluation of yourself (recipe for disaster) will be met with attack and aggression or you will distance yourself from the source of the dissention. You reach for the opt-out or easy button and get a BSO or some other imitation or substitute.

TNR embodies the courage and ability to live in uncertainty and still move forward. Like a buffalo, we move into difficulties rather than most that hunker down and wait for the trouble to pass. It never does. We hold onto our difficult existence with our parents, our grievances, our being misunderstood, etc. Most people who are confronted with plausible solutions, retreat, quit, or just don’t have the stomach to have their lives queried into. It is too personal, too emotional, and too private. Hence the attraction of simple solutions to complex problems. “Show me how to make more money and get more new patients, Dr. Kevin. That other stuff is for other people, not me.” Like the tip of the iceberg example, the problem is only a small part of what’s really going on. Examples are liposuction vs. training to lose weight; buying a gun or learning how to defend yourself (takes time and discipline); practice management or developing into the best version of yourself. Know that it’s only a strategy by your ego (I don’t like this, there must be an easier way, that’s not what’s really going on) to keep your personal history intact no matter how much turmoil you are in. It’s almost like a temper tantrum.

Choices that are made out of fear, greed, and a complete disregard for humanity will have repercussions. Don’t fight against a society of ignorant (not dumb) people who are being taken advantage of by this fear and greed. With practice members that are open-minded or on the fence, you have an opportunity to break through and end the tyranny of disease and fear and replace it with the peace and certainty of knowing what health brings.

TNR members who have the resilience to move forward as they start to see glimpses of their true potential realize just how limited they were. All of these have a way of hardening and wearing down even the most principled people: busted relationships, spouses that are a part of the mass hysteria, betrayal, ungrateful kids, practice members asking when am I going to feel better (a nice way of saying when can I get rid of you?), illness, etc. Training insulates, protects, and allows your true potential to shine. Our past and present members and their families always seem to say the same things: they have a stronger meaning and purpose in life. They feel more connected to people. They are more humanitarian (altruistic), more confident about their lives, and more concerned about shared interests vs. self-gain that are so prevalent in our society.

The next time you are reading the TNR Happenings or blog, are on a coaching call, or are at a TNR training and you feel yourself getting worked up, realize that you are being taken advantage of by your past programming and ego, you are resisting new input, and you are defaulting towards your old self. Getting worked up is an invitation to grow, to look at yourself in a mirror, and to accept high-level input instead of retreating to the internet or Barnes and Nobles to get a self-help book that validates your stuck position that holds your smallness in place.


Profiles in Courage

“I want to go back to the way things were”

Keep moving forward

Is this your story?

 “I’m not even sure where to begin! This weekend was so amazing and insightful. I felt such a release of my fears physically and emotionally. Realizing life is so much greater than my fears and I am so much greater than the limitations I assume. Connecting a physical action with an emotional response was powerful. I’m overcome with emotion when I think about the whole weekend. I feel like I have found a new strength within me. A strength I wanted to know I had, but didn’t. I have learned that I allow the fears of others to influence me and that I allow others to justify my fears. I now know that fear is surmountable. That I alone have the power to release fear and move forward or hold on to it and remain stagnant.” (Testimonial from a Chiropractor who attended a TNR training event)

We get lots of emails and calls from Chiropractors who have lost the purpose and meaning in their lives and have chosen consciously or unconsciously to participate in the plandemic. I often hear them say, “I just want to go back to the way things were.” There is nothing to go back to. Throwing away all that you have been trained for and all that you know for the empty words of agenda-driven politicians? Listening to puppet doctors and people of great influence get paid to foist misinformation on an unsuspecting public? I understand laypeople are in a pickle about who to trust, but Chiropractors? We were trained and forged in the fire. From 1895 to the present, it’s been the Rodney Dangerfield, “I get no respect” show for Chiropractors.

It’s like a female after she has become a mother saying she wants to go back to her life when she wasn’t a mother. No can do. There are no do-overs; it’s time to move forward. It’s a stage to be passed through, not fought with kicking and screaming. It may be an event that you may or may not be able to do something about it, like puberty, getting older, or illness, but it is your choice how you respond to it. You don’t need others' permission or to be accepted by the majority with a different belief of outside in drugs, amputation, vaccinate your way to health, etc. Just stand before your people in truth. Don’t gulp the one thought, universal income, party Kool-Aid.

What so many Chiropractors fail to realize is this is our time to shine! Principled Chiropractors are a thing of beauty to behold. They give their best effort with everything. They are a joy to be around. They have a mantra: There’s work to be done and I’m here to serve. While some doctors will actually close their offices or downsize to go along and be accepted by the majority, principled Chiropractors are stepping up in a big way.

I want to go back to my high school days or college days, or the days of just hanging out with my friends around town. What? Get a grip and move forward. Stop longing for the good ole days. They are in the past and they are gone. They are only memories. There are so many people in your community that are literally dying to receive Chiropractic care. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You’re better than that. You’ll find that by helping lots of people, you will create a new normal that far exceeds the way things were before.


DCME confidential


Question 1: My Level 2 says that the 21-Day DCME Video Program is just too hard. She is adamant about not doing certain days she deems too difficult. What should I do?

Answer: Be the leader and not the follower. Her opinion doesn’t matter. Her outlook on a tool that has helped so many people does not matter. She is being resistant to your help. The art form of DCMEs is helping people against their will. Don’t become heavy-handed or fundamental, but rather firm.

Question 2: My DCME is coming up on their graduation day. What should my next recommendations be?

Answer: It all depends upon their effort, clinical results (not symptoms only), complexity, and chronicity of the illness. Some need another blast of DCME. Most do. Do not feel the need to place them on wellness. That’s Level 1 people. DCMEs are DCMEs because they had been unsuccessful in their past searches. Don’t be so quick to make it convenient and easy for people. You’ll wish you didn’t.