TNR Happenings, February 15, 2021

TNR Happenings 2.15

February 27th is almost here!

There are still tickets available so get yours today! Do you realize there hasn’t been a TNR training in a year? You will be rewarded for attending! This training will be unlike all others with some unexpected twists and turns that you cannot prepare for. You will squirm in your seats and love every minute of it. The emphasis will be on the practical and you will return to your offices willing and able to perform Level 2 recommendations routinely. Don’t miss this opportunity; you will be kicking yourself later.


Why can’t this be love?

Have you noticed the spirit of Chiropractic waver lately? Have you noticed the number of prominent Chiropractors agreeing with the mandates of politicians and corrupt disease officials? They have asked sister and brother Chiropractors to become obedient serfs and trade acceptance for truth. So many Chiropractors are falling out of love with Chiropractic. Were they ever in love with Chiropractic or was it just a way to earn a living? They have no spirit or sacredness, only the transparent, aseptic veneer of removing symptoms only in the shadows of real doctors who take on real diseases like Covid. Remember, we have been around for quite some time and we have seen cures come and go, and yet Chiropractic still emerged as a miracle profession. Gone is the passion and philosophy of being separate and distinct. Now it’s universal income as along with everyone being united in thoughts, behaviors, and actions. Relax and let others do your thinking for you. Now you don’t have to be concerned about your family’s health, it's being taken care of by the government. Isn’t it so nice knowing that you are being taken care of by people who have your best interests in mind?? Like the commercial says, “You’re in good hands.”


Practice tip of the week

Be aware of what is going on and then choose whether to participate or not. Turning off your brain is not an option. Defaulting and being obedient and doing what you are told are not options. In years gone by the coach on a sports team was the boss. The object was winning the game. All individuals contributed their talents to win as a team. End of story. Today the coach is not the boss and winning is way down on the list. The focus now is on betting, conflict, “he said, she said”, merchandise, reality shows, sports media, social media, etc. The new normal is individual stats just in time for the new contract. The players out-earn coaches by multiples and the coach must check with his superiors if he wants to fire a player. Social media is the vehicle and fuel and coaches are afraid of their players because of this. Gone is the will to win. Why put yourself at risk? You get paid either way. The objective is to get paid, not to win. You will lose excellence when you don’t incentivize those who want to be the best. Are we talking about sports or socialized medicine and disease insurance where you are paid not to take responsibility for your health and parenting? You be the judge. The athletes lament that they don’t want to get injured. Sports today are a stepping stone or entry to bigger things down the road.

When you listen to practice members talk about things they don’t know anything about, you are yielding to non-sense. Like my grandfather liked to say: If you don’t stand for something, you’ll be good for nothing and you will fall for anything. This is like what we are seeing in some Chiropractic offices. The practice member is only interested in reacting to pain and symptoms, nothing to do with health. Not only that, they are not interested in increasing their health awareness because they assume it is being taken care of for them by the government. How much longer can we go in this direction and not see the dire consequences emerge?

Get back on the path of patient education and establishing bonds of trust with each and every practice member. Why wouldn’t you hand out pamphlets and books? If you don’t invest in your practice members, how can you ask them to invest in you? You may need to weed your garden a bit and that’s okay. Letting your players rule the locker room (your office) is not a good idea. It breeds contempt for the coach (the doctor). Your clinical results, big vision, and economics will be ultimately controlled by how willing you are to stand up to people witnessing what you know to be true.


Engagement News

Dr. Adam and Cassandra are engaged!!! Congratulations from the TNR Tribe!!!

Dr. Adam & Cassandra

Dates for Boot Camp 2021

The dates for this summer’s Boot Camp/Fun Days will be August 12th, 13th, and 14th. Wednesday, August 11th will be our arrival day. Thursday will be a Fun Day in Wolf Point, Friday will be a Fun Day in Poplar, and Saturday will be delivering food door-to-door. Sunday, August 15th will be the travel day to go back home. There will be lots of surprises and added bonuses on this trip. We want to adjust a whole lot of people because Dr. Megan is no longer on the Reservation. She served on the Reservation for almost four years. And we will be handing out tons and tons of food. Put the dates on your calendars and bring lots of VIP guests to help us!


From the Mind of Miyagi


(Editor’s note: This is a preview of the updated DCME manual for February 27th)

This is not about convenience. Most of us have grown up with parents, friends, teachers, or coaches who insisted on doing ‘our part’ for us because they saw weaknesses in us. They wanted to protect us and ultimately wanted us to make it in life. With their help, we were much better than we actually were. When we were with them we felt invincible; it was the illusion of strength in numbers or strength by association, like the wingman, the guy who protected you because he could fight, or the popular kid. There was a price to pay: you had to stop thinking for yourself and your needs would be met as long as you saw things as they did; they would, in turn, offer their benefits to you. The solution at the time was an easy and convenient way out; the problem as you sit here today was due to that. Short-term solutions create long-term problems.

We are programmed by society not to train or develop our own abilities; instead, we are supposed to get the power from something or someone external to ourselves. Authentic personal power is ignored in favor of the inauthentic personal power which must be borrowed from another source. Developing these abilities in oneself is almost now illegal. TNR is one of the few repositories for developing these abilities. Excellence and mastery are now reserved for celebrities and people in power. The rest of the people are supposed to do what they are told, comply with the insane dictates of a society obsessed with disease, and blend in with a group rather than set out on their own. Think of being an associate vs. owning your practice.

Our whole lives are spent looking for substitutions or imitations, like Zoom meetings that approximate success, which leaves our greatness or Divine Selves on the bench crying, ‘Put me in coach.’ We have been taught to look for substitutions that are outside of ourselves. An example is using steroids to build muscle instead of training. They seem to work at the beginning, only to cannibalize the body at a later date. Another example is reading only bestsellers instead of being lifetime learners who don’t read what low resonating people are reading. Some people look at life as a mountain, they want someone or something (spouse, company, an app, social media, government, protein powder) to lift them up by the scruff of the neck and place them at the top of the mountain. They want to be told by someone or something (CPA, spouse, society, DCs seeing a handful of people each week, the MD down the street) that they are there already and they have no other work to do: take your foot off the pedal and coast.


Profile in Courage

It takes no courage to live in the past, courage to live in the present is an awakening

let go

Is this your story?

 First, of course, my practice has increased and continues to grow. Practice is now fun and exciting and I feel I haven’t even scratched the surface of where I can go. You showed me that I can make an awesome living while practicing the way Chiropractic was supposed to be practiced. I consider this awesome, but what is more amazing are the other parts that have changed. As you know, I was as shy as they come. I was always taught to just fit-in, don’t make waves. Basically to live in a shell and only come out when appropriate, like sporting events. Then it was considered ok. You showed me I was missing out on so much that I was only half-alive. I was in the fog. Big time

 Every Chiropractor I have ever helped comes to me with past histories of experiences, beliefs, expectations of others, let downs, feelings of not being good enough, etc. In every case, they don’t support where the Chiropractor wants to be now.

 Without addressing these limitations, practice and life will be a disappointing and unfulfilling uphill battle.

These things from the past may or may not have affected them or been useful when they were younger. They can only act as limiters or saboteurs of high achievement in the present. They are not useful now and they are not going to grow without moving from the past to the present.

Some things are easier said than done: just stop smoking, lose weight, see more people, earn more income. It’s never a shortage of how to something. You know how to do it, but something always seems to get in the way. It’s the hidden resistance that invisibly sabotages you every time you attempt something courageous or bold.

It never ceases to amaze me how many coaches, consultants, BSOs (bright shiny objects for income generation), and online sources of input Chiropractors resort to as they attempt to avoid, deny, or somehow not address these underlying issues.

Chiropractors keep searching over and over for something easier and more convenient or something that can be accomplished on Zoom, etc. This is wishful thinking. In reality, these things are short-lived.

Everything you are most proud of accomplishing has been done face-to-face and experientially with a person who firmly held your feet to the fire (accountability) and hopefully made it fun.

There are no simple solutions to complex problems. The Chiropractor in the above story was on the verge of quitting this great profession and becoming a park ranger. That would have been such a waste of incredible talent. He is full of compassion, is humanitarian, and is one hell of a Chiropractor. There is not a mother or father alive today that would not be proud of the man, spouse, father, and Chiropractor this father of three has become.

With my coaching, it’s not just the change in the individual, but the impact of these changes on a larger level that is so profoundly significant. His spouse, kids, community, and Chiropractic are well served in his sector of the galaxy.


DCME confidential


Question 1: How can I learn how to accept DCMEs into my office?

Answer: Be at the DCME training on February 27th.

Question 2: How can I find answers to my questions about DCMEs?

Answer: Be at the DCME training on February 27th.