TNR Happenings, January 17, 2022

TNR Happenings 1.17

DCME Training Is This Weekend!

Don’t miss this opportunity to sit beside a few people who don’t think like the majority of others. I used to love sitting beside people who were doing what I wanted to do. They had an aura that I was attracted to. This aura wasn’t something the average person could sense, especially if they were busy following the social script of the world of appearance.  Some of the most frustrating, personal power-burning moments in your life are with people you expect should know what you know or people you expect better from. Each person must make their individual journey; you can’t drag your spouse or children with you. What other seminars can you attend today where you won’t be surrounded by people who insist on being average, who continue to exclude others after all of these years, who won’t go the extra mile, or who insist on believing what they are told and are fighting mad about it? TNR training is a homecoming and a vacation away from ignorance. We sit together at a table and form an experiential community. A high resonating bubble insulates us from the wailings and gnashing of teeth of the majority. Raised voices, tears, raw emotions, and a forgotten stranger, truth, will be present in spades. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to experience live training. There is no substitution for it.



Love Has No color News

Have you noticed the brainwashing tactics that are being used according to ethnic beliefs, economics, education levels, what people value, etc.? The tactics are not one-size-fits-all. They figure out what people don’t want to give up and then they find a way within the judicial or government system to steal it. The only question that matters is, what vehicle is to be used to incite fear and terror in the population to be controlled? On many Native American websites, there is HUGE social pressure to be covid compliant. Web sites featuring Native American products and services have pictures of an aged Native with a sad face and the headline says, “What are you going to tell your grandmother when you bring home covid?” This is so guilt-laden and effective. Natives are among the highest compliant population in the world. They have lived in third-world conditions on POW camps known as Reservations for so long, the compliance and giving up is now generational. If you resonate even a molecule above 200 (courage), you can see this brainwashing tactic: asking them to participate in a maladaptive solution to a non-existent problem.


Round 2 For Canadians Will Be On Thursday, Jan 27th at 9:00 p.m. EST

We will be featuring a second video conference for our Canadian members on Thursday, January 27th at 9:00 p.m. The curriculum will be kept secret until presentation time. Newer TNR members are asked to let the information wash over you; don’t try to understand it when you first hear it. With time, you will begin to understand.


A Moment of Silence for Bacon

Bacon passed away yesterday. He was 13.5 years old yet still acted like a puppy until very recently. He never grew tired of retrieving tennis balls and swimming in our pond, no matter how sore he would be for the next few days. He was the best friend of Brent, our fire keeper for the sweat ceremonies. We’ll miss you, Bacon.

From the Mind of Miyagi


The Fork In The Road

One of the most frustrating places in life to be is at a fork in the road. Like a frog being boiled one degree at a time, you don’t notice it until your life has hit the shits. You have traveled as far as you can until you have to make a decision. Even though you know you are at this point, your ego (past history and comfort zone) urges you with everything it has to keep doing the same thing in this futile cycle. You keep spinning your wheels, regardless of how painful it is. Society, spouse, family, religion, friends, and social media all have their hooks in you even if you don’t outwardly feel the pressure.

Here are a few examples of the messes we get into. 

A TNR member married a woman with a teenager. Relationships are treacherous enough, but there was an added degree of difficulty because the teenager came along with the package. This teenager kept saying, “You’re not my father” and had almost nothing to do with the new dad. The relationship between the adults became strained and the father felt like a stranger in his own house. The DC felt like the woman’s love for him was evaporating, leaving him in a hopeless circumstance. The mother and the son had an alliance and other than economics, the new dad felt left out. There are no simple solutions to complex problems.

In our next example, we have a doctor who is hampered by economics. She has tried doing DCME/Level 2 only a few times but developed migraine headaches. She opted out of doing DCME/Level 2 and sticks with simple cases of cricks and sprains. It’s more comfortable for her, even though she is tens of thousands of dollars per month undervalued. She retorts, “At least I have a job!” Her patients rip her off, force her to wear a mask, and social trace her. Her CAs hold monthly mutinies and demand more money to do less. Her spouse is getting verbally aggressive. She walks on eggshells at home and in the office. One of her children is ridden with anxiety and a fear for life. There are no simple solutions to complex problems.

 Our last example is a doctor who let others in authority ruin her practice through intimidation; she was fearful and had a general lack of courage. Her gross production through December was down over $200,000 from the previous year. A lot of her patients have covid. She stopped doing her Health Awareness Seminar, lowered her recommendations, only takes easy musculoskeletal problems, and gets run over by her practice members. She is a people pleaser at heart and came to TNR to exorcise her demons to reclaim her life. For years she was doing just that but when the government declared war on its own people, something snapped deep inside of her, bringing on a debilitating fear that paralyzed her on a daily basis. She is having daily panic attacks, is on medicine, and her relationships at home are crumbling. She had bought new software and hired new CAs. Now she finds herself at the fork in the road. She continues to skip training sessions under the guise of regulations and punishment from the government, as well as her husband. One could make a case for a sabbatical of Miracle Training with me for 90 days because she also has thoughts of self-harm and taking the easy way out. She is on a non-sustainable path that will cost her more than her practice.

Do you see parts of yourself in any of these examples? How many others are affected when a decision is not reached? Mercifully, most people don’t find themselves at the fork in the road so decisions are incremental and change reaps benefits rapidly. Those who find themselves at the fork in the road have one thing in common: chronicity. The longer it goes on, the harder the decisions seem to be. Making these decisions will cause some to be happy while others will be unhappy. They will express their displeasure to you and lay a pile of guilt upon you; this may include spouses, parents, in-laws, friends, siblings, etc.              


DCME Confidential


See you on Saturday!