TNR Happenings, January 31, 2022

TNR Happenings 1.31

The Tao of TNR

The date for the next TNR training will be announced this week. It will be the next opportunity to dip your toes, or more accurately, jump in headfirst to the Tao of TNR. This training has only been presented once before. It is all about the infinite spirit behind the concepts and ideas of TNR. Some may think it is new age, but it is far from it. Talking about the spirit for many is an excuse not to produce results. In TNR, it’s the next step beyond the limiting, analytical, and scientific logic that is so popular in our society. Remember science attempts to explain the mystery. Science is not the source of the mystery. Low resonating people think science is the source and use this as an excuse as to why they can’t express health unless it comes from the hallowed halls of the pharmaceutical, technology-laden labs. Learn to tap into the infinite and watch your results and economics increase as a consequence. Plan to join us!  

Tao of TNR

Love Has No Color News
I spoke to Kenny Smoker last week and we are planning something BIG for this summer’s Fun Days. Stay tuned for details. Did you watch the 2021 Christmas on the Reservation video that was emailed to you last Friday? It is a high-quality, professional video made by Kenny Smoker’s son, Scott. Show it in your office and to your donors. The fundraising for Christmas on the Reservation has ended and we haven’t officially started our Boot Camp/Fun Days fundraiser, but we accept donations all year long. We just received an unexpected, sizable donation from the parents of Dr. Derrick’s best friend. Remember: it’s always a good time to donate.

Ignorance Is Still Present
This morning the temperature was -6 degrees. On my way to the office, I saw a guy in his thirties shoveling out his mailbox after receiving 2 feet of snow on Saturday. He was wearing a medical mask and would walk away from the road every time a car came by. Does he not know that viruses don’t fare well in -6 degree weather? Is he afraid he will catch covid from a passing car or does he want to gain acceptance and support from other people who are playing their roles equally to perfection? That’s the thing with mandated directives from the government: they don’t ask for you to think or question, just do what you are told.

From the Mind of Miyagi


Are you losing your mind? Does it seem like more and more people are participating in the hoax?  With all of the lies and deception of this plandemic, there is an ingredient that doesn’t get much press. It’s patience. With patience, you will have the ability to endure and even thrive under duress. You also will not get sucked in while so many others do so. Many people disagreed with the hoax initially but when economic sanctions were used, they folded. When they were told they couldn’t attend holiday celebrations with family and friends, more caved. Being told they couldn’t travel welcomed more cavers. Whenever someone feels isolated or oppressed, they will also have an uncomfortable, accompanying feeling of aloneness. They can try to drown it by eating ice cream, bingeing on Net Flix, or playing on social media, but lo and behold, it’s still there.

Loneliness works on people little by little. They start turning to their devices, TVs, and the internet more often. That is the plan of the producers of this man-made fiasco. They know that the majority will cave and join in, regardless of their personal feelings. TNR-trained people have the ability to weather any storm, manmade or of a natural cause. Divorce, death, bankruptcy, and disease are all navigated by TNR members.  Many people outside of our group get gobbled up because their need to be accepted and to be part of a low consciousness crowd supersedes individual critical thinking.

In MA, the media posted the names of unvaccinated firefighters and first responders in an effort to bring shame on them and their families to get them to budge. This is a first. Confidentiality, right to privacy, and HIPPA be damned; this is much more important. Have you noticed the pirates of profit rearing their ugly heads? $25,000-$50,000 surcharges above MSRP on new vehicles even though it’s not legal to do this; with covid, anything goes. People are routinely being turned down for medical procedures because of the color of their vaccination status. People waiting for an organ transplant who are not vaccinated will find themselves removed from the list.

There is a lot of division between spouses when it comes to differing disease beliefs. Lots of parents are making decisions behind the other’s back. A little deception today will bring down the house at a future date when the deception is discovered. Parents are warring and divorce is happening at record numbers as kids are forced to pay the penalty of convenience, backroom deals, lawyer deals, etc. The kids are merely biological pawns with no voice and nobody protecting them. Every generation has had elders with wisdom protecting the next generation. What has happened to the wise and strong now?   

Throughout history, with no exceptions, people have felt lonely when they were in the crosshairs of a society with unlimited resources trying to force them back into the mainstream. Indigenous people all over the world had to run for the hills to escape murder, persecution, rape, and torture. Millions upon millions have been banished from their communities because they simply didn’t fit in and were punished because of their beliefs. Most of us don’t have a worldwide perspective of governmental coups, religious witch hunts, etc. because we have never been in one. Ideas leave not their source. The same type of thinking that has fueled these debacles in human history is fueling this one as well. And no, technology, science, and the judicial system don’t hold checks and balances for us. That has been taken away with our other freedoms and liberties. Rather, it’s being used as a weapon to give the illusion of truth with force, violence, and imprisonment. 

If you haven’t put it together by now, avail yourself of as many TNR trainings as humanely possible. Mini and regular Head-to-Heads are for those that absolutely are not able to travel.  For others who can travel, plan to have a Head-to-Head in person at TNR headquarters. Dr. Lisa holds regular trainings for Canadian TNR members. They are not social gatherings; they are live, experiential, and filled with emotion and passion. They really help keep the fire burning for these TNR members who are in lockdown. 

DCME Confidential


Question 1: My 14-year old DCME has emotional and mental impairment including cutting, depression, and anxiety. I get the distinct feeling that she is playing me and knows she is in charge in her household. I am joining dozens of other failed advocates who were trying to cure her. Help!

Answer: Some people welcome a person they can trust into their life, while others cling to the old and will actually sabotage your efforts. Do your best, don’t spare firmness and boundaries, and don’t buy into her fairy tales.

Question 2: My largest fee yet is for a 6-month-old DCME. How do I keep my spirit up for the entire time? At times I let my doubts and fears enter and start to accept the limitations other practitioners have set.

Answer: Pace yourself. Don’t let distractions take your mental energy. Go beyond the analytical linear. Miracles go beyond the limits others place on disease. Most diseases are very amendable to care even though most doctors quit too easily.