TNR Happenings, February 8, 2021

TNR Happenings 2.8

Super Bowl Celebration

You know the story: take a 43-year old quarterback off of a dynasty team and let him languish a year or two in exile on a dead team like so many aging quarterbacks have done before him. Tom Brady had other ideas in mind. This is diametrically opposed to the exit strategies we see in so many other industries.  On their Farewell Tours, aging rock stars would look out over the crowd and wonder, who were all of those old people with the pained grimaces on their faces singing one of their songs from decades ago. Tom Brady is a performer at the top of his game that is resetting the bar of age and expectations.


February 27, DCME

Why wouldn’t you want to do DCMEs? That is the premise of the DCME training. What are the invisible forces that rear their ugly heads and conspire against you every time you venture above and beyond the tried and true industry standards? This is perhaps one of the most fiercely avoided training sessions since a Health Awareness Seminar training that we had years ago where we videotaped the members doing a HAS. Multiple members left their tickets at the door and bailed at the last minute. A person who is in bad shape walks into your office and you say you’re going to recommend Level 2. Then you walk into the room and what happens…MEOW! Those past beliefs, along with the industry dogma, your community’s expectations, your pride with your symptom-relieving reputation,  and thinking about what people will say, all gang up on you and back you down to 3x a week for 12 weeks like a good little boy or girl. Breakthrough your inner resistance to earn what you are worth once and for all and touch some of the untouchables (people considered outside of Chiropractic care, like an aging quarterback thinking he can win a Super Bowl.) Chiropractors avoid these untouchables like the plague (a real plague, not a plandemic).


Practice tip of the week

Be smart, not stubborn. During this mass hysteria, there have been many mandates in our offices, from wearing masks, spraying tables, wearing plastic facial shields, and social distancing (how are you going to adjust them?) to practices without artificial restrictions. Stay in your lane. If you are in a state where local and state regulations are okay without a mask and a practice member asks you to wear one just for them, think of the big picture. For a clueless practice member who knows nothing about health, you are bending over for all the wrong reasons. Don’t do it. Your spirit, income, and belief will be mortally wounded. You will be like a balloon with too much air in it, ready to explode at people who have nothing to do with it. Let the Chiropractor down the street perform DOT physicals because they have to make a buck. What will the other non-mask people think when they see you pandering to this non-believer. It’s time to make a stand for health instead of passively going along with this nonsense. My neighbor had double masks on when his dog ran into our yard the other day and it made me think of the new thing happening to Beta males: the undescended testicle syndrome. Researchers have been attempting to figure out why modern digital males have such a sharp decline in testosterone. UTS is a reality in a neutered (couldn’t help myself) world where the principle is unwanted and not desired. Are you waiting for politicians, disease officials, celebrities (did you see all the propaganda on the Super Bowl commercials suggesting how to think, act, and do your part comrade?), or society in general to tell you its okay to believe in health and to have opposing thoughts to the obedient ones? Let others voluntarily surrender their freedom. It’s your life, live it as if it matters.


Everything is connected

I’m sure you have heard about the Game Stop shares going up and making people millionaires overnight. A relative of one of our members became one of those instant millionaires and donated $900 to Love Has No Color! We have had things like this happen in the past when people had received money from settlements or inheritances. Make sure everyone in your office knows that Love Has No Color fundraises twelve months a year. If they need additional information or want to speak to me directly, make it happen. It’s so gratifying to know that the Love Has No Color funds actually go directly to help the kids on the Fort Peck Reservation, rather than being swallowed up in salaries, expenses, marketing, consultants, etc. With some large organizations, less than ten cents per dollar actually goes to help the cause. Gulp!


Love Has No Color news

I have spoken with Kenny about this summer’s Boot Camp/Fun Days. I can’t predict the future but I’m inclined to believe that there will be less lockdown. Kenny wants to make this year’s effort extra special. I am reaching out to each and every one of our members and asking you to blackout those dates on your calendar. We should have them in the next few weeks. Bring your families. Bring VIP practice members. Let Chiropractic colleagues know how much fun you have every summer. No dead weight, whiners, or high maintenance people allowed. They can benefit the kids by donating, not by attending if they need babysitting. It’s all about the kids.


From the Mind of Miyagi


Let go of things that no longer serve you. At what point does having an opinion and speaking up become stubbornness and getting in the way of your growth and adaptation? This is a good question for all of us. It’s more of a paradox to be experienced, rather than a question to be answered. In our past histories, all of us have emotions, thoughts, and expectations of others that do not serve us any longer. Even though they originated in the past, they sabotage us in the present and will not change until released and new input is put over them. These are invisible for the most part, but they create effects in our lives that you can see. Sometimes these outdated beliefs and experiences prevent you from achieving at high levels. Other times they prevent you from feeling great about yourself, that you belong, or that you make a difference. They also affect your self-worth and the ability to be loved.

Here are a few invisible beliefs that will explain why your goals seem just out of reach. If you failed at something and your mother or father comforted you, this, in turn, would form a deep-seated belief in failure that you would emotionally associate with receiving love and comfort. Oh, oh!  How about this one: you were not one of your mother or father’s favorites? No matter what your achievements are, you will feel hollow and futile, like you’re in too deep and this is all there is, or you will chain yourself to the boulder of Sisyphus. Your life will sound like this: did you hear about your brother, your sister, your cousin, etc. You are an afterthought and are always compared to someone else.

When you are in the jaws of mass hysteria, or any other crisis, failure to grow is a sure sign that one of these invisible or forgotten hauntings is draining your personal power. You will have been exposed, just like when you find out you have an illness. There is an ‘ah-ha’ moment that awaits you on a Head-to-Head when you really see it for the first time. Part of the Head-to-Head experience is having someone you can trust construct or put together things that you overlook and put all the pieces of your life together for you. Your life will start to make sense like it never had before.

Most members have a minimum of two Head-to-Heads per year. You will not grow your practice and yourself without doing the dirty work. Sure, you can resort to BSOs and your practice may or may not grow; however, you will sacrifice your principle and a part of you fades or dies. I see this in so many former members who have stopped coaching. Not only do their offices change, but they also do as well. Their spouses must accept the substitutes or imitations of their former selves and the kids get to see distracted parents absorbed in the world of self-gain. This is so sad and predictable to witness in once-great Chiropractors.


Profiles in Courage

“The story behind the story”

Everyone has a story

What is your story?

 “After having a few days to think about the incident, I realize very clearly that what I said that I would do was 100% an attempt to get X’s attention. That doesn’t discount what I said at all. I clearly have some things that need to be talked through and I really need to find some ways to properly deal with the differences between X and me. These differences have always existed, but it’s time that we take some steps towards making them manageable because they aren’t going away and they won’t fix themselves.”

 There is always a story behind the story. This is called the tip of the iceberg concept. What you are concerned about, frustrated with, or annoyed at is the effect or the tip of the iceberg. It’s not the real problem. The real problem is the story behind the story. What lies below the surface, invisible and smoldering, is the 80-90% mass of the iceberg that is the cause of your current problems.

The tip of the iceberg or the immediate concerns for most of my clients is more new patients and making more money. Of course, they are problems, but there is a story that continues to limit the problems and creates a ceiling on them. Even a new bright shiny object, new computer software, or following a DC online that’s revealing his secrets to success won’t fix them. The story behind the story with this real-life example above is a chronic unsatisfying relationship with no easy fixes because there are no simple solutions to complex problems.

For the less discerning DC that doesn’t have the maturity or courage to face the story behind the story, it is much easier to cover up the problem and pretend it’s not there or buy something to create the illusion that the problem is solved. Short-term fixes create long-term problems.

A lot of the Chiropractors that I have coached had been around the block once or twice and had not found what they were looking for with other coaches, consultants, and advisors. This is similar to how most Chiropractors churn and burn new patients with a minuscule patient visit average instead of learning the laws of retention, communication, and patient education. Their previous coaches were paid to tell the Chiropractor what they wanted to hear, like new-fangled ways of how to get more low-quality new patients. As contrarian or counterintuitive as it sounds, I am paid to tell Chiropractors what they don’t want to hear: you’ve got to learn how to keep and multiply your patients.

Lots and lots of Chiropractors are in circumstances not to their liking. The only factor that matters is the willingness and ability to do something about it and stick to it. Quitting when the going gets rough is a natural response in the do-over, let others do your thinking society. For the discerning minority, it’s a call to arms and action to move from where you are to where you want to be.

Many times it’s not your fault that you have been thrust into circumstances not of your choice: illness, injury, kid’s health, a parent’s ill health, etc.; but it is your responsibility to get out of your circumstances.

For that, you are going to need some guidance from a coach who will not sugar coat what needs to be done and who will challenge you while also making it fun.

What’s your story?    


DCME confidential


Question 1: The son of a practice member is a DCME and urgently needs care. The problem is, they can’t afford it. What should I do?

Answer: Find a DCME that has the ability and willingness to be in integrity with all the other DCMEs on the planet that found a way to make it happen. Don’t compromise or cave, you’ll wish you hadn’t.

Question 2: One of my DCMEs wants an itemized, line by line accounting of all the services they have received in the DCME care. Is this usual?

Answer: No. You are probably going to be put through the wringer. They are going to check with insurance coverage, etc. If there are strings attached, the DCME is not a good fit. Most DCMEs are thrilled with the opportunity for such care with no strings attached.