TNR Happenings January 18, 2021

TNR Happenings 1.18

DCME Training on February 27!

The wait is over and it’s finally here! Much has been written and spoken in TNR circles about the hidden and not so hidden consequences of having a halt in training. Being worn down is the inevitable result: from putting your tail down and agreeing with the mass hysteria to health issues, relationship strain, financial stasis, and allowing antelopes to piss on lions. You have a community in TNR that will help keep you on track. There is a price for being low resonating. It has nothing to do with academics, technique, or the type of software you have. Surrounding you today is a censoring majority that wants to do your thinking for you and will take very active steps to resist you and block you from bringing health or differing beliefs to light. Speak only when spoken to and keep your thoughts to yourself. What else is new? Galileo was under house arrest for his later life by the prevailing power at the time (church instead of the government) because he dared to say the earth was not the center of the universe. His voice was not appreciated and he recanted to save his life, unlike Copernicus, who was tortured and burned for his beliefs that didn’t hurt anyone and happened to be true. Make every effort to attend this DCME training; your very life (not a metaphor) may depend on this training. Special $200 off savings to kick off our 2021 training schedule will be in effect for the next three weeks.


Practice tip of the week

Be firm, not fundamentalist or militant. If you were a personal trainer and a client was attempting to tell you how many times they wanted to come in, would you listen to them? Don’t you realize that you are paying for your own sabotage? Your clinical results will decline because of your lack of courage. You wouldn’t act that way if you didn’t have a fear that you couldn’t replace them with quality new patients. This is where the rubber hits the road. We start negotiating, caving, and people-pleasing when we are desperate. When we are strong and have a continuing stream of new patients who want to join your community and not dictate the terms, life becomes very clear and uncomplicated. Build your office community with quality, not necessarily quantity. Weeds are not flowers. Answering rhetorical questions will not do what you think it does. By being socially polite, you are making disease real and keeping people from hearing about health. These types of patients are not going to change their minds or put in the necessary commitment to bring health to their families. They are in it solely for themselves. They also won’t accept you as a leader.


From the Mind of Miyagi


There is an art form to imparting strength, confidence, and inspiration to what is already within us. Every time you do this it connects us to all people who have done this before or will do this in the future. Like quantum physics, the whole spider web is connected and when the smallest corner of the web is touched, this touch is felt in every corner of the web. Holographically, each fiber of the net contains and mirrors the entire web. I attempt to phrase things and create writings and tools that you can use that inspire you above and beyond the intended usage. Being a warrior, being courageous, and standing for principle are not just cutesy sayings or online affirmations to fire you up. It’s an orientation to life. It’s like putting sunglasses on, they color everything you look at.

I wrote this article years ago. Note that it talks about the bird flu, swine flu, etc. but the principles remain. Don’t get sucked into the mass hysteria.


Are You a Lapdog or an Akita Chiropractor?

 Kuma was the first dog my wife and I ever owned. He was an Akita. Akitas are renowned as loyal and also intelligent dogs and because of their intelligence are easily bored. Like Akitas, if we as DCs aren’t challenged or have meaning in our lives and practices, we check out mentally and can become destructive to ourselves, others around us, as well as our inner circle. They are a proud breed and they have an innate understanding that they serve a critical function in a sometimes topsy-turvy world. They stand for loyalty, courage, adventure, and purpose. They will gladly pay with their life for things they protect. As DCs, how many of us measure up to this standard?

 With the national average of patient visits per week dipping below one hundred, the number of Akitas in our profession is dropping. How can two DCs graduating from the same class with the same instructors, have practices that can vary so much? One protects and serves and has a huge practice, a huge income, and a fulfilling life. The other has a small practice and gives up their heritage and philosophy to fit in like a socially acceptable lapdog. Lapdogs are wonderful pets, however, they don’t have Heath Awareness Seminars or New Patient Orientations every week. They don’t attempt to educate. They also look toward the insurance guidelines as their adopted parents and do as they are told. Akitas are a very independent bunch and will often disagree with their owners to save their lives.

When the wind howls or you think you hear noises around your house at night you are going to wish you had an Akita. Lapdogs are great dogs, however, their function is not to guard your family. Economic adversity is the greatest adventure an Akita Chiropractor faces. They are at their best when there is a clear and present danger. The lapdog runs under the bed when trouble breaks out. Akitas swim in open water in the coldest of winters and run for miles in the hottest summers.

The Akita has a reputation for sometimes being aggressive towards strangers. They are not aggressive as much as wary of close-minded people who don’t embrace and accept new concepts…like subluxation-based Chiropractic. As Akita DCs we lay awake at night wondering how parents, because of their closed-mindedness, can make their own children pay the price of poor health. How many times do you hear, “I would never take my child to a Chiropractor”, and yet their child is on 19 medications per day? Akita Chiropractors display the courage of integrity. They display their truth, rather than look for acceptance from the lapdog society.

The lapdog society is in a frenzy about the bird flu, swine flu, and the like. It’s a classic tale of the dog chasing its tail. In this topsy-turvy world, the Akita DC calls chaos to order and helps people who are brave enough to get out of their owner’s laps and stand on their own two (four!) legs. Akitas are fierce and action directed in the face of oppression or any person who attempts to harm children. Akitas are paradoxically very quiet and rarely bark. When they bark there is danger…you better listen and be aware. The same is true for DCs. When you silence your voice of knowing better, especially about children’s health, something inside of you dies and you decay into a shadow of your original splendor, into a domesticated, socially accepted lap dog.

It is amazing how many lapdogs are yearning to be Akitas. They want to become leaders and authorities on health and wellness; however, they aren’t strong enough to withstand being ground down by the disease-minded majority. Kuma didn’t care who took him out for a walk and an adventure each day. If you weren’t a leader he sensed it and he would take you out for a walk. He would constantly be yanking the (your) chain, trying to run away, and it would not be a lot of fun. And yet, if you had a great relationship with him, including leadership and authority, walking him was a pleasure. Same with your patients: they will negotiate or ignore your recommendations if they don’t sense your authority and leadership abilities.

 We can learn a lot from Akitas: loyalty, courage, adventure, and purpose. When your practice suffers from the lapdog syndrome and continues to atrophy, more of a lap dog will only intensify the situation. Liberate yourself and become the Akita DC you always wanted to be. Your spouse, your children, and your practice members will notice the new dog on the prowl. Enjoy the Akita difference.


Profiles in Courage

Take off the armor

Is this your story?


Thanks, Dr. Kevin, I am putting my armor in the closet, I don’t need it anymore. Let me explain. My entire life I had built a suit of armor to try to protect myself and strive for acceptance at all costs, especially to my own self-worth and growth. I have always thought this armor protected me and served me in battle, but the armor I had on didn’t fit anymore. I couldn’t grow to the person I needed to be in that outdated suit of armor. My Head-to-Head experience opened my eyes to the fact that I don’t need armor, that’s outside-in-protection. I am good enough right now. I know that growth can’t come without risk and commitment, but I don’t have that fear in my belly anymore and I am ready to pay the toll for change. I had the best armor in the world and all it was doing was protecting a lowered self-image. Thank you again for helping me tap into the internal courage, strength, wisdom, and integrity that I possess. I can now see the warrior I am, the warrior I need to become and will become, allowing me to set the world on fire. I have a new sense of love, gratitude, and appreciation for my life, wife, patients, and practice. The warrior’s path starts from within and I am forever grateful to be on that path with The New Renaissance.    

 All Chiropractors have methods or strategies that they use to protect themselves professionally as well as personally. An example is letting people get away with things and pretending you don’t see it or care. Putting up these walls or wearing the masks serve us in the short term but eventually they slowly turn into prisons. They prove to be ineffective to wall out pain, guilt, or the pressures of serving the public, being there for loved ones, or being someone others can trust and depend on.

Like a scab, armor and masks initially protect our open wounds like difficult childhoods, weaknesses, etc. But in exchange for this protection, we become hardened, numb, or stop feeling. We lose our sense of aliveness, of being in the moment, and our purpose and meaning in life. We become hollowed out versions of ourselves.

So many of the Chiropractors I have helped had lost their spirit or their identity while still searching for the quick fix or easy button. They thought they weren’t smart enough and needed more letters behind their name or to learn a new technique. This sense of loss may manifest itself as chronic CA woes, new patient issues, income, debt, insurance dependency, marital strife, illness, kids don’t respect you, etc. They predictably kept looking for something outside of themselves to solve the problem: a new add on, a piece of software, an expensive social media campaign of driving in low-quality new patients, SEO, or a bright shiny object of new patient attraction that would rescue them.

These things may or may not work temporarily but, like a drug, they come with huge side effects and can actually cannibalize or kill the very body they were designed to help.

 Taking down the facades or armor and masks that we wear is not easy. After all, we’ve had them for so long. They are so familiar and comfortable for us and our stubborn pride keeps them in place. With help from their spouse, friends, CPA, the IRS, etc., the Chiropractors that I have helped finally gained the insight that what was not working in their life would keep them from where they needed to go.

When you realize your old strategies don’t work any longer and you can start being honest about who you are, mistakes and all, without putting your armor or mask on, you are ready for my help.


DCME confidential


Buy your ticket to the DCME Training immediately as they are discounted for the next three weeks only.