TNR Happenings, January 25, 2021

TNR Happenings 1.25

Live DCME Training on Saturday, Feb 27th

Depending on what part of the country you live in or if you are in a country that is imposing martial lockdown on its citizens, you may indeed be subjected to temperature checks (still voluntary in most areas, just say no!) and masks to get to Norwood. But at the training, masks will not be allowed. How’s that for being contrarian? If you insist on being a good comrade, your credit card will be swiped for $500 for LHNC. That’s a fine that will actually do some good. Without giving it away, this DCME training is going to be very experiential. You will be walked step-by-step through DCME cases. You will take the reigns as if it were for your own DCME case. We will be having some guest stars, live or maybe (urghhh!) online, to help you adopt DCME cases into your office as mainstream, not off-menu, special order items. The discount on tickets lasts until Friday, February 5th. This will be held at TNR headquarters, which means you will be in the heart of things. I always show you something special from the vault of TNR history, etc.


Practice tip of the week

Intensify your habit of reading and studying. Having a casual love of the TNR journey will not cut it. So many distractions are always around us, gobbling up our limited personal power. The Chiropractors who carve out study times and add input to increase and keep their resonation high, always have the most fun, miracles, and economics in practice. Most people never read a book other than what is popular or on the bestsellers’ list and continue to just watch entertaining movies and videos. This does not support your resonation whatsoever. Dr. David Hawkins of Power vs Force fame says the average adult doesn’t rise 5 points of resonation in their lifetimes. Think of your parents…urghhh! Of course, you can read your escapism trashy novels, visit your favorite torrid websites, etc. Feed your mind as well. A member confided in me that they were not reading the TNR happenings each week because they were too busy. That’s not true. Like a practice member that’s losing altitude, this wonderful Chiropractor is confronted with a problem that seems like it doesn’t have a solution. If only they knew the solution is in the TNR happenings but they have to look deep to decipher it. They do not understand that high resonation is an effect of an intense thirst that must be quenched. Normal living does not quench this thirst. I would run to the fax machine when my mentor Dr. Joe Flesia would send his newsletter. If I was in the middle of seeing patients, I would set it on my desk and would read it at the end of the shift.


Kenny Smoker and Love Has No Color

I have been in contact with Kenny Smoker and things on the Reservation are still fearful, confusing, and locked down. I don’t know for sure, but by August I trust we will be able to have our Summer Fun Day celebration with the kids with no restrictions, or modest ones at best. The point here is to GROW YOUR PRACTICE like you never have before. Get people involved, really involved. Have VIP contests that incentivize practice members for referrals, etc., and have them join us on the Reservation. Having a few grand prize winners fly with you to the Reservation will really create a stir in your office. A $700 dollar airline ticket for 10 referrals, do the math. They will get a chance to experience Love Has No Color alongside you. You want these advocates in your office. Remember, you don’t babysit them; they will do their own thing. I would like to have our strongest showing this year. I need help from each and every one of you: donations, people attending, pods, and talent. Everyone in Love Has No Color has a humanitarian heart, shared interests, and a common purpose. We want leaders, people who get along with everybody. In all the years we have been doing this, we have only had a couple of nudges that turned out to be high maintenance, like complaining Chiropractors who were upset the minute they found out there was no room service at the Homestead. In these uncertain times, true leaders ask for more commitment, not less.


From the Mind of Miyagi


Why is it so difficult to keep our consciousness at high levels? Yes, the plandemic sure doesn’t help, but this difficulty was there before. Keeping our consciousness at high levels is nothing new. In fact, in 106 BC a Greek statesman, lawyer, and orator named Cicero spoke of some things that would get in the way of being awakened so you could truly think for yourself. He talked about tapping into a divine higher power instead of letting others think for you, dictate your life, and help themselves to the fruits of your labors. He was assassinated for his efforts, followed by Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, etc. Our consciousness is at extreme risk during periods of social or personal turmoil. Now we are in a period like the world has never seen before. We are at war with ourselves against an invisible foe that is controlled and manipulated for profit and power. This is from Cicero:

“The illusion that personal gain is made up of crushing others;

The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or corrected;

Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it;

Refusing to set aside trivial preferences;

Neglecting development and refinement of the mind and not acquiring the habit of reading and study;

And attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.”

 My mentor, Dr. Joe Flesia, used to repeat over and over the need for training or homework, as he used to call it. I would remind him that Chiropractors have families, responsibilities, hobbies, etc. He would then say firmly and with a growl, “The world does not need more lukewarm, on paper, principled Chiropractors.” Try saying that three times quickly. Without constant and continual input, you will not increase your resonation. You get worn down by the suffering and hopelessness of those around you, plain and simple. Resonation and consciousness is the solution to all of life’s woes even though 99.9% of people, including politicians, lawyers, advocates for armed conflict, advocates for discrimination and fundamentalism, and one thought movements so popular today, will never understand. No matter how good of a fisherman you think you are, fishing in polluted waters only gets polluted fish. More of what doesn’t work is not going to help. More force will not suffice as a substitute for real power. Resolution is win-win and amelioration, which is the gold standard in our society, decides how much one should win and the other should lose. Think of divorce, wills, war, lawsuits, etc.

Levels of energy:

  • Mediocrity- considered by society as being a good comrade, harmless, obedient, wears masks at home and while driving, you’re not going to get warm with them when they walk into a room, no threat to opposing the majority thought, will do what they are told with a bit of force (fines, imprisonment, crabs in a box mentality, squealing on each other, economic threats to livelihood) to remind them of their position in society.
  • Excitement- a momentary stimulation from something that attracts you, usually in the form of a blog, video, book (usually a self-help book that validates your beliefs and viewpoints). This is a transient neurological flutter that never changes a class of behavior or programming. Examples of these are online marketing that will flood your office with new patients while you sleep and your videos will become viral. Is the object to get people in and have them stay in (healthier people healthier planet) or to entertain people on social media? Excitement is the lure that the digital society throws at unsuspecting viewers who want excitement in their lives, no matter how temporary. Excitement is like the honeymoon era in relationships. Examples of the hand grenades that you, I, and everyone else have stepped on are Bright Shiny Objects. They don’t have to be only new patients or wealth attractors; they also are solutions to your relationship woes, parenting, health, fitness, and dog obedience. I coached a DC a few years back that hired an excitement coach. The coach sent the DC an exciting video on a daily basis. $1,000 a month for a cookie-cutter solution that over-promised and, of course, under-delivered. They fool people into confusing activity with achievement levels.
  • Emotion- a deeper stimulation that changes behavior for a short time. Examples range from fitness to martial arts and weight loss. Even if you get in the groove for a bit and see some results, you probably won’t carry the torch for long. This is especially true if there simply was not enough spirit behind it and passion was not generated. You were so sure you would wake up tomorrow and exercise or show your son how to play baseball that you started reading a self-help book, like the ones that are so popular with people not seeking results, just activity levels. Think of all the visits mothers take their neurologically impaired kids to with no thought of clinical results.
  • Passion- an ongoing neuro hormonal flush sustained by the appropriate training, worldview, orientation, and lifestyle. This is offered nowhere in our society. There are no shortcuts online or offline available. People look for it in churches, online seminars, new-age retreats, self-help workshops, the internet, etc. Passion is not popular because it seems too hard to acquire and requires too much work, so why bother? It’s old fashioned, self-generated (as opposed to watching YouTube), and you are given no guarantees or do-overs; and you must govern yourself instead of giving up your rights and have someone watch over you, like a parent, spouse, or the government. It’s all voluntary. Nobody can give you passion; you must earn it, nurture it, and protect it from contamination. The reward: it can get you into or out of anything you get yourself in.

High states of awareness or consciousness have always been available throughout the annals of history. There are no barriers to attaining it. You don’t have to be educated, at a certain wealth level, religious, etc.  Jesus, Gandhi, and Mother Theresa did not own a computer. Technology plays no part in the development of your consciousness level, despite people’s fascination with digital. It can’t get you there. Nobody knows and nobody cares about sages, mystics, or prophets’ diets, or if their feet were pronated, if they had a one-inch short leg on the right, or if they drank enough water, etc. We are dragged and inculcated into mediocrity with a constricted, limited awareness that doesn’t change throughout our lives. With our TNR training, you start to get little glimpses of a higher resonation. First, you pass through the stage of your partner making fun of your pilgrimages to TNR events. Then they see a better version of you. They have the opportunity to clean up their acts as well. Then they become fans of your new behaviors because there is more of you to share. You are lighter and less self-absorbed, with compassion and understanding for all.

When your resonation is low, you default to technique and technology. When results are not attained you may say God has other plans or that you are not missing anything. It’s already in you, available to all, although it needs to be developed, so there is no lack. As you have heard me say, “You wake up each morning with everything you will ever need.”  Part of being involved with DCMEs is that inevitable gnawing in your gut wondering if you will be able to help this person. Or asking, have all the miracles been used up? Will you allow others to dissuade you from helping a human being who has been left behind comfortless? It’s certainly much safer and comfortable to never journey to higher consciousness so you will never be exposed. Nobody will ever blame you as a DC, ND, or other for not performing a miracle; after all, the TV shows are about real doctors and lawyers, not us.

With the current plandemic firmly in place but showing signs of rust already, what has your reaction been to it? Your reaction is predicated on your resonation or awareness. Not your IQ, amount of money you have, what technique you practice, or how white your teeth are, etc. As a 9-year college-trained doctor, are you letting politicians who are supposedly meant to serve the people (instead of themselves and their political parties) tell you what to think? Medical people are very much like war people. Talking about peace to an army general or a defense contractor is useless. Their lack of resonation prevents them from ever looking at anything outside of their previous beliefs. They can’t hear you and don’t want to. I can disagree because of my superior resonation, I don’t start acting like a comrade. I continue to help people who allow me to help them.

At high states of consciousness, miracles happen continuously. At lowered states, there is woundedness, anxiety, disconnect with people, and, of course, fear. With every DC that has walked through the doors of TNR, I always wonder if they will embrace the vision and passion of being a once-in-a-lifetime DC or will they just be here long enough to get more money, the new house, the dissolution of debt, or the spouse off their backs. I have seen lots of transformations in Chiropractic offices and lives only to witness them degrade into BSO factories. I saw a bumper sticker in Montana that read, “8 seconds in the ring is worth a lifetime sitting in the stands.” It refers to riding a bull for 8 seconds with all the risks of death, injury, and ‘why am I doing this’. There is no question they feel alive and are willing to take the risk. Sooner or later, you won’t be able to keep on the bull (TNR training) any longer. Age, injury, disease, sorrow, and being worn down by society with all of its sufferings, claims their victims. Don’t add your name to the infinite resistance out there waiting for you. Training is the answer. As you know all too well, you will not hold yourself accountable. February 27 is the next official training event. I don’t care if you’re scared of DCMEs. I don’t care if you ever choose to do a DCME. They are not for everyone. Be a part of something bigger than you. Let your resonation soar with no apologies to others who are observing the world pass them by on their computers.


Profiles in Courage


“I didn’t ask to be here”

Why is this happening to me_

“Almost 7 months ago I had one of the worst tragedies that a person can go through. My world was turned upside down and I did not know which way was up. In the months that followed just getting out of bed was difficult, much less trying to run a practice and help others. Going into work was a huge task and my practice was suffering. I would lie in bed at night wondering if the office would still be open 6 months from now, if I would ever be financially stable, or should I get a part-time job to help my family. There were many times that I would get to the end of the day and say I quit, I don’t want to do this anymore. I had lost a belief in myself and a belief in Chiropractic. There are no coincidences and God definitely has a plan. In trying to figure out what to do, I thought about a speaker that I heard speak a few years ago and I remembered he said he had been through a similar situation. His name was Dr. Kevin Pallis.”

 How many times are we thrust into circumstances that we didn’t choose? We aren’t asked if these circumstances are okay with us. There is no granting permission or opting in; rather we are thrust into untoward circumstances and then we are forced to deal with the devastating consequences.    

 Examples of these devastating consequences are floods, fires, financial struggles, low confidence, miscarriages, insurance audits, IRS woes, your partner rolling over in bed and saying they don’t love you anymore, and your kids having an illness or special needs.

Why me? I did nothing to deserve this, yet the circumstances remain.

I’ve helped lots and lots of Chiropractors and have seen a common thread that binds us: being wounded and aliveness.

As much as you may protest, they are heads and tails of the same coin. They are like night and day, yin and yang.

I get asked to fix practices a lot by Chiropractors who don’t understand the dynamics of true prosperity. The wealth comes from inside of you, cleaning out the sludge. Think of lotto winners here: within a few years, they will surrender back the money and their relationships and families are shattered.

Without the hero’s journey of being wounded and experiencing despair, hopelessness, and the feeling that you are in too deep, you will never discover aliveness on your own. Instead of moving past the circumstances, we deny them and say it’s not so bad or we suffer in quiet desperation, rather than asking for help.

I’ve helped Chiropractors through all kinds of misfortunes and what I’ve discovered is that when they transcend the circumstances, they become alive again. They are a joy to be around.

There is no longer boredom, modest income, skepticism, negativity, the feeling of ‘is that all there is’, and the casualness that infects so many relationships.

Just because you can’t see the solutions doesn’t mean there are no solutions. You can claim your right to choose freedom: the freedom to transcend the problem and discover sustainable prosperity and joy.

Instead of complaining that yours is the worst problem the world has ever seen (it isn’t!), accept help from a guy who has seen quite a few Chiropractors turn their lives around.